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When to use gamification to teach


February 1, 2019


Scott Whitaker


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use gamification to teach

Gamification involves the use of prevalent gaming concepts to incentivize employees and keep them motivated towards learning. Many companies have incorporated the use of gaming concepts into their business models. Think about those companies that allow their loyal clients to receive points towards purchases or other rewards. This is one of the easiest ways that businesses use gaming concepts to gain customers’ loyalty. However, when businesses use this same method in-house (for knowledge transfer and training their employees) they may reap greater benefits and higher-qualified staff. Here are some examples of when gamification can be used to micro teach.


Imagine having your new hire use a simulator game of their job before they come into work their first day. The new hire will have an idea of what is expected of them and the virtual situation will help them feel more comfortable. This way they can concentrate on the customer and not what button to push on the register. Gamification used during the onboarding process is important and efficient.

Continued Training

Your staff will always benefit from continued training throughout their career with your company. It can help them sharpen up on safety protocol and job-based knowledge. It can provide them with information that can help them learn other positions within the company. Imagine providing game-based knowledge systems that teach employees about the various features in the products they sell. This would allow them to become more knowledgeable about the products, so they can easily promote certain features to your client base.

Closing the Sale

There is a wide range of closes that are used in sales. These help the sales team ask the customer for their business in an effective way that highlights benefits over features. Employees can play games to practice these closes, so they become comfortable with the various procedures. This will get more of them to use these closes to turn that impressive sales presentation into an actual sale. Sometimes the closing part is the hardest, but when they are practicing them in a game-like setting, the pressure is off and the knowledge transfer is increased.

Gamification is an essential tool in mobile learning. It can make learning fun and keep your staff engaged. Plus, it can be used throughout the employee’s career with your company and the more knowledge they have, the better they will be at meeting both your needs and your customer’s needs.

Want to know more about using gamification to teach?

If you’d like to know more about using gamification to teach , get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.

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Scott Whitaker

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