EdApp by SafetyCulture

25 Training Survey Question Examples


March 15, 2021


Guest Author Marta Rudnicka


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Training Survey Questions

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a leading LMS microlearning platform offering all-inclusive solutions for corporate environments. The mobile-first learning platform includes an extensive library of over 50 templates geared for every type of learning style. Out of eight different categories, Survey Templates are geared to gather feedback from learners about your lessons to get ratings, suggestions, and more to ensure you’re delivering the best training to your teams. 

Training Survey Question - SC Training (formerly EdApp) template library

After the course participants have completed the online survey, the number of responses will be transferred directly into your LMS. The templates offered by SC Training (formerly EdApp) use different techniques to extract information – those can be descriptive, graphic, or numeric values, which will later be transferred into the analytical engine for a comprehensive overview. SC Training (formerly EdApp) templates include Free Text, Multiple Choice, Slider, and Quadrant Matrix templates. This way, multiple values can be examined under a few angles (triangulation) which adds to the accuracy and complexity of the data.

Here we present 20 exemplary sample training survey questions which could be included in the final review of the course.

1. I feel more confident in my understanding of welding hazards after completing this lesson.

Taken from “Welding safety”, which is found in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s editable course library, the slide below is using the Slider Survey Template. This template allows you to collect numerical data as a survey response. The scalar slider makes it easy for the user to visualize their level of understanding of the subject and provides conveniently comparable data. 

The statement “I feel more confident in my understanding of welding hazards after completing this lesson” is a good way to evaluate the transparency and efficacy of the course. The higher the average of the responses, the better the course prepares your team to perform even complicated tasks. Systematic review and repetition will help bring those results even higher.

Training Survey Question Example #1

2. I feel more confident in my understanding of using games to promote socialization and inclusion after completing this lesson.

This statement is taken from “Work Hard, Play Hard: Bringing fun into your workplace”. Again, the creators decided to use the Slider Survey Template to measure the level of efficacy of the course. In this after training survey, agreeing with the statement means that the lessons were well-designed and the information passed through. Moreover, the slider inquires about the readiness of the team member to put knowledge into action – the higher the score (which can be easily analyzed through SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s user-friendly analytics suite) the higher the probability of seeing new socialization techniques in everyday office affairs.

Training Survey Question Example #2

3. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies?

This open-ended question from the “Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption” course available at SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s editable course library. It is using the Free Text Survey Template. Free text template is perfect for collecting individual unprompted responses from the course takers. It allows you to reevaluate the contents of the course and perhaps, expand its coverage to aspects indicated as most useful for the users. Free text template collects comparative qualitative information, which could later be extracted and analyzed through SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s user-friendly analytics suite.

Training Survey Question Example #3

4. What is your favorite drink to prepare?

This training survey example has been taken from the course “Spirits, Beer, and Wine” available through SC Training (formerly EdApp) editable course library. It’s a Free Text Survey Template that allows your course members to express their thought, share opinions and give feedback. In this case, the creator of the course decided to introduce a personal touch to the course and inquired about the learner’s favorite drink. With this method, the new knowledge assimilated during the lesson is being attached back to the existing competence of the learner. Such survey question ideas provides also feelings of validity, exchange and acknowledgment of the learner’s passion, skill, and professionalism. 

Training Survey Question Example #4

5. I feel more confident in my understanding of clearing table etiquette after completing this lesson.

Taken from “The Art of Bussing” course, available in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s collection of free courses, the slide below shows a survey slide that features a Slider Survey Template. Using a slider template allows for an accurate evaluation of the assimilated material and the readiness of the course taker to put the knowledge into action. Responses bending towards higher scores indicate, that the course was comprehensive and exhausted the topic. Results drawn from the Slider Survey Template can be easily analyzed and reevaluated in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s analytical suite. 

Training Survey Question Example #5

6. Have you learned something new about working with chemicals in this lesson?

This exemplary survey questionnaire was taken from the course “Dangerous Goods (Spill Training, Storage, Transportation)” taken from the free editable course library available at SC Training (formerly EdApp). The slide uses a Multiple Choice Survey Template. Such a feedback survey question is a quick and easy way to evaluate the content and user experience of the lesson. It checks, whether the level of the course is adjusted to the existing knowledge of the course taker and helps to improve the performance of the team members. The percentage breakdown of the answers can be quickly presented with the analytical suite available at SC Training (formerly EdApp). 

