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12 Free Public Speaking Training Courses

We've listed down the best free public speaking classes to help your employees learn various public speaking techniques and strategies. These will help them deliver impactful presentations and speeches.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) public speaking training course - Speaking with Confidence
Free Public Speaking Training Course #1

Communication in Project Management

SC Training (formerly EdApp) designed this free public speaking training course to help your employees gain a level of confidence when communicating with their team members, especially when managing projects. It provides tips and techniques for proper collaboration and delegation of tasks within a team. Aside from verbal communication, it also touches on effective writing.

This speech course is delivered in the form of microlearning. It also includes interactive elements, which make it more engaging than most of the things you would usually do in a public speaking class.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users), paid plans

Created By: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope: Introduction to communication, collaboration in the project team

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) public speaking training course - Excellent Customer Service through Communication
Free Public Speaking Training Course #2

Excellent Customer Service Through Communication

Also available on SC Training (formerly EdApp), Excellent Customer Service Through Communication can be used as a follow-through course on Speaking with Confidence Course. It helps your learners develop essential conversational skills by learning proper enunciation, understanding active listening, and building speaking confidence. Although this course is specifically designed for the customer service sector, the insights on improving communication skills are relevant to better public speaking. This course is free and completely editable so you can tailor it to your company-specific best practices before deploying it to your teams!

Cost: Free (up to 10 users), paid plans

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope:  Enunciation, active listening, confidence building

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Universal class public speaking training course - Motivational and Public Speaking 101
Public speaking training course #3

Motivational and Public Speaking 101

The Motivational and Public Speaking 101 course by Universal Class is intended to improve your employees’ approach to communicating a message to an audience. This public speaking training course provides foundation knowledge on effective communication and helps eradicate barriers in delivering a speech. It dives into a deeper understanding of the principles of a speech and aspects of public speaking. 

Universal Class provides a syllabus for each course and delivers lessons through videos that are only accessible via a web browser. It also includes review articles and exams for each lesson. Upon course completion, a minimum of 70 percent final is required to earn a certification.  

Cost: $50 USD (no certification) - $75 USD (with certification)

Created by: Universal Class

Scope: Characteristics of effective communication, techniques in constructing a speech, principles of a speech, ways of delivering a speech

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Google public speaking training course - Speaking in Public
Public speaking training course #4

Speaking in Public

Speaking in Public is a free public speaking training course available on Google Digital Garage. The lessons are designed to develop your employees into confident public speakers and educate them to tailor speeches to specific audiences. It covers preparation techniques in creating a speech, concepts on body language for communication, and best practices in delivering professional presentations. Insights from this public speaking class enable your employees to communicate more concise ideas within your teams and among your clients. 

Google Digital Digital Garage delivers its courses through short-form videos and includes a knowledge assessment at the end of every lesson for better knowledge retention.

Cost: Free

Created by Google Digital Garage

Scope: Defining the objectives of a speech, mastering body language and eliminating verbal tics, delivering a professional presentation

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) public speaking training course - Getting Your Voice Heard
Public speaking training course #5

Getting your Voice Heard

Getting your Voice Heard course is created by The Spark which is available for free in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course library. Being assertive is a vital aspect of communication, so this professional speaking class is designed to demonstrate a better approach to expressing themselves. In this public speaking training course, your employees will learn how to communicate assertively while still respecting the beliefs and values of their audience. It also includes lessons on the different response styles and frameworks for practicing assertiveness in communication. By understanding the importance of assertiveness in public speaking, your employees will carry out presentations, lead meetings, or pitch proposals more effectively. This can lead to extended or new business opportunities for your company.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users), paid plans

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope: Different response styles, ways to behave assertively, framework theories in being more assertive

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Class central public speaking training course - Introduction to Public Speaking
Public speaking training course #6

Introduction to Public Speaking

Hosted in Class Central, Introduction to Public Speaking created by the University of Washington. Available for free in Coursera, it aims to help your employees in delivering effective presentations through a reliable model. This public speaking training course equips your learners with foundational knowledge on preparing speeches and storytelling for public speaking. Then, it introduces a speech model that guides your employees with techniques that they can use for functions like briefings, elevator talks, interviews, and presentations. 

Lessons are delivered through video learning with quizzes to test the knowledge and understanding of your learners. 

Cost: Free

Created by Class Central

Scope: Understanding speech, making compelling ideas, illustrating and delivering ideas, delivering great speech delivery

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) public speaking training course - Effective Communication
Public speaking training course #7

Effective Communication

The Effective Communication course offered by SC Training (formerly EdApp) recognizes the importance of improving communication skills when speaking to an audience – personally or virtually. This public speaking training course goes over topics, such as revamping communication skills, speaking publicly and effectively, and connecting virtually while still maintaining a personal connection. Through this public speaking training course, your employees will turn into  better communicators who drive action among an audience, whether in person or online setting. 

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is an LMS platform that also offers premium features like in-lesson discussions. Through a paid premium plan, you can help learners share their ideas on any lesson slide. It's a great way to practice their communication skills and gather feedback. 

