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5 Tips For Your Retail Training Modules


February 12, 2019


Scott Whitaker


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retail training modules

Do you think your retail store could benefit more from motivated, top-performing staff? Do you feel as if your retail employees could do better at serving customers? If you answered yes to the above questions, continue reading. This post will outline 5 tips for a retail training program, which retailers can use to facilitate the creation of effective retail employee training courses.

Retail Sales Training Program Tips

1. Training on how to establish contact

Retail staff should not only be trained to greet shoppers in a prompt manner but also have a repertoire or selection of “go to” lines, which probe clients’ product needs. If your retail staff can get shoppers to open up about their interests or habits, they (staff) will be better positioned to steer them towards the right products. This must be done within the first few seconds of the shoppers’ entry into the store, hence the significance for this kind of training.

2. Train them on word choice

The words your staff use when communicating with customers can greatly determine if a sale will be made or not. It is advisable for your staff to develop a list of key sales phrases that trigger positive visions for shoppers.

Phrases like “healthy, safe, proven, free, best, save, new” are particularly effective at persuading shoppers to make purchases. Likewise, some phrases should be avoided. These include phrases like “bad, buy, cost, worry and difficult”. They potentially create a negative perception and turn shoppers away.

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3. Training on how to fill a void

Retail employees should be trained to establish why a particular shopper is on the prowl. Sometimes, customers can be undecided on what to buy and this training is all about realizing their needs without even making an inquiry.  Your retail staff should always steer discussions toward establishing what product(s) could possibly suit the shopper. Apparently, this will require them (attendants) to have adequate product knowledge so that they can recommend items in confidence.

Related: How to train my retail staff
Related: Onboarding retail staff with training

4. Retail staff should not focus much on sale items

Retail stores usually make little profit on sale items as the margins are very thin. While it may appear as a kind gesture to guide shoppers toward sales items, it could eventually harm the business if that is where attendants always point first. It’s good to train your staff to only mention sales items when shoppers make an inquiry about them.

5. Get help if necessary

Appreciate that sometimes you do not have to conduct training by yourself. As a manager, if teaching is not your area of expertise, delegate the task to qualified trainers so that they can bring the best out of your staff.

All the best and we hope the above 5 tips will come in handy in your next retail staff training. You can also learn more and read about gamification in retail.

Create your retail sales training manual with SC Training (formerly EdApp)

If you’d like to know more about how the SC Training (formerly EdApp) retail training app can help your retail training solution and internal training practices, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.

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Scott Whitaker



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