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4 Ineffective eLearning Habits In Organizations And How To Avoid Them


September 3, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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4 Ineffective eLearning Habits In Organizations And How To Avoid Them

eLearning has evolved at a rapid pace, meaning that a number of organizations did not get the time to be properly acquainted with it. This has led to a number of organizations implementing it ineffectively, as well as a number of organizations not implementing it in their learning and development programs at all.

The number of organizations that have been implementing eLearning ineffectively has occurred due to a number of bad habits that they have picked up along the way, due to lack of correct information, or a lack of proper resources, and sometimes just out of sheer laziness. However, it is obvious that there is no point in implementing eLearning in an ineffective manner, as it prevents organizations from reaping the full benefits of eLearning.

In this article, we will discuss 4 ineffective eLearning habits in organizations that prevent them from using eLearning to its full potential and how to avoid them.

1. Implementing Microlearning Incorrectly

Microlearning has taken the learning and development (L&D) world by storm, which has led to many organizations implementing and executing it in their employee development and training programs. However, when implemented incorrectly, without proper research, microlearning can fail. Microlearning consists of 3-5 minutes short modules, which is great for just-in-time learning and helping employees to refresh concepts, as well as used in the assistance of explaining complex concepts. However, microlearning is not supposed to completely replace eLearning, i.e. your complete learning and program should not be comprised of microlearning. Microlearning is designed to support or complement employees’ learning for maximum knowledge gain.

2. Short-Term Thinking

Many organizations implement eLearning just to keep up-to-date with the times, however, do not actually take the time to learn about the developments that occur in eLearning from time to time, failing to upgrade their eLearning program as and when required. They may believe implementing eLearning is enough to make decisions, commit resources, and establish goals with not much thought given to the long-term impacts, resource requirements, or sustainability of their actions. This sort of thinking sooner or later comes back to bite, and may potentially result in ineffective learning. Implementing eLearning requires long-term thinking and commitment. Always plan ahead and buy technology that has lesser chances of becoming obsolete in the future.

3. Not Acting On Employee Feedback

eLearning is a complete learning methodology. Feedback is an essential part of this methodology, without which it becomes ineffective. However, a number of organizations fail to understand the importance of feedback, meaning that they either do not collect it, or do not use the collected feedback to improve their eLearning program. This has two downsides to it; one, that your eLearning program does not grow and get better with time, and two, your employees understand after a considerable amount of time that their feedback does not have value resulting in them providing any feedback at all. Acting on employee feedback allows organizations to iron out the kinks in your eLearning program, making it learner-centric and motivates employees to generate useful feedback that leads to an improved eLearning program.

4. Lack Of Collaboration In The eLearning Team

Organizations need an eLearning team consisting of subject matter experts, graphic designers, video producers, instructors, and other eLearning experts, in order to implement and sustain an eLearning program. However, running an eLearning program effectively requires these experts to work in collaboration. What actually happens is that work is passed down the eLearning hierarchy, with every expert doing just their bit and then passing the work in progress to the next expert for the next stage of eLearning development. eLearning should be a team effort, with the contribution of both ideas and effort from each expert at every stage.

Considerations must be made when implementing any new methodology into an organization and a lot of the time, organizations are forced to cut corners to fit things into their budget. Engaging in the factors mentioned above defeats the whole purpose of implementing eLearning. While avoiding these habits does not guarantee success, it does guarantee an increase in the effectiveness of your eLearning program. When you are doing something for the benefit of your organization, why not do it right? Here is wishing every organization success with their eLearning efforts!

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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