EdApp by SafetyCulture

Download these security awareness training materials for your employee training

We've compiled the most effective security awareness training material samples to help your team avoid cybersecurity risks. Turn them into engaging microlearning courses that employees can access through their laptops and mobile devices.

Security awareness training materials
Security awareness training materials  - Convert to microlearning courses with SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Modernize your free security awareness training materials and make them accessible anytime, anywhere

Make your security awareness training courses more accessible for your team through our mobile app. SC Training (formerly EdApp) can automatically convert training materials into powerful, interactive microlearning courses that are perfect for mobile. This way, your learners can complete their training anywhere, anytime. 

What should be in security awareness training?

Security awareness training should cover a range of topics to educate employees about potential security threats and promote a culture of vigilance and proactive risk management. You need to teach your team about safe online behavior, like using secure password practices, recognizing and avoiding phishing scams, and safeguarding sensitive information.

It's also crucial to educate your employees about security regulations and compliance requirements specific to your industry, including data privacy laws, industry standards, and internal policies.

Security awareness training materials  - What should be in security awareness training

Arm your workforce with skills to fight cybersecurity attacks with engaging security awareness training!

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

or book a demo with us today



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