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10 Online Course Design Templates


February 23, 2023


Stephanie Escuadro


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Online Course Design Templates - SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Online course design templates can make your training course development way easier. By using pre-built templates, you no longer have to be concerned about online course design best practices and creating online course templates. Instead, concentrate on what's truly important: your course content.

We'll take a look at SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s online course design templates to see how they can help you produce the most engaging and effective online courses.

1. Carousel 

Carousel is a template for online course design that adds a fresh twist to your multiple choice tests and makes your course assessment more enjoyable for your learners. With this template, you can display the options in a grid shape, and learners can swipe through them to discover the correct answer. It's great for allowing your learners to concentrate on only one response at a time. It appears similar to the “swiping” interactions used in different mobile applications, so your team is likely to get the idea behind this template the instant they see it.

Online Course Design Templates - Carousel

To spice things up, SC Training (formerly EdApp) allows you to add instances of gamification in corporate training such as weighted scores, timers, power-ups, as well as prizes and punishments to your courses. These features are already incorporated into the system; all you have to do is activate them.

Access a ton of online course design templates by signing up for SC Training (formerly EdApp) today.

2. Categorize

Categorize is another innovative template for online course design. In this template, your team must drag and drop a statement into one of two categories. Most SC Training (formerly EdApp) users use this template to ask true or false questions or to reinforce various product knowledge, but you can always change the categories to fit the topics you wish to stress to your learners.

Online Course Design Templates - Categorize

This SC Training (formerly EdApp) template is free to use forever. It's easily accessible via the platform's course creator tool, which requires no instructional design experience. The template has already been configured to adapt nicely to all screen sizes, from smartphones to desktop computers. It allows your learners to choose their preferred device and take the quizzes whenever and wherever they choose.

3. Circle the answer

Online Course Design Templates - Circle the answer

Circle the answer is a one-of-a-kind template that allows your trainees to have some fun while taking their test. The options are presented below the question, and learners must circle the right answer. They can draw the circle using their mobile phones or their mouse, depending on the device they're using. It'll then highlight the answer they selected, and learners must confirm their choice by selecting the "Ok, I'm done" button.

4. Image/word match game

Online Course Design Templates - Image/word match game

This online course design template called Image/word match game is another fantastic technique to educate your learners about the characteristics or benefits of your items. At the top of the screen, there'll be graphics or phrases. The learners will next choose the word or phrases that best complement the exhibited image or word. Although the quiz template wording and picture are quite simple, you can always add an instruction slide before displaying your questions to offer your learners some context.

5. Dial

Online Course Design Templates - Dial

A classic adage goes, "If you don't know your statistics, you don't know your business." One approach to guarantee that your learners understand your company's numbers and figures is through evaluations. But don't just use the standard online course design template. Use the Dial template from SC Training (formerly EdApp) to dial things up. The options will be displayed in a circular format here. Learners will be prompted to twist the dial to input the right answer, much as they would when dialing a phone number.

6. Comparison 

Online Course Design Templates - Comparison

Using SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Comparison template, you can create an excellent product or service comparative slide that'll impress your team. You don't have to worry about whether you want to emphasize the difference in quality between your items and those of your rivals. Or, if you just want to showcase the contrast between the things you sell. Use this template to make your online course design look professional and user-friendly.

7. Expandable List 

Online Course Design Templates - Expandable List

Don't overwhelm your learners with long blocks of text. Using SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Expandable List template, you can divide your material into small bites to emphasize crucial information. This template is based on the idea of using bullet points to offer learners rapid access to information. The information first presented the major points, which expand when tapped to deliver more information. Learners can gain a greater understanding of the concepts if only one piece of information is revealed at a time.

8. Image Map

Online Course Design Templates - Image Map

The Image Map template in SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a clever method to present a lot of information in a single image. The concept is straightforward. Assign clickable hotspots and then your trainee can push or click them to learn more. This online course design template is versatile and can convey a wide range of topics - display new product packaging, emphasize interior views of a space, or illustrate retail locations. The choice is yours.

9. Word Construction

Online Course Design Templates - Word Construction

The popular fill-in-the-blank quiz style has been improved with Word Construction. Essentially, it requires students to spell the keywords from the lesson topic to complete the sentence's meaning. While the concept of this template sounds straightforward, the challenge is learners need to replicate the phrases themselves. When there're no response options, it might be more difficult and fascinating to guess the correct answer!

10. Jeopardy

Jeopardy, like the Find-a-word template, is a unique online course design template inspired by the iconic TV quiz show game Jeopardy! As a result, it's a terrific approach to getting your learners into their training.

Online Course Design Templates - Jeopardy

Construct up to three categories for this template, and then create a combination of true or false questions with points based on their difficulty setting. Meanwhile, learners can select questions from one of three categories. The more difficult the questions they choose, the more points they gain.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a mobile learning management system designed for today’s digital habits, delivering more engaging and effective micro-learning directly to learners anytime and anywhere.

Sign up for this online course design tool today.


Stephanie Escuadro

Stephanie is an eLearning content writer for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a microlearning solution designed for today's digital habits. She creates content about cutting-edge learning technologies and resources to help companies deliver great training experiences. When not absorbed in writing, she spends her time taking care of her dog and binge-watching.



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