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10 Computer based training examples


May 6, 2022


Jeanellie Avelino


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A man researching about computer based training examples on his phone.

In this article, we’ll look into various computer based training examples that large big companies have been using to train and upskill their employees. Computer based training, also referred to as CBT, is widely regarded as the most convenient method of delivering training to a big group of employees, particularly when bringing them all together in one location isn’t exactly practical and feasible.

1. eLearning

eLearning is based on formalized learning that’s been structured electronically. It comes in different formats like online modules and online videos, which the learners can take on any digital device. It’s regarded as one of the best computer based training examples as it allows professionals to develop and hone their skills, regardless of their time and location. It also benefits employers and computer training managers in a way that they don’t even have to overspend for this type of training. As long as their learners are connected to the internet, they can easily access their elearning programs, tutorials, and other resources. 

Employees taking an eLearning course on their mobile phone.

There are two types of elearning – asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous elearning pertains to online courses that learners can take at their own pace, while synchronous e-learning refers to live online training that trainees should all take at the same time. There are several learning management systems that can help take away the hassles of creating and managing elearning courses, like SC Training (formerly EdApp). It’s an LMS rich with features that address both elearning types. Here, you can create elearning courses like discrimination training courses that your employees can take at their leisure.

List of SC Training anti-discrimination training courses

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2. Gamification training

Modern learners, as we all know, are no longer enthusiastic about traditional learning formats like PDFs or static PowerPoint slides. They’re more open to learning if it’s short, specific, and interactive. Even more so if learning doesn’t feel like another mandatory work task to be completed. This is where gamification and social learning enters the picture. 

Gamification training course example.

The idea of gamification is based on the application of game-like virtual activities into a formal corporate computer training program. The main purpose of this computer-based training example is to lower the mental barriers to absorbing new information, especially if it’s generally not enjoyable. This way, learners will be more engaged with the content, improving the likelihood of knowledge retention. 

If you’re seeking to improve your computer-based training with gamification, SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s online learning management  system can lend you a helping hand. Its authoring tool and template dashboard comes with a range of gamification templates that can deliver rapid-fire questions about any subject in game format. You can even apply some of its achievement features like banners and badges to motivate your team.

3. Webinar

With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe and forcing people to work remotely, it’s not surprising that the demand for webinars has skyrocketed. Corporates have considered video based training the most effective way to keep in touch with their employees and continue their learning and development, even though they’re working remotely. For context, webinar comes from the root words “web” and “seminar”, a computer training event that’s held 100% virtually and attended by trainees online.

A woman enrolled in a webinar class on her laptop.

Typically, this computer learning method has a presenter designated to discuss certain topics or demonstrate processes. Apart from presenting a live video feed, it can be broadcast with interactive slides and pre-recorded videos. Question and answer sessions, polls and surveys, and breakout sessions are often implemented to make this activity exciting and more interactive.

4. Peer-to-peer elearning 

Peer-to-peer elearning is an example of computer based training where employees learn a new skill or knowledge directly from their colleagues. It’s founded on constructivist training theory, which states that individuals are much more willing to learn new things or revise their existing knowledge after engaging in a meaningful and relevant interaction with another learner. By eliminating the barrier of a teacher-student relationship, it’s also much easier for employees to ask more questions and confirm their learning.

Two officemates doing peer-to-peer eLearning.

In a computer-based training setting, peer-to-peer learning can be implemented through discussions and course comments. A forum-style feature can be used to give learners the freedom to express their points, leave valuable comments and feedback, and also start and join a conversation. You may also organize an online event through video conferencing platforms where your employees will virtually discuss their learning, questions, feedback, and more. 

5. Microlearning

Microlearning is highly valued in the sphere of computer-based training because of its ability to capture the attention of learners. In a nutshell, microlearning is a learning strategy that breaks down information into topical-bite-sized chunks so that they’re much easier to absorb and digest. As compared to traditional learning formats, it yields greater retention and higher completion rates as the lessons are only focused on key elements or messages, plus it only takes a few minutes to finish. 

Example of a microlearning course by SC Training.

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s training software houses an array of microlearning courses that you can add to your computer-based training program for free. They tap into a wide range of training topics perfect for different industries, like retail employee training courses, business training courses, hotel management courses, healthcare training courses, and more. Most of these resources are made editable, meaning you can customize the content and rebrand the slides as needed. 

6. VR training

If you want to give your employees advanced computer based training that they’ll surely be proud of, then you might want to explore the Virtual Reality (VR) training method. This computer-based training example brings an immersive learning experience to your learners, allowing them to engage in practical, hands-on learning activities. Here, trainees will enter a 360° learning environment and experience real-life scenarios, where they’ll be able to apply the skills and knowledge they’ve learned into practice. 

A woman trying out VR training.

Just a quick heads up that this computer-based training example can be very expensive. Between the learning management software, instructional designer, and programming needed to successfully implement it, the cost of running VR training can be a little daunting. So before you jump into this type of training, make sure that you weigh its pros and cons first and make sure that it’s the best online training platform for your team. 

7. Video training

In its most basic form, video training refers to a training method in which content is presented in a video format. It is the most effective computer-based training example should you wish to educate your team on how a particular process, task, or situation must be done.

A man undergoing video training on his laptop with his team.

This is primarily due to the fact that most learners who are exposed to moving images, music, and text are better able to comprehend such topics. Video training lessons can be recorded and rewatched by learners anytime they need a refresher or recall of concepts.

8. Podcasts

Some computer-based training programs also come in a podcast format. Here, the content is delivered through digital audio and structured like radio shows. It’s thought to be the ideal learning method for those who recall information better by hearing than reading or watching videos. Creating podcast-based learning is also simple, convenient, and low-cost, which is why some companies are investing in this type of training. 

Two people hosting a podcast.

9. Spaced repetition training

A spaced repetition training leverages the phenomenon of the spacing effect, which introduces time intervals between the study sessions. Basically, the online materials will be distributed and retaken at increasing intervals, instead of simply cramming your learners with all the knowledge in one sitting. This computer-based training example ensures that your team will be able to retain new information and embed it in their long-term memory.

An example of spaced repetition training.

10. Mobile training

In mobile training, learning takes place through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. The personalized learning materials are created using responsive design, so they look good on your learners’ pocket-size devices. Mobile training is deemed to be the future of computer-based training as it perfectly complements the needs and availability of modern learners.

A man taking a mobile training course on his phone on the job.

They have the freedom to take this type of training anytime and anywhere at their leisure, like when they’re taking a quick coffee break or waiting for the bus. Seeing as learning will be delivered in bite-sized chunks to accommodate their small screens, m learning is also great for memory and knowledge retention.

If this computer-based training example sounds like the ideal solution for your organization, you should look into a learning management platform or more specifically, mlearning training portals to get started on this training initiative. It’s perfect to use for mobile learning as any content built on this SAAS platform is automatically formatted to run seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices.

Discrimination training courses can also be offered through mobile learning platforms like SC Training (formerly EdApp). This type of training is especially useful for organizations that have a lot of employees who work remotely.


Jeanellie Avelino

Jen is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based training platform that helps corporates and businesses bring their training solutions to the next level. She carries an extensive writing experience in a variety of fields, including architecture, the gig economy, and computer software. Outside of work, she enjoys her free time watching her favorite series and documentaries, reading motivational books, and cross-stitching.



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