EdApp by SafetyCulture

5 Ways Gamification Solves Business Problems


May 14, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


gamification for business problems

Gamification is known to engage employees, boost productivity and drive business success. Who would have thought that badges, levels and leaderboards could be the answer to business problems?

According to Gartner, many companies have turned to gamification as a tool to design behaviours, develop skills and enable innovation within businesses that use a microlearning LMS. With correct application, gamification can cause major improvements in employee performance and client engagement. We share with you 6 ways gamification solves business problems.

1. Gamification for Employee Engagement

Gartner reported that 70% of business transformation efforts fail due to lack of engagement, often due to employees feeling unvalued. Developing an emotive connection between your employees and the business is essential to drive employee engagement.

Gamification Solution:
If employees feel they are valued in their jobs, their team productivity and individual engagement shoots up. Ways to do this include virtual rewards, the core of gamification, to celebrate efforts.

2. Retention of Intellectual Capital

This Forbes’ article on the retirement of Baby Boomers analyses its projected effect on the future of work for millennials. The retirement of Baby Boomers means they are taking all of their intellectual capital with them.

Gamification Solution:
This is why it is so important to share knowledge with colleagues along the way. Gamification offers a space to share a range of expertise and get the conversation flowing.

3. Growth of a Learning Community

According to The Association for Talent Development, 90% of what we know is a result of informal learning, illuminating the importance of encouraging knowledge-sharing through the tiers of the business.

Gamification Solution:
As employees progress through their microlearning modules, virtual rewards are presented which can be then shared with colleagues. Peer feedback is useful to guide their colleagues and engagement with the platform, creating a strong learning culture.

4. Close the Skills Gap

The World Economic Forum has expressed concerns of re-skilling to keep up with the future of work, finding that from mid-2017, 35% of the skills workers need across all industries will have changed by 2020. The last time we checked our calendars, that’s next year.

Gamification Solution:
When it is felt the employees understand the values of the company and their role within, the company feels they are at peak engagement at work. This is why it is important to make the company known and whole-heartedly embraced, by increasing its visibility. Make them want to be there! The fully customisable gamification features of the authoring tools on microlearning platforms make it possible to embed branding and values in your learning modules.

5. Lower Costs of Training and Development

Training Mag reported companies spend 02 on training per employee, per year. It is important to see if this training is effective and worth investment, but how?

Gamification Solution:
Yep, you guessed it. Gamification! Gamification tools provide instant, digitally recorded data on employee engagement and progress. This effectively gives you a way to track the staff engagement and see tangible improvements in learning.

What’s the best gamification system?

If all of the above resonates and you need to train a large group or workforce in the latest practices and policies of your organisation, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.


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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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