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How to use spaced repetition


January 16, 2019


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spaced repetition

As an inventive technique of learning, spaced repetition or spaced learning has become a trendy topic over the last few decades. The method includes a series of short, intense learning sessions with increased student involvement, separated by short breaks during which students do a completely different activity.  That said; when and where can this technique be applied? This post will explore a few key instances, on when to use spaced repetition to enhance learning.

Who is it for?

Spaced learning can be beneficial to anyone who wishes to learn new information, but it is particularly helpful to students and those doing company training. It is applied in instances where a learner must study a huge volume of new information and keep it indefinitely in memory.

Spaced repetition in studies

Memorizing all the information presented in a classroom setting can be quite overwhelming. Students usually try to cram every available material at the last minute. This is inefficient and exhausting, to say the least. The study technique of spaced learning can help students expedite the learning process considerably – and it can complement nearly any other study technique. This is a great example of when to use spaced repetition.

Put simply; spaced learning uses increasing lengths of time between review sessions of previously studied information. When you wrongly answer a question, the next review session for that said question or topic is scheduled much earlier. On the other hand, for questions, you answer correctly, the time for their review is pushed further. This way, you don’t waste time studying information you already know, but rather things you are just about to forget.

When to use spaced repetition

Using spaced learning in corporate training

Organizational knowledge is usually a competitive advantage that can never be overlooked. A good number of employees are faced with a never-ending range of information they must be acquainted with to be successful in their profession, and training is undoubtedly part of the solution.

Spaced repetition can be a remarkable and economical approach that organizations can use to help employees retain knowledge. When organizations, via seminars and workshops, deliver learning in short breaks over time, the loss in productivity is smaller. As opposed to sending their employees back to schools, organizations can incorporate spaced learning on the job. This creates greater impact, while still keeping costs under control.

When to use spaced repetition – The takeaway

Bottom line, spaced learning can be applied in a myriad of subjects or occasions. Most importantly, this technique is particularly helpful in the era of mobile learning, where learners can use mobile gadgets to access short bursts of learning materials –  even while on the go. Actually, you will find that most things involving learning or studying can be coupled with the use of spaced learning apps, and the level of your use is only as limited as your creativity.

If you’d like to learn more about SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Spaced Repetition system and our mobile app feature, called Brain Boost, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS for free by signing up here.

Spaced repetition and the forgetting curve
Is spaced repetition effective?
How to create spaced repetition
How spaced repetition works
What is the evidence around spaced repetition

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