EdApp by SafetyCulture

Emotional Intelligence & eLearning


August 28, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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4 Tips To Use Emotional Intelligence In eLearning

There is much more to eLearning than meets the eye. It is more than just learning online, instead boasting a plethora of features which strengthen the education of individuals.

The term Emotional Intelligence, also known as EQ, was coined by Peter Salavoy and John Mayer. EQ encapsulates one’s emotional awareness of those around them and themselves. It is measured upon how well these emotions are managed and being able to recognize and empathize with others’ feelings. Another essential aspect dictating the extent of EQ is the ability to understand the impact of emotions in social situations, tapping into social intelligence.

Implementing effective emotional intelligence learning requires the incorporation of EQ in its developmental phase as it is the number one driver of learner motivation, engagement and resilience.

We have rounded up the four top tips on using emotional intelligence for effective eLearning.

Emotional Intelligence Elearning Tip #1 – Interpersonal Skills

People skills are essential for optimal emotional intelligence in humans. This encompasses working effectively in teams and having leadership capabilities. Interpersonal skills give rise to conflict resolution, communication, collaboration and leadership capabilities, advantaging those who are strong in these areas in various aspects of life.

Emotional Intelligence Elearning Tip #2 – Empathy

Recognizing the emotions and feelings of those around you is a pivotal component of emotional intelligence. It is important in understanding the opinions of colleagues or other members of the team, as well as the emotions of clientele or customers. It is essential to remember that others are entitled to their own opinion and perspective, meaning that having empathy in your emotional intelligence skillset is crucial for personal and professional development.

Emotional Intelligence Elearning Tip #3 – Self Motivation

In order to maximise emotional intelligence, the learner must be motivated. A motivated learner fully immerses and engages themselves in the process, making for an effective and worthwhile investment. Developing personal goals facilitates self motivation skills, as learners are able to progress through training to achieve their objectives. Extrinsically motivating employees is an often effective way to promote self motivation, particularly through implementation of point scores, leader boards and prizing. If these gaming elements sound familiar, you have most likely heard of gamification. Gamification is one of the most effective tools used to motivate learners to reach their full potential.

Emotional Intelligence Elearning Tip #4 – Self Awareness

Self awareness is one’s ability to recognise and manage their own emotions and feelings. Learners must be able to acknowledge and accept their feelings, constructively handling and embracing them with resilience. Once the origin of emotions can be processed, it is able to be understood how exactly these emotions can impact one’s surroundings. A good exercise to improve individuals’ self awareness is to allow learners to reflect on their own emotions and place emphasis on how it is okay to express controlled emotion.

You may be interested in our new course, “Handling objections with Emotional Intelligence“, accessible from our content library by clicking, https://training.safetyculture.com/course/handling-objections-with-emotional-intelligence.

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.



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