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Helping you deliver great training, faster
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Tennis Australia
Learn how Tennis Australia used SC Training for the Australian Open.
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10 Safety Topics for Work
Learn what safety topics you should include in your workplace training.
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Training employees in the retail industry presents many unique challenges. The predominantly millennial makeup of the workforce, its rapid staff
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Key takeaway: You can use the invite code feature of SC Training (formerly EdApp) to allow quick onboarding to your e-learning content. Once you are finished preparing your
The swipe left or right game template was inspired by Tinder’s user interaction mechanism. Learn how to use this template for your next online quiz.
At SC Training (formerly EdApp), we value the need to deliver lessons that not only can be completed quickly but also produced and rendered as fast as possible. Our microlearning
Apple isn't directly involved in the microlearning industry, but with every announcement – like those this month – microlearning is bolstered
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