Training Survey Question Example #6

7. In your previous experience, how did you handle such situations?

This question survey was taken from the course “Dealing with difficult customers” is using a Free Text Survey Template. This template is perfect for summarizing the lesson and receiving feedback from the course takers. Your team members will be able to share their experiences, such as customer-feedback, and perhaps provide a new perspective on how to best handle such situations. Research shows, that students are more likely to remember the content of the class if they can actively contribute to it – Free Text Survey Template was designed to give them this opportunity even in an online environment. 

Training Survey Question Example #7

8. If you were asked to, would you be able to demonstrate exercises for Carpal Tunnel?

This survey item question is taken from the course “5-minute desk exercises” available at SC Training (formerly EdApp) free editable course library. It uses a Multiple Choice Survey Template which allows for collecting data for distribution like a questionnaire. Simple “yes” and “no” answer can be turned into a statistical analysis of the efficacy of your course. This particular question asks for a declaration of multisensory knowledge: practical and theoretical, testing for manual dexterity. Multiple Choice Survey Template is a good way to evaluate the methods and tools used in transferring knowledge.

Training Survey Question Example #8

9. What types of power tools do you consider the most dangerous and why?

Taken from the “Handling Power Tools” course available in SC Training (formerly EdApp) free course library, this survey question uses the Free Text Survey Template. This template asking training survey questions leaves the course taker flexibility in expressing their own opinion, leaving feedback and sharing experience. In this question, the author falls back onto the content of the lesson and ask the team member for their personal statement on the issue of power tool injuries. Such a question is a great way to collect direct feedback from your coworkers and, in this case, provide adequate safety measures protecting the health and well-being of the employees. 

Training Survey Question Example #9

10. I feel more confident in my understanding of social media etiquette after completing this lesson.

Taken from the “Social Media and Electronic Communication” course available SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s free editable course library, this Likert-scale-like slide uses Slider Survey Template. Sliders are a great way to evaluate your team members’ confidence and level of understanding of the new material. Here, numerical data drawn from the template will demonstrate how efficient the lesson was and if in the end, it provided your team members with the knowledge they needed. 

Training Survey Question Example #10

11. On a scale of one to five, how well was the course designed?

This question could use a Slider Template and would help the auto-determine if the lesson needs improvement. 

12. Was the information in the lesson useful to you?

Here a Free Text Template could be used. Such a question could provide excellent feedback from the team members.

13. I understand the issue of privacy policy better than before

Here a Multiple Choice Survey Template could provide useful among all question types. Results would demonstrate if the course is well adjusted to the existing knowledge of the course taker.

14. The course was logically organized

Using a Multiple Choice Template, this question would provide feedback on the course design.

15. I found the course interesting/not interesting because…

With a Free Text Template, this question could provide valuable personal input from the team members. 

16. The course allowed me to make connections to the existing knowledge

With the Slier Survey Template, this question could provide feedback on the relevance of the lesson and evaluate the existing knowledge of the users.

17. The tools used in the course helped me to remember the information

The Multiple Choice Template looks like the best choice for this question, which could provide information for the fine-tuning of the learning tools. 

18. The course gave me the knowledge and confidence to engage in new projects

 A Multiple Choice Template would demonstrate the readiness of the team members to take up new tasks. 

19. After completing the lesson I understand the principles of pest control better than before

A slider or Multiple Choice Survey could help ascertain the assimilation of the necessary information from the lesson.

20. The course was helpful in organizing my existing knowledge

A simple yes/no data (Multiple Choice Template) would assess the applicability and relevance of the course among the team members.

Training Survey Example #21 – Free Text Survey

Training Survey Example #21 – Free Text Survey

The most popular type of survey used in SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a free text survey. This allows a user to express anything they want.

This type of survey is great for letting learners speak their own minds. The main issue with using free text surveys, however, is that it lacks a quantitative component.

