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Corporate employee onboarding Microlearning program


January 21, 2019


Scott Whitaker


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Microlearning for staff onboarding

Onboarding new staff at any company is an expensive process. New staff take time to learn what is needed and add value. The time that they spend doing that is time where the company is carrying the cost. So it goes without saying that the faster you can get a new member up to speed the better. Microlearning for staff onboarding is a great way to speed up this process.

Information when it’s needed

One of the greatest advantages of microlearning is the ability to get information in front of staff when it’s needed. This can be a difficult task when onboarding. Different staff learn at different paces and this needs to be taken into account when designing onboarding processes. Creating a microlearning plan and distributing this via mobile (smartphone ownership is practically ubiquitous) allows staff to access learning materials when and where they are needed. They don’t need to sit and wait for direction.

By creating a learning plan that steps staff through small chunks of learning information makes onboarding more efficient. Just reflect on any first week in a job that you’ve had and remember the confusion of where to go to and who to speak to next, to see the value of this.

Consistent information

When onboarding large teams across franchises or multinational companies, one of the biggest issues is maintaining consistent information. This is especially an issue with offices or branches spread across multiple regions. Mobile-delivered microlearning allows for centralised authoring and distribution. A great case study describes how Pandora uses microlearning for onboarding staff.

Spaced repetition for better information retention

When it comes to onboarding, speed of information retention is very important. The ability for new staff to learn skills is sped up though the use of spaced repetition. Spaced repetition uses an algorithm to track learners’ retention of information and put key ideas back in front of them when it is starting to fade in their memory. The use of this is proven to improve retention of information over the long term.

Related: Microlearning for product knowledge
Related: When to use microlearning

It you’d like to know about how SC Training (formerly EdApp) can help with your onboarding issues, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.

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Scott Whitaker



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