EdApp by SafetyCulture

4 Common Questions about Implementing Microlearning


May 22, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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implementing microlearning

There is an abundance of information on and benefits of microlearning, it is impossible to learn all of the best practices at once. But if you know the first thing about microlearning we can learn how to implement microlearning in bite-sized chunks. 

Many questions surround microlearning as an employee training strategy for maximum company success. We outline the four most common questions we receive about the implementation of microlearning.

1. In what ways can microlearning be utilised?

Microlearning can be viably considered both a training strategy for employees as well as a tool for learning support. Microlearning is presented in short modules, designed to be completed in an average of five minutes. The authoring tool used to construct the modules incorporate interactive gaming elements, such as leaderboards, badges and interactive quizzes. This makes for an engaging and mentally stimulating program for employees to use, having a positive overall effect on their mindset.

2. Who is my audience and how will microlearning suit their needs?

In order for a company to reach its optimal success, employees must be continuously conscious of changes and trends, as well as have ample knowledge of the company’s products and processes. Microlearning is very malleable in terms of its ability to meet the needs of a plethora of different employees and their preferences.

3. How is microlearning best delivered?

Microlearning is the most suitable and effective for employees who would like to learn quickly. Micorlearning is delivered in short bursts on a mobile platform, meaning employees may access course material on demand and at their own convenience. SC Training (formerly EdApp) uses a cloud-delivery system for the dispersion of microlearning modules, distributing appropriate course material to employees in the company.

4. Can the effects of microlearning on employees be tracked and measured?

The effects of microlearning on employees can be assessed through the extent to which exisiting skills are engrained into their long-term memory. A good indication of the effectiveness of your implemented microlearning strategy is by assessing whether or not the content in the modules cemented various skills, by asking employees honest feedback on the lessons, as well as reviewing their performance in the exercises completed via analytics complied on completion and recall.

What’s the best platform to use when implementing microlearning?

If all of the above resonates and you’ve got to train a large, disparate group or workforce in the latest practices and policies of your organisation, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMSand authoring tool for free by signing up here.


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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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