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Top 13 Free Safety Training Videos and OSHA Courses for Work


September 20, 2024


Gabrielle Rivera


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Regardless of your occupation or where you work, at some stage, you will encounter hazardous materials and dangerous incidents. This is where occupational health & safety training comes in. OSHA compliance and other safety training videos and other eLearning courses are an easy way to ensure that your workers are equipped with knowledge and practices to do their day-to-day jobs with their health and safety in check.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires companies to provide free OSHA 30-hour training to avoid the distress and costs brought on by accidents or illnesses. So it’s important that your work processes and work environment are according to the Occupational Safety and Health Act. 

That being said, your safety committee doesn’t only need to implement safety training but also make sure that it is well received by making it practical and engaging to employees. Below are 10 safety training videos and eLearning courses that are all free to access to help do the trick.

1. New Hire Safety Orientation – SC Training

On a daily basis, people get hired for new jobs. It’s important to make sure that new hires are aware of the safety information in the workplace, as they’re unfamiliar with their new work area. This training equips them with the health and safety hazards of the job and helps avoid any risks and ensure employee safety compliance.

The New Hire Safety Orientation course by SC Training (formerly EdApp) is perfect for getting new employees to comply with the company’s safety training requirements. By increasing their safety awareness, they’ll be able to perform their job functions safely and efficiently.

Free safety training video - SC Training New Hire Safety Orientation

What makes this course the best is that the information in the modules is short and engaging, making for a modern and superior workplace safety training strategy. As it follows a microlearning approach, employees are more likely to retain this vital information. This is also editable so you can use it as a template for creating inspection courses or other similar safety training courses tailored for your own team. 

Try SC Training today and keep your team safe with free safety training videos and OSHA courses!

2. Safety in the Workplace – SC Training

This Safety in the Workplace course by SC Training covers safety situations that can happen every day in the office. Employees will learn that accidents like slips, trips, and falls are best controlled by preventing them before they even happen. They will also be informed of the company’s safety culture and how cleanliness and tidiness will help avoid and reduce such hazards.

Free safety training video - SC Training Safety In The Workplace

This course also contains workplace training videos and visuals which paint a clear picture of what has to be done. This course can be edited and personalized to tailor fit your company’s needs, then distributed to your teams within a few minutes.

3. Fire Safety – SC Training

It’s no secret how destructive fires can be and the devastating aftermath it leaves. No industry is exempt from the possibility of experiencing a fire in the workplace, which is why it’s essential that employees are aware of what to do in case a fire breaks out. But more importantly, the best protection from a fire is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Free safety training video - SC Training Fire Safety

This free refresher Fire Safety course by SC Training provides quality fire safety training that can also be edited to include other information specific to your workplace, such as floor plans and evacuation routes. It discusses the Fire Triangle, which talks through the different elements that can cause a fire and can help successfully identify them as the first step towards prevention.

4. Preventing Sprains and Strains in the Warehouse - L&I

Ergonomics is another safety topic you should educate your warehouse employees on. The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries' (L&I) free lesson on Preventing Sprains and Strains in the Warehouse offers several videos to enhance workplace learning. This will teach them to maintain proper posture and use effective lifting techniques.

Free safety training video - L&I Preventing Sprains and Strains in the Warehouse

It also includes real-life scenarios played out by two characters to help better connect with the audience. This workplace safety video offers practical steps to avoid contracting nerve injuries and disorders in the future. Note that a stable internet connection is needed to view the website's training content.

5. Fall Protection ABCDs – 3M

According to the World Health Organization, falls are the leading cause of accidental workplace injuries and deaths around the world. It is seen as a major health risk, which is why initiatives, such as providing safety-at-work training, are vital in the workplace.

This Fall Protection ABCDs safety training video by 3M aims to raise awareness by helping organizations stop fall fatalities and injuries. It focuses on the four key pillars which are Anchorage, Body Support, Connection, and Descent & Rescue.

It clearly defines each component and gives concrete examples and even real-world calculations to make sure that the concepts are fully understood and can be applied in real-life situations. This industrial safety video training is mostly geared toward the construction industry but can be used as training for any other workers who will be in elevated work areas.

Free safety training video - 3M Fall Protection ABCDs

6. Food Safety Standards (US, UK or AU) – SC Training

Unsafe food practices can affect your health, other people’s health, and your business too. This training helps employees in the food industry learn about the different guidelines in handling food based on the FDA (US), FSA (UK), and FSANZ (AU) food codes, so you’re sure that it’s up to standard.

The Food Safety Standards course will help you identify food safety procedures, such as determining the correct temperature in handling food, and your employees’ role in making sure that they are not just practicing these techniques, but that they are also of sound health when performing their job.