Training Survey Example - Free Text Survey

You may want to use this in a course to ask questions without definitive answers. This will let your students express themselves outside of the constraints of multiple choice or true/false type questions.

You can also use this in post-course surveys. You can ask about their favorite or least-favorite aspects of the course.

Creating a free text survey question in the lesson editor is simple. You only need to specify the question. Optionally, you can set text length limits on students’ answers.

Training Survey Example #22 – Multiple-Choice Survey

Another training survey question that comes as a template in SC Training (formerly EdApp) is the multiple-choice survey. This type gives the learner preset answers to choose from.

This is a good survey type to use because it is easy for learners to understand. It is limited, however, in that it doesn’t give them the same voice as a free text survey.

You can use this type during a course to see how your students feel about a particular topic. For example, you may want to poll them about what they think the answer to a question is before they learn the right answer during the lesson.

Training Survey Example - Multiple-Choice Survey

In a post-course survey, you can use multiple choice survey questions when you only want to consider specific answers. For example, you can ask them which lesson was the most memorable.

When choosing this survey question type, you have a few options to set in the SC Training (formerly EdApp) lesson editor. You can decide how many answers are available as well as whether they are displayed in a random order or not. You can also choose the prompt text and the text to show after selecting an answer.

Training Survey Example #23 – Quadrant Survey

Another survey type is the quadrant survey. This type has learners drag and drop answers onto a chart.

This type of survey is good because it allows users to give feedback in a way that is very graphical. It may take a little extra time for learners to answer accurately, however, as they first need to decode how the x-axis and y-axis of each quadrant work.

You can use this type of survey question in a lesson when you want students to focus on categorizing something. For example, you might want to get their feelings on different types of sales techniques.

In a post-course survey, you could possibly have students put different course elements that liked or didn’t like into different areas of the chart.

Training Survey Example - Quadrant Survey

To make this type of chart, you have to specify the various zones and words in the lesson editor. The zones are composed of an x-axis and y-axis term for each of the four quadrants. You can then add as many text answers as you like. As with the other survey types, you can set the prompt text and the text after finishing.

Training Survey Example #24 – Slider Survey

Slider surveys are also an option in SC Training (formerly EdApp). This type of survey gives you answers on a numerical scale.

This can be very useful because it allows you to analyze results to see averages, median values, and modes. One downside is that it doesn’t offer any way for students to give a qualitative evaluation on the topic.

A slider survey can be used in a lesson when you want students to predict a numerical value before you start the lesson and show them the answer. For example, you may ask them a percentage question which allows them to easily enter a value along the slider.

After the course, you may use a slider to get answers along a gradient. This can include questions with responses that range from ‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree.’

Training Survey Example - Slider Survey

When selecting this survey type, there are several options to set in the lesson editor. You will need to set a minimum and maximum value for the number line. You can also add text prefixes or suffixes to each number. Furthermore, you need to specify the increment as well as how many decimal places to include for each number. You will also need to write out the minimum and maximum labels, such as ‘strongly agree’ and ‘strongly disagree.’

Training Survey Example #25 – Yes/No Surveys

One more survey type that you can use is a simple yes/no survey. This is really just a variation of a multiple-choice survey but is clear and to the point.

This type of survey is good because there isn’t much room for ambiguity. On the other hand, it can be rather limiting because learners can’t explain their reasons for their beliefs with just a simple yes/no answer.

You can use these to start off a lesson as you attempt to determine what the learners already know about a topic. For example, see if they agree with a statement that may sound intuitive, but actually is incorrect.

After the course, there are many situations where you could use yes/no questions to find out more about your learners’ experiences. These types of questions won’t give you the same depth of analysis as other types, like the slider or free text surveys, but they can still drive home a point.

Training Survey Example - Yes/No Surveys

Setting up a yes/no survey is the same as setting up a multiple-choice survey. Make sure you only have two answer choices: yes and no.


Guest Author Marta Rudnicka

Marta Rudnicka is a creative content writer with vast experience in writing, editing, translation, and data analysis. Aside from writing, their interests are centered on mental health, human rights, travel, and environmental concerns.



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