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10 Microlearning Courses to Improve Work Performance


June 22, 2021


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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10 Microlearning Courses to Improve Work Performance

Nearly every organization is concerned with how they can improve work performance. But doing so in an effective and efficient way has often been elusive. One useful technique that has emerged lately is microlearning.

Microlearning is a way of learning that splits up more complex topics into bite-sized units that can be readily consumed by learners. This is advantageous, especially for corporate learners who do not have much time. It also takes off the learning concept of spaced repetition, which reminds learners of subjects they have been previously exposed to in an effort to help move the knowledge into long-term memory.

In this lesson, we will look into different microlearning courses that have been developed to boost productivity and performance. We will see how each different course uses microlearning in its own way. So, let’s get started!

1. 5S Workplace Productivity (SC Training (formerly EdApp))

The best place to see microlearning learning courses or learning programs in action when learning about workplace productivity is on the SC Training (formerly EdApp) platform. In particular the course 5S Workplace Productivity makes good use of micro learning and digital learning. The course is divided up into 8 lessons. Each one can easily be mastered in a short sitting.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-5S Workplace Productivity

It’s also a good example of how microlearning works best on mobile. The course has an easy-to-navigate interface that presents multimedia content as you scroll down, ideal for a mobile learning experience. This makes it easy for a learner to focus on the m learning material instead of trying to get browser-optimized content to load correctly on their mobile devices.

2. Remote Working (SC Training (formerly EdApp))

Another great course for improving worker productivity is Remote Working, also hosted on the SC Training (formerly EdApp) platform. As many who have had to work remotely because of the pandemic know, it can be difficult to keep your work performance up when there are so many other distractions at home. This course will help with overcoming the many challenges of remote, online work.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance Remote Working

Like the other course, this one also makes use of a microlearning design model. One thing it does well in addition to presenting easily digestible content is that it uses animations to help get its point across. Attracting users’ attention with more than just still pictures and text can go a long way in instructional design and memory retention, and this works especially well in the short-lesson format of microlearning.

3. Management Skills and Leadership Development (Master Class Management)

Another source from improving work performance is the Management Skills and Leadership Development elearning course from Master Class Management. This course can help you increase the work performance of those at your company by helping you become better at managing them.

Master Class Management Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Management Skills and Leadership Development

This online course is divided up into small lessons, so it is evident that a microlearning approach has been taken. Its self-paced format is not presented in elearning solutions or cohesive learning management systems (LMS) like SC Training (formerly EdApp), however. If you register and pass the quizzes at the end of each unit, you can receive a certificate.

4. Managing Employee Performance (Coursera)

Managing Employee Performance from the Coursera platform is another microlearning course that is available. This is a four-week course with each week requiring four hours to finish. The lessons include videos, readings, and quizzes.

Coursera Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Managing Employee Performance

Using the Coursera platform, this course also makes use of microlearning. It can accomplish this because it is entirely self-paced. Coursera also encourages learners beyond just microlearning because of its forums and virtual classrooms which allow for social learning. It can make for an effective learning environment, although subject matter experts cannot custom edit elearning courses or get an instructional designer for their own organization or custom elearning.

5. Collaborator (SC Training (formerly EdApp))

Collaborator is another work performance class that can be found on the SC Training (formerly EdApp) platform. This course focuses on fostering teamwork in your workforce. It covers many important points, including conflict handling, diversity, developing trust, and understanding why teams fall apart.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Collaborator

Being on SC Training (formerly EdApp), it has access to great features of an LMS. Regarding microlearning, one important aspect is gamification. SC Training (formerly EdApp) lets you keep track of learners’ progress and award them points. These points can, in turn, be redeemed for real-world items like gift cards. This makes even short bursts of learning more meaningful as students strive to earn rewards on the learning platform.

6. Email Productivity: Work Smarter with Your Inbox (Skillshare)

Microlearning for work performance is also available on Skillshare’s Edtech platform via the course Email Productivity: Work Smarter with Your Inbox. This nine-lesson course is divided up into short segments of around five minutes each.

Skillshare Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Email Productivity: Work Smarter with Your Inbox

Like SC Training (formerly EdApp) and other similar learning technologies, Skillshare elearning programs are presented nicely in an elearning mobile app. It also allows for submitting assignments, and in this course, learners create their own project showing how they manage their email. This type of cumulative project can be used even when the class is primarily delivered in a microlearning format.

7. Business Operator (SC Training (formerly EdApp))

For another microlearning course on work productivity, you can turn to SC Training (formerly EdApp) again for their course called Business Operator. This course looks at a wide range of things that are needed to make a business successful, not just on work productivity.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Business Operator

As a microlearning platform, it’s important to have variety in your lessons. This course accomplishes that through numerous different question types. SC Training (formerly EdApp) makes it easy to make various assessment types, so you can see many elearning examples of this in the virtual learning course, such as matching questions or questions where you have to cross out the wrong answers.

8. How to Create a Productivity System (Go High Brow)

You can learn about increasing work performance from the course How to Create a Productivity System on the Go High Brow platform. This course introduces you to various tools and apps that can help you organize your daily life to get more things done.

Go High Brow Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-How to Create a Productivity System

This course has a unique format in that its lessons are delivered daily by email. For 10 days, you can dedicate five minutes a day to their program. This keeps learners engaged over a longer period of time and develops their competency, rather than just having them complete the program at once and then forget about it right away.

9. Productivity Hacks: Lessons from Top Leaders and Billionaires (Listenable)

The platform Listenable has a microlearning course called Productivity Hacks: Lessons from Top Leaders and Billionaires that is also a good option for learning about work performance. The course is divided into six-minute-long audio segments created by different wealthy people, such as Jeff Bezos and Warren Buffet.

Listenable Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Productivity Hacks: Lessons from Top Leaders and Billionaires

This platform is entirely audio, so while it is delivered in microlessons, it doesn’t have the same pedagogical tools that learning management systems (LMS) would have. That means there are no video tutorials, comprehension questions, learning activities, or interactive elements.

10. Benefits of Corporate Team Building (SC Training (formerly EdApp))

One last microlearning course to improve work performance is Benefits of Corporate Team Building, which also comes from the SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s LMS platform. This course looks at what’s needed to build a team, including confidence, creativity, and collaboration.

Listenable Microlearning Course to Improve Work Performance-Productivity Hacks: Lessons from Top Leaders and Billionaires

Being on the SC Training (formerly EdApp) platform, this course benefits from many of the microlearning aspects mentioned before, and also because of how SC Training (formerly EdApp) can send notifications. Learners can be instantly notified of new content directly to their device. That gives a course creator a lot of control in how they deliver updates to their learners.


Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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