EdApp by SafetyCulture

10 Training Reinforcement Ideas


September 20, 2021


Shera Bariuad


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Training Reinforcement

Training reinforcement is an essential training strategy to keep employees aligned and up-to-date on product training, compliance training, skills development, etc. We’ve prepared a list of training reinforcement ideas to help you increase employee engagement and improve their knowledge retention.

1. Use a microlearning strategy

Microlearning is an onboarding and training reinforcement strategy for delivering training content in the form of bite-sized modules. Instead of discussing overwhelming content all at once, this strategy only focuses on key elements or messages of a subject which prevents cognitive overload among learners. This approach allows learners to easily store the information in their long-term memory. Applying this strategy to your training also gives your employees control over their learning experience. With the compact nature of microlearning courses, they can be completed in just a couple of minutes, unlike traditional courses that take hours or days to complete. Overall, a microlearning strategy makes your training easier to understand, more engaging, and less time-consuming. 

Training Reinforcement - Microlearning

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is an award-winning learning management system that promotes microlearning to help you improve employee learning outcomes. With this platform, you can easily create microlessons without any technical knowledge or designing experience thanks to its user-friendly authoring tool with 80+ interactive templates. But you don’t have to always start from scratch – you can easily deploy readily available microlearning courses from its editable course library, which you can tailor with your own expertise or standards specific to your company. To get a headstart, you can deploy corporate compliance training courses, health and safety courses, or product owner training courses by SC Training (formerly EdApp) to start training your team with microlearning!

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2. Increase engagement through gamification

Gamification is the method of transforming regular training modules into casual smartphone games. It applies gaming elements like drag-and-drop, sequencing, matching, etc. to make training more interactive and engaging. Gamified microlearning courses are proven to result in 80% (or higher) completion rates compared to typical eLearning courses. When training doesn’t feel dull or forced, learners are more likely to increase their learning productivity and engagement. 

Training Reinforcement - Gamification

To help you easily apply this strategy, SC Training (formerly EdApp) provides gamification templates in its authoring tool which include concepts like image/word match, letter jumble, true or false, and many more. 

3. Improve knowledge retention through spaced repetition

Spaced repetition is a training reinforcement approach of repeating key learning concepts to enhance long-term memory retention and combat the forgetting curve. This strategy repeats key information to learners, such as product knowledge and workplace best practices, delivered in a revised format at regular intervals.

Training Reinforcement - Spaced Repetition

SC Training (formerly EdApp) incorporates spaced repetition strategy through its system-automated quiz called Brain Boost (feature available upon request). This feature automatically extracts questions from your lesson to create personalized quizzes for each learner to test which information they’ve retained. The more answers they get right, the less frequent they are tested on a particular lesson. Employees will be able to access their Brain Boost in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s learner experience.

4. Reinforce key concepts through quizzes

Another idea for training reinforcement is administering quizzes to your employees about specific topics to efficiently assess their level of knowledge and expertise, identify knowledge gaps, and evaluate learning progress. You can use this technique after a company general meeting to reinforce key information. Or, you can use this before or after live training sessions to boost memory retention. 

Training Reinforcement - Quizzes

With the help of online quiz creators like SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s quiz maker tool called Rapid Refresh, you can easily create quizzes without any prior existing content in SC Training (formerly EdApp). Multiple-choice questions are set up in this tool using an easy-to-complete spreadsheet template. Quizzes are then deployed for single or multiple sessions delivered at regular intervals, whether daily or weekly.

5. Boost learning with visual elements

Learners are more likely to understand training concepts and embed information in their long-term memory when their visual thinking is stimulated through visual elements like pictures, graphics, and diagrams. This amplifies the importance of leveraging well-designed and visually informative learning content in improving comprehension and retention of the learners. However, this process can be challenging and time-consuming for training managers with little to no knowledge or experience of graphic design.

Training Reinforcement - Visual Elements

Thankfully, there are available LMS like SC Training (formerly EdApp) that supports visual learning strategies. It allows users to easily incorporate any kind of visual content using a simple drag-and-drop tool. With well-designed and visually informative lessons, learners can have a better grasp and retention of the training content. 

6. Localize training content by translating courses

Translating learning materials into the native language of your global teams removes the cultural and linguistic barriers that prevent some employees from absorbing information well. Localized training content makes the learning experience more comfortable and relatable for different groups of learners across the world. Through innovations like Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, you can automate the process of translating eLearning courses without taking long weeks or even months. 

Training Reinforcement - Translating courses

SC Training (formerly EdApp) features a built-in LMS translation tool that uses Google’s Machine Learning Cloud Translation Engine, providing you with the ability to translate training content into over 100 languages in just a few clicks. Whether you’re creating lessons or quizzes from scratch, importing existing courses. or deploying courses from the course library, you can easily deliver courses in multiple languages at scale.

7. Leverage your team’s expertise with discussions

Incorporating social learning into your training program enables your employees to interact with and learn from colleagues, even without physical interactions. By encouraging discussions among learners, you can maximize the knowledge, expertise, and experiences of employees within your organization. This improves relatability and knowledge retention not only for the learners but also for the individuals participating in the discussion. 

Training Reinforcement - Discussions

With that, SC Training (formerly EdApp) leverages the power of peer learning through its in-lesson Discussions tool. This is a forum-style feature designed to give the opportunity for the learners to lead course discussions when necessary, and provide real-time feedback to peers. Coaches can even step in to provide insight into key responses.

8. Identify knowledge gaps with assignments

Half of the battle of workplace learning is making sure that your teams understand key concepts correctly. Deploying assignments allows you to reinforce information, identify knowledge gaps, and evaluate your team’s understanding of course materials. This enables you to highlight their strengths or areas of improvement when providing feedback.

Training Reinforcement - Assignments

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Assignments is a question-and-response feature that enables you to assign a self-test to reinforce key concepts and assess knowledge retention. It allows your learners to provide detailed responses to your targeted questions through image, video, or long-form text submissions. Submitted responses can then be easily reviewed and graded by admins/instructors.

9. Create an immersive training experience through virtual training simulations

A virtual training simulation is a method of replicating work scenarios that are typically demonstrated in traditional training through in-person demos. Through live virtual exercises, your learners can apply their knowledge and skills through virtual exercises. Learners are more likely to improve knowledge retention and skills when they are able to put their learnings into practice before stepping into real work scenarios.

Training Reinforcement - Virtual Training Simulation

While there are available training software that provide virtual training and simulations, you can also take advantage of video conference platforms for virtual demonstrations and immersive training activities.

10. Make learning convenient with mobile learning

Mobile learning, or mLearning, is not just simply making training accessible across multiple devices, but rather incorporating smartphone technology into the learning experience. By delivering eLearning materials on a mobile app, you can easily adapt your training program to fit in any nature of work or schedule of employees. This means your learners can take their training courses on any mobile device, at their own pace – even while waiting for meals to get cooked at home or while sitting in traffic on the way to work. It makes learning less overwhelming and more convenient for your learners. 

Training Reinforcement - Mobile learning

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a mobile-first LMS that provides employees with a learner experience for their training. It gives learners access to courses and quizzes, as well as the ability to closely monitor their learning performance using their smartphones.



Shera Bariuad

Shera is a workplace learning expert with a background in planning performance-driven solutions for various business industries. She’s dedicated to driving better learning and development outcomes by providing training strategies for training managers and curating lists of tools and courses for learners. Outside of work, she spends her time reading, illustrating, and designing.



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