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10 Sales Training Videos

We’ve scoured the internet and compiled the most recommended sales training videos to help you build a competitive sales team that can continuously close deals and drive recurring revenue. Some of these sales training videos cover topics such as upselling, developing strong client relationships, persuasion techniques, and more. 

Sales Training Videos
Last published: 21st July 2024
SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sales Training Video - Upselling

1. Upselling

Upselling, if done correctly, will not only help increase the revenue and profit of a company, but also boost customer experience and establish a trusting and lasting relationship with them. Teach your sales team the finer points of upselling with this highly informative training course, Upselling by SC Training (formerly EdApp). 

In this free microlearning course, your team will be led through the psychology of upselling. They’ll get to explore the consumer mind, as well as the power of the must-have effect and fear-of-missing-out in persuading customers to upsell. It will also discuss the Paradox of Choice by famous psychologist Barry Schwartz, which states that people are more anxious when presented with more choices. These lessons can be used by your team to fine-tune their upselling strategies and help their customers make better and happier decisions. 

What’s more, this sales coaching course presents an upsell formula to help your team successfully upsell their customers. There’s also a quick video clip that will show them some upsell phrases that they can adopt to boost their sales. 

SC Training (formerly EdApp) designed this course to be fully editable. If you have specific upselling techniques and sales training videos that you’d like to add to this course, you can easily do so with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course builder tool. Fret not, as it’s very much free to use!

Cost: Free


  • Psychology of upselling
  • The consumer mind
  • Paradox of Choice
  • Upsell formula and upsell phrases

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sales Training Video - How to Develop Strong Working Relationships

2. How to Develop Strong Working Relationships

Knowing how to build and enhance relationships with people is extremely important for sales success. Luckily, SC Training (formerly EdApp) has a ready-made course that will show your sales team the ropes of developing strong relationships with their B2B clients, customers, and even colleagues. 

This course starts with a video clip highlighting the importance of trust, respect, and credibility in establishing a strong relationship with people. There's also an animated video highlighting the elements of trust in a fun but informative way. Then, it drills down the key steps your sales team can follow to secure open and effective communication with their clients.

Towards the end of this course, your team will be taught the importance of embracing different perspectives and engaging in a supportive and respectful confrontation. This comes specifically handy when your team is dealing with difficult customers. 

Apart from the sales training videos, this course contains a lot of interactivities, making sure that learners will enjoy and stick around until the very end of this training. Your team can easily access it through their mobile devices, although this course also responds perfectly to desktops and tablets. 

Cost: Free


  • The importance of trust, respect, and credibility in developing strong relationships
  • Elements of trust
  • Effective communication