Cost: Free (up to 10 users), paid plans

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope: Revamping communication skills, speaking in public effectively, connecting virtually

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Alison public speaking training course - Public Speaking
Public speaking training course #8

Public Speaking

Offered for free in Alison, the Public Speaking training course is intended to provide your employees with principles and techniques for speaking with confidence. It outlines the basics of recognizing and understanding the audience. It also includes a comprehensive guide for preparing, organizing, and fleshing up a speech. Then, it wraps up with a lesson on speech delivery. 

By the end of the course, your learners can check their knowledge and understanding with an assessment test with a required minimum score of 80 percent for successful course completion. While the course is available for free, completion certificates are only available for purchase.

Cost: Free 

Created by Alison

Scope: Identifying the audience, preparing for a speech, delivering a speech

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Corexcel public speaking training course - Effective Public Speaking
Public speaking training course #9

Effective Public Speaking

Effective Public Speaking is a course by Corexcel that aims to develop and strengthen skills in delivering a speech or presentation. To support your public speaking training, this public speaking course provides an introduction to public speaking. It also includes techniques in preparing for a speech such as proper drafting and employing slides. Then, it defines the seven stages of public speaking for a better understanding of your learners. For holistic learning, it covers lessons on delivering a speech, handling difficult questions, and discussing feedback. 

Corexcel delivers the course content through videos and includes interactive exercises. To guarantee successful course completion and earn certification, you must have an average test score of at least 70 percent.

Cost: $99 USD

Created by Corexcel

Scope: Introduction to public speaking, seven stages of public speaking, delivering an effective speech or presentation, handling difficult questions, discussing feedback 

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) public speaking training course - Retail Services Communication
Public speaking training course #10

Retail Services - Communication

SC Training (formerly EdApp) offers this Retail Services - Communication course which is designed for improving communication skills in retail. Although this is specifically designed for employees in the retail sector, any organization can apply lessons from this course for public speaking functions. This course demonstrates best practices in delivering excellent retail communication by covering topics, such as active listening, as well as differentiating open and closed questions that are relevant for improving public speaking skills. Through this course, your employees –  whether new hires and veterans –  can benefit from reinforced key concepts on effective communication and persuasion that will help them provide quality service to your customers.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users), paid plans

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope: Understanding active listening, differentiating open and closed questions, using open questions

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Domestika public speaking training course - Public Speaking: Find Your Unique Voice
Public speaking training course #11

Public Speaking: Find Your Unique Voice

In Dometika’s public speaking course, you’ll learn how to confidently and effectively speak with an audience, whether small or large groups. To master the art of public speaking, this course teaches you techniques for regulating your voice, anxiety, and body language. Techniques for proper breathing and speaking with proper diction will also be covered. After those, this course focuses on mentally preparing for the talk. It goes over ways to manage nerves, along with using the right body language. 

Cost:  PHP 360

Created by Domestika

Scope: Public speaking tools, effective communication, storytelling techniques, managing nerves

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FutureLearn public speaking training course - Become a Better Presenter: Improve Your Public Speaking Skills
Public speaking training course #12

Become a Better Presenter: Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

Keeping your presentations engaging by improving your speaking skills with FutureLearn. Here, you’ll learn how to avoid jargons to keep your talk easier to understand for your general audience. You’ll also be able to keep your presentation more interesting by adding more personality to it. Lastly, you’ll know how to discuss controversial questions and manage audience behavior.

Cost: 27.99 USD/month

Created by FutureLearn

Scope: How to identify your presenting strengths and weaknesses, how to add personality and life into your presenting style, how to engage with your audience, how to sharpen your presenting skills

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Public speaking training courses can be valuable tools for anyone who wants to improve their public speaking skills. It can help your employees become more confident and effective speakers, which can benefit them both in their personal and professional life.

Public speaking training typically covers a variety of topics, such as:

  • Speech preparation: This includes learning how to research a topic, develop a speech outline, and practice delivering the speech.
  • Delivery techniques: This includes learning how to use your voice, body language, and gestures to engage your audience.
  • Common public speaking problems: This includes learning how to overcome the fear of public speaking, deal with hecklers, and handle questions from the audience.

Why are Public Speaking Skills Important?

Public speaking skills are important in today's world because they allow us to communicate our ideas and thoughts effectively to others. Whether you're giving a presentation at work, speaking up in a meeting, or giving a speech at a wedding, public speaking skills can help you make a positive impression and get your point across.

If you want to improve your public speaking skills, there are many resources available to help you. You can take a public speaking class or public speaking training, watch online tutorials, or practice giving speeches to friends and family. With a little practice, you can develop the skills you need to be a confident and effective public speaker.

Improve communication skills with public speaking training

Public speaking is a vital business skill that empowers your employees with a convincing reputation when communicating within the organization or among customers. It allows them to communicate concise and compelling messages to groups of audiences for functions like meetings and presentations when representing the company. However, some of them lack public speaking skills, which hinder them from getting significant ideas across. Investing in public speaking training can help employees eliminate nervousness and build confidence into persuading audiences and communicating ideas more effectively. In this article, we've curated a list of public speaking training courses to help you support your employees into become strong communicators by building a strong impression, communicating effectively, and driving action internally and externally.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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