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The best employee development training your team needs


October 1, 2024


Allyssa Laco


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Employee Development Training - SC Training

Employee development training is more than just a checklist item – it’s a journey that helps your team improve their skills, build confidence, and reach their full potential. When companies invest in training, they create a culture of learning and adaptability, which enhances performance and retention. 

Employee Development Training - SC Training

This, in turn, plays an important role in the success of the organization as employees bring in new ideas to adapt to today’s rapidly changing industries. In this article, we’ll explore employee development and dig into how it benefits individual careers and the organization as a whole.

What is employee development training?

Employee development training is all about improving skills, enhancing knowledge, and helping your team develop new abilities. It helps employees grow in their current jobs and prepare for future company roles. 

This training benefits both individuals and the organization by equipping employees with the skills they need to boost productivity and stay engaged in their role, which, in turn, allows the organization to grow and expand. 

The importance of training and development for employees

Training and development are essential for employees of all levels as they enhance skills, build confidence, and promote career growth. When companies invest in their workforce, they not only improve individual performance but also boost overall productivity, job satisfaction, and company culture. 

Employee development training keeps employees informed about the latest industry trends and best practices, making them more effective in their roles. Plus, prioritizing employee development fosters loyalty and reduces turnover because employees feel valued and supported in their careers. 

At the end of the day, prioritizing training and development leads to a more skilled, motivated, and engaged workforce.

Examples of employee development programs

Now that we’ve established how employee development training is important, let’s explore the different examples that can help you have a more skilled and engaged workforce. 


Onboarding is an employee training specifically designed for new hires in your organization. It helps them understand their responsibilities, familiarize themselves with the company culture, learn about the company’s products, and more. 

Employee Development Training - Onboarding

Technical upskilling

Technical upskilling is one of the most important employee development programs since it’s focused on enhancing the hard skills that are necessary to fulfill their responsibilities and succeed in their roles. 

Employee Development Training - Technical Upskilling

For instance, sales and marketing teams rely on CRM systems to manage customer relationships and track leads, or when HR needs an HR management system software to handle payroll and recruitment. Employees must be proficient in using specific applications and building workflows to improve their performance.


Mentoring offers employees the chance to learn from experienced colleagues which makes it an invaluable resource for workplace learning. This development program engages stakeholders and leaders in different mentoring formats, including one-on-one, traditional, group, reverse mentoring, and more.

Employee Development Training - Mentoring

Leadership training

Leadership training aims to develop employees into future leaders while also equipping current leaders with new skills. This type of training enhances employee retention, fosters better decision-making, strengthens team dynamics, and improves leadership styles.

Employee Development Training - Leadership Training

Safety training

Safety training is a type of staff development training designed to reduce work-related injuries and minimize potential liabilities for the company. This training emphasizes raising employee awareness of workplace hazards, learning preventive measures, and applying first aid techniques. This training can be formal, but you can make it more interactive through SC Training’s gamification elements.

Employee Development Training - Safety Training

Compliance training

Compliance training addresses mandated regulations, policies, and legislation that vary based on an employee’s job functions, organizational location, or industry. This training covers essential topics such as anti-harassment, cybersecurity, diversity, and more.

Employee Development Training - Compliance Training

How to develop your employees through training 

Employee training and development is an individual experience, but you can help your team refine their skills with a better program. You can take note of these strategies and create a more capable team. 

Align professional goals with business objectives 

Collaborate with your team to help each member identify their professional goals. Each employee development plan should outline how to achieve goals, identify the challenges faced, specify the support needed, and establish a timeline for reaching objectives. 

This approach not only motivates employees but also helps make sure that their goals align with your business objectives. You can take advantage of SC Training’s user management features to assign appropriate training to different teams in your organization and address employee development areas

Provide regular and open feedback

Providing regular and open feedback is crucial for developing employees. It creates a supportive environment where team members feel valued and understood. When feedback is given consistently, employees can quickly identify areas for improvement and celebrate their successes. 

Promoting open communication fosters growth, builds confidence, and encourages a culture of learning. After all, it helps employees reach their full potential – benefiting both them and the whole organization.

Set performance objectives 

Support your employees' growth by setting clear performance objectives. You can use these metrics to assess their current standing and establish benchmarks for their development.

As they reach each target, gradually raise these benchmarks to guide them toward their career goals. This approach promotes a sense of accomplishment – boosting their motivation to aim even higher. Additionally, conducting thorough performance reviews is essential to identify areas where further training may be needed.

Get rid of barriers

Strict organizational structures can mean that employees have fewer opportunities for dynamic growth. Encouraging collaborative communication is needed to nurture their interests and build connections that can enhance the organization as a whole.

For example, a sales employee can find they connect more with the HR department and switch their career goals in that direction. When you bridge the gap between departments you encourage a smoother approach to learning and cross-functional collaboration. 

Recommended employee development training 

SC Training has a variety of courses that can make employee development training more efficient for you. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

Stepping into Team Leadership

Let your team managers discover their strengths with this course by SC Training. Stepping into Team Leadership is an engaging course that will help your managers build a high-performing team by offering essential insights into their new role. In this course, they’ll learn what it means to be an effective team leader, how to set clear goals, how to manage your team’s time, and how to improve communication for collaboration and trust.

Safety at Work by SafetyCulture

Make your workplace safer with Safety at Work by SafetyCulture, a course promoting the well-being of your teams through a strong safety culture. This course will teach you best practices to help the whole organization by identifying potential hazards, creating proactive safety plans, and bringing a culture of safety to life. 

Cybersecurity and Internal Threats

Protect your organization with this Cybersecurity and Internal Threats course. It is designed to teach your team how to safeguard sensitive information from cyberattacks and insider threats. In this engaging course, they’ll learn essential concepts of cybersecurity, understand different types of cyberattacks and insider threats, and discover effective preventive measures to keep your data secure. 

Upgrade your employee development training with SC Training

Invest in your team’s growth today by creating employee development training as a powerful tool for success. With SC Training, you can enhance skills, boost engagement, and drive success for your organization using the Creator Tool. This feature lets you create training content in just a few minutes, making it easier for you to offer customized training solutions for a culture of continuous learning and empowering employees. 

Plus, its built-in course management features let you keep track of your employee’s learning path more efficiently. You can onboard new employees, deliver training, assess their performance in person, track their progress, and give them a certificate – all in one place. 

Deliver employee development training faster and more effectively with SC Training. Sign up today. 


Allyssa Laco

Allyssa is a content specialist for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a leading mobile-first LMS platform that specializes in training solutions for companies globally. She has a background in SEO writing, especially for sports, real estate, construction, and digital marketing. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, baking, and binge-watching TV shows.

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