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3 Keys To Building Content For The Modern Learner


July 11, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Learning Content For The Modern Learner

Building content for the modern learner is the first step towards executing a successful employee training strategy within your enterprise.

Successfully implementing effective content for the education of the modern learner provides benefits to employees as well as the employer. Training will be more effective for employees, and your production time will be significantly shortened, making for a more efficient process.

The way to employees’ hearts is to accomodate to their needs and wants in every aspect of the learning process, making it crucial to effectively create relevant and relatable content. We’ve gathered 3 key tips on how to build the perfect content for the modern learner.

1. Focus on specific learning objectives

Developing specific objectives for employees to work toward provides a clear path on which learners can progress to success. Using objectives to guide the process of learning means unnecessary and congested information is avoided. Content must be built considering the needs of employees for effective performance in their roles, contributing to the extent of success of the entire enterprise.

2. Be sure to give context to your learning content

Context is important in the building of content as processes are more effectively taught when information is succinct, however must incorporate background for learners. Providing context to learners results in them more likely being able to recall and retain information. This is due to experiences and stories being relatable for learners, where they may feel more associated and connected to what they are learning about. This intrinsically motivates employees which, in turn, significantly boosts engagement and productivity in their respective roles.

3. Be deliberate with delivery

Delivering content to learners must be deliberate to prevent the repetition of course content from becoming suffocating. To avoid this, lessons must be designed in a way that content is made different in certain aspects to provide learning with more variance. Mobile learning enables the learner to be in control of their own learning, allowing them to revise information on demand. This is why it is essential to make content clear and concise, delivering it in a way suited to the needs of employees.

If you would like to learn more about how SC Training (formerly EdApp) is the ideal authoring tool to create content for the modern learner

Check out SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s other interactive microlearning templates here. If you want to learn more about SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s mobile-focused LMS and authoring tool,get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS for free by signing up here.

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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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