Free safety training video - SC Training Food Safety Standards

Like most SC Training courses, this business training course is fully customizable, which can be helpful for incorporating branding and more specific concepts tailored to your business.

7. Construction Safety Training Video – Resonate Pictures

This nearly 20-minute Construction Safety Training video covers a number of topics to equip employees in the construction industry with general safety procedures. This video tackles the basics from why wearing personal protective equipment is needed, executing different tasks considering ergonomics, recognizing hazards like asbestos, understanding tagout, working in confined spaces, using power tools and gas-powered equipment, and many more. 

Free safety training video - Resonate Pictures Construction Safety

Its construction safety videos also mention the importance of having a “Toolbox Talk”, which is a meeting where any issues and observations regarding health and safety at work can be raised so that they can be addressed before the shift begins.

8. The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made – Air New Zealand

The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made is probably one of the most entertaining airplane safety training videos. It incorporates tropes and simulated scenes from pop culture, with cameos from actors from the movie Lord of the Rings, to make airplane safety not only informative but fun to learn.

Free safety training video -  Air New Zealand The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made

While this will surely appeal to fans of the movie franchise, it also makes for a unique and interesting watch to any passenger because of how entertaining the video is presented. It’s more like watching a movie than a safety training video which will surely keep passengers engaged. 

While it has a lot of fun elements, it doesn’t neglect to make sure that the safety measures are properly discussed and demonstrated. 

9. PROTECT YOUR HEARING! – Hearing Conservation Safety Training Video – Ally Safety

How loud is too loud? Oftentimes, we take our sense of hearing for granted which could one day lead to hearing loss. This Hearing Conservation safety training video is an introduction to noise and hearing conversation which discusses ways to protect yourself, whether it be in the workplace or at home.

Free safety training video - Ally Safety Hearing Conservation

It starts with discussing a brief history of hearing loss measures taken way back during ancient times, then transitions to modern times by letting learners know how the ear works and how hearing loss occurs. With those foundations in mind, it then discusses how to reduce noise by using modern technology, such as using apps that can limit the volume on devices or noise-canceling headphones, or by using protective equipment like earplugs and earmuffs.

10. Sun Safety – SC Training

Sun safety is something that doesn’t usually cross our minds on a daily basis unless we’re going on a beach trip. However, for people working in industries, such as construction or transportation where sun exposure can be prolonged, it’s important to know the risks and measures to take to prevent sunstroke, heat rash, and skin cancer.

This Sun Safety course helps learners identify how ultraviolet radiation can cause damage to our skin and eyes, and how to monitor the different levels and their effects brought about by prolonged exposure. With different gamification elements applied, this will keep learners engaged and will help with information retention.

Free safety training video - SC Training Sun Safety

11. GHS Hazard Communication Training - Vector Solutions

When handled poorly, hazardous chemicals can have lasting implications on your workers' health and safety. Prevent this by enrolling them in compliance training. This GHS Hazard Communication Training course will train your team to read chemical labels and plot out safety data sheets onsite.

Free safety training video - Vector Solutions GHS Hazard Communication Training

This course can be taken in three languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. It's aligned with OSHA's hazard communication guidelines to help your workplace stay informed. Your crew will also learn to identify pictograms like corrosion, gas cylinders, and exploding bombs.

12. The Basics of First Aid - SC Training

A few seconds is all it takes to save the life of a critically injured worker. This is why OSHA recommends that at least one or more employees in every workplace be trained and certified in first aid and CPR. Help raise awareness among your employees by introducing them to the basics of first aid.

Free safety training video - SC Training The Basics of First Aid

This free OSHA training online course by SC Training covers first aid topics like scene assessment, bleeding and shock, burns, and heart attacks. It will also share the various medical emergencies where first aid application is necessary. Lastly, it offers techniques to assist someone who has suffered from electrical shock, poisoning, and heat exhaustion.

13. Forklift Operator Training - Alison

Although useful for transporting heavy objects around, forklifts are heavy machines that cause over 20,000 injuries every year. In this forklift operator training course, your crew will learn the safe practices for handling this equipment, along with vehicle inspection procedures.

Free safety training video - Alison Forklift Operator Training

This course will also discuss the components of a forklift and its different uses. By the end of this course, your team will be able to identify the different hazards related to forklift operations and outline workplace rules and regulations.

Secure your workplace with free safety training videos and OSHA courses. Join SC Training today


Gabrielle Rivera

Gabrielle is an eLearning content writer for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a microlearning solution designed for today's digital habits. She creates content about cutting-edge learning technologies and resources to help companies deliver great training experiences. When not absorbed in writing, she spends her time playing video games and reading books.



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