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10 Etiquette Training Courses

Good manners and conduct can make or break business relationships. Our list of 10 etiquette training courses will help your teams create meaningful relationships and cultivate a great professional working environment.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses

Last published: 21st July 2024

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Ethics and Code of Conduct

1. Ethics and Code of Conduct by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Every organization should have its own ethics and code of conduct. They help avoid problems in the workplace and create better working relationships. Your code of conduct serves as both an internal basis and an external assertion of your company's organizational ideals and commitments. Without it, your employees may end up getting confused about how to act when representing the firm or how to engage with coworkers.

Ethics and Code of Conduct from SC Training (formerly EdApp) underlines the principles that your organization seeks to ingrain in its managers and workers, as well as how they're expected to behave. This human resource course helps you with developing a well-written code of conduct that communicates what your organization is about, what it stands for, and what it strives to be to each person in your organization. Some of the topics included in this course are how to properly conduct themselves in a working environment, why it’s important to protect company assets, and getting involved in fostering a culture of integrity. 

Once your team finishes this course, they will be able to see the value of having a code of conduct that effectively communicates the do's and don'ts in the workplace – as well as aligning everyone with the type of culture your organization wants to foster. With this, you'll be able to spend less time handling problems with inappropriate behavior and conflicts both within and outside of work.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Working environment, safeguarding company assets, culture of integrity

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - How to be a Team Player

2. How to be a Team Player by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

High performance and strong collaboration only happen when individuals treat each other with respect and dignity. SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s How to be a Team Player is a great etiquette training course for those who want to learn how to be great team members, how to interact with each other professionally and personally, reduce barriers within their team, and understand other people's perspectives. This cultural intelligence training course includes 5 engaging lessons that your employees will undoubtedly love, including an introduction to how teams operate, team perspective, communication, and conflict management.

The great thing about any SC Training (formerly EdApp) course is your team can take it anytime and anywhere. They can continue their course lessons at work, at home, or during their morning commute.  This interpersonal skills training course is compatible with any device (mobile, tablet, desktop), so learners can use it whenever and wherever they choose.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Understanding your team’s perspective, voicing out concerns, managing conflicts within the team

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - How to Develop Strong Working Relationships

3. How to Develop Strong Working Relationships by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Organizations can rise or fall depending on how strong the working relationships are. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s How to Develop Strong Working Relationships takes your team through the step-by-step process of how to build relationships from the ground up, how to maintain them, and how to repair them.

This etiquette training course teaches your learners about the foundations of a strong working relationship and the differences between interacting in a professional and personal way. While it’s good to add a personal aspect to one’s professional life, you don’t want your team to turn off potential clients and partners by getting too personal.

Another thing your team can expect from this HR training course is learning the different communication styles and techniques to communicate effectively, maintain people’s trust, and how to value everyone’s differences instead of setting them aside. At the end of the course, they can be confident in developing their professional rapports.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Develop strong working relationships, maintain trust, communicate effectively, value differences, practice session

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Managing Difficult Conversations

4. Managing Difficult Conversations by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Most workers dread and avoid critical dialogues because they can be easily misunderstood as forms of frustration and discontentment when in fact, they're not. However, little is known about the implications of choosing to avoid unpleasant conversations, which can only follow you for as long as you ignore them. SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Managing Difficult Conversations will teach your team how to manage a difficult conversation head-on, so they won't have to avoid it in the future. They'll learn how to create a safe environment before making important dialogues and deliver negative feedback with sensitivity. By the end of the course, they’ll be able to manage situations better, with the help of empathy, and admit and apologize for miscommunications and mistakes.

This SC Training (formerly EdApp) course features games and quizzes, making it more enjoyable and engaging to take than your typical free elearning materials. This reduces mental barriers to receiving new knowledge, resulting in greater learning retention.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Tips on how to handle difficult conversations, providing negative feedback, delivering sincere apology, importance of difficult conversations

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Personal and Team Resilience

5. Personal and Team Resilience by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Resilience is more than simply being optimistic in life; it’s the ability to deal with and recover from adversity. It's a useful skill to have if you want to improve your team's adaptability and flexibility at work. The Personal and Team Resilience course from SC Training (formerly EdApp) explores resilience and its importance in the workplace. It provides them with the fundamental tools they'll need to deal with adversity, deal with difficult circumstances, and learn from the experience. This training course also discusses how to create a resilient workplace and ensure that your team members can transform difficulties and issues into opportunities for growth.

This SC Training (formerly EdApp) course was created using interactive templates to allow learners to actively participate and engage in it. Quizzes and game-based activities are also available to help them retain the information from this training course.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Definition of resilience, the role of resilience at work, ways to cope with adversity, building workplace resilience

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Dealing with Difficult Customers

6. Dealing with Difficult Customers by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Training your workers on how to handle difficult situations is a great addition to their etiquette training program. Not only will they be able to develop better working relationships in your organization, but also become better representatives outside of it. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Dealing with Difficult Customers highlights the many sorts of difficult customers and the best tips and tricks for dealing with problematic situations. This course teaches them how to satisfy customer demands and how to resolve their issues while remaining cool, calm, and collected.

While this is mainly a customer service course, your team can still benefit from this even if they’re in another field. For example, they can use the techniques taught in this course during sales calls, closing partnership deals, or even when interviewing potential candidates.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Types of difficult customers, responding to guest complaints, handling wrong food order, dealing with intoxicated customers

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Diversity and Inclusion

7. Diversity and Inclusion by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

As organizations expand abroad, modern workplaces must encourage diversity and inclusion. As a result, it's only natural to plan training programs that will increase your team's diversity and cultural awareness and train them on the proper etiquette in the workplace. 

SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Diversity & Inclusion course is crafted to help your workforce in embracing diversity in the workplace. This course will take them through creating an inclusive workplace by helping them understand the concept of diversity and the dos and don'ts with work etiquette. The course then explains how to recognize and overcome subconscious biases. It also gives advice on how to be more courteous while talking with coworkers.

If you want to modify this course to match your organization's brand or add your own content, you can update the course using SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s user-friendly authoring tool. The authoring tool allows you to choose from a template library, upload your own media, and re-design the course however you want it to.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Unconscious bias, how to cultivate an inclusive community, inclusive language

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Handling Objections with Emotional Intelligence

8. Handling Objections with Emotional Intelligence by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Receiving rejections or criticisms at work is not unusual. It's critical to develop your team's emotional intelligence so that they can approach these objections professionally rather than personally. In 5 short microlessons, your team will learn about active listening, body language, dispute resolution without damaged feelings, and effective feedback acceptance. The course also includes a lesson review to ensure that everyone understood the course information.

This course's lessons use the microlearning strategy, which divides long-form content into more consumable bits of knowledge. By doing so, learners aren't overburdened with information, helping them to better absorb what's presented to them. Microlearning also reduces the time required to finish courses, allowing your learners more time in their day to get things done.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Active listening, body language, how to resolve conflicts, taking feedback, lesson review

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Awareness

9. Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Awareness (AUS) by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Australia, as a penal colony, has become home to a diverse spectrum of ethnic groups and multiracial communities. It's critical that every person in your company, regardless of cultural background, feels accepted, included, and heard.

This etiquette training course introduces your team to the ethnic identity and heritage of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. They'll discover about their history, customs, and challenges, as well as how they have shaped their living conditions now. This course teaches your learners how to communicate properly with those who have different cultural origins, attitudes, and beliefs after they've learned about Australia's multiethnic culture. It also teaches your learners about cultural etiquette norms, cross-cultural obstacles, and discrimination that minorities face, as well as several ways to combat them.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Workplace cultural sensitivity, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity and culture, racism

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Etiquette Training Courses - Operating with Empathy

10. Operating with Empathy by SC Training (formerly EdApp) 

Building a corporate culture is a team effort that requires everyone's participation. Operating with  Empathy will train your team on how to make others feel appreciated and understood. They'll learn about the value of empathy in the workplace, how to lead with empathy, and how to create interpersonal connections in your team in only three short yet insightful lessons. This course is worth exploring since empathic leadership and operation can improve individual and team performance in the workplace.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Empathy and company culture, leading with empathy, fostering empathy

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Create better professional relationships with etiquette training courses

Being in the field of HR means having the responsibility to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable in the workplace. In that way, your workers can better develop their professional working relationships with a lesser risk of offending anybody. But handling teams, with different personalities and people coming from backgrounds, can be a difficult task to do. Conflicts and misunderstandings can arise from a lack of proper etiquette training. People and clients can get offended and turn them off from partnering with you. But with etiquette training courses, the task isn’t impossible. Training your teams with etiquette training courses can help your workforce build better relationships and promote good behavior while remaining sensitive to others. With the courses we’ve listed in this article, your workers are more likely to stay in your organization, create longer-lasting relationships both in and out of your organization, and be the best that they could be.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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