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10 On-the-job training examples


April 8, 2021


Guest Author Gavoy Small


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On the job training examples

On-the-job training refers to training that employees receive while working. This type of training is useful because it provides hands-on experience for employees. It’s a lot more effective than off-the-job training. We have compiled a list of on-the-job training examples and training programs for you.

1. Self-instruction training

Self-instruction training is as the name suggests. Among training program examples, these are employee training and development courses that can be accessed at any time by the trainees, and they go through the courses at their own pace.

These courses are great because they are often mobile-compatible, easy to scale for the company, and allow employees to train at their own pace. As long as employees don’t lose focus and stop their training process, they will be fine. There are LMS platforms, such as SC Training (formerly EdApp), that can be used to create these courses. Some even have tested templates for you to work with.

On-the-job Training Example #1- Self-instruction Training

2. Orientation

Orientation is a very common type of on-the-job training that is used in most workplaces. A lot of people do not even consider onboarding to be training of new employees, but in a lot of cases, it is. Whenever employees start a new job, they will need to get oriented to the environment and all the processes and procedures involved with the job.

Among examples of training programs, it allows you to get to know your supervisors and human resources better during this time. Some companies also include information such as benefits, the company’s culture, the company’s policies, and paperwork. This entire process is technically on-the-job training and development, as it prepares you for everything to come.

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3. Co-worker training

Employees involved in co-worker on-the-job training are pretty much receiving knowledge from colleagues who are doing the same job they are expected to do. This type of mentoring is unique because there is no hierarchy, just trained employees making each other better. This way, you can train your staff at a lower cost.

This method of training example usually lasts between a few weeks to a few months, depending on the level of training required, and it will gradually taper off until it’s no longer needed. This type of training helps to build morale as co-workers will get to know each other while they work together, but it can lead to a sense of dependency.

On-the-job Training Example #3- Co-worker training

4. Shadowing

Shadowing is a very common type of on-the-job training method in most organizations. This type of training is somewhat similar to co-worker training but also different at the same time. When a new employee or transferred employee goes through a shadowing process, someone who is very good at the job shows the new employee what to do, and then they will allow employees to try.

Throughout the shadowing process, the more knowledgeable employee usually provides suggestions and feedback to help the process along. Like other on-the-job training examples, this is a very hands-on training approach that promotes quick information transfer. Unfortunately, if the mentor or senior employee in charge of the shadowing exercise is a poor teacher, the process can last longer.

5. Internship

Almost everyone is familiar with the internship process. If you aren’t, the internship process is an employee development position often offered to college students. Internship programs allow young people to get effective training which serves as a boost to their careers. When learning on the job through internship education and training examples, the process is usually focused on empowering college students by giving them experience in the real world so they can make the transition from college easier. The internship program at your company can be a valuable recruiting tool to get quality Talent for your team.

6. Job rotation

Not too many people will look at Job rotation as a type of effective training program, but it really is. It is just as the name suggests it to be. It involves employees doing different jobs and learning the processes and procedures that go along with them. These types of training methods are quite unique because they don’t necessarily train you for a role you will keep, but they focus on knowledge.

Job rotation training provides employees with the knowledge of the entire process so they can turn over shifts properly. It is good to train your employees via job rotation to promote cohesiveness in your workforce. Be careful when applying this because when you rotate knowledgeable employees, production can be reduced.

On-the-job Training Example #6- Job rotation

7. Practice Simulations

Practice simulations are on-the-job training opportunities that place employees in situations similar to that of the job. These scenarios are often done to be close in likeness to the real deal. Sometimes they come in the form of online training and computer-based training.

When using practice simulations to help employees better understand the job that they will be required to do, make sure that you don’t hold back. Practice simulators need to be thorough. In addition to training new employees, practice simulations can be used to train and upskill existing employees.

8. Delegation

Delegation is a type of on-the-job training that approaches the concept of training requirements from a slightly different angle. Delegation occurs when a superior assigns responsibilities for a particular task to an underling and provides them with the authority to complete the task autonomously.

There may not be much guidance provided by the superior after the task is assigned, however, there are situations in which the superior or other members of the team will offer guidance to the underling so that they can complete the assignment correctly. This type of training is very valuable because it serves as a staff morale booster and awards knowledge from completing tasks.

9. Refresher training

Refresher training courses are courses that serve to refresh employees’ knowledge on particular procedures learned and can also be used to teach new ways of doing an old task.

There are free tools such as SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Rapid Refresh, which easily enables knowledge checks, and refreshers, seamlessly tracking results all in one place. These types of training are often required, especially after changes in technology or if a long period has passed since the last training. You should use refresher training sessions to keep your workforce up to date.

On-the-job Training Example #9- Refresher training

10. Committee assignments

When employers have talented employees whom they want to train, they can assign them to committees tasked with solving problems faced by the organization. Members of the committee will work together to achieve a common goal, and this will help to build team spirit while exposing them to new experiences that will either teach them new lessons or new approaches to solving problems.

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Guest Author Gavoy Small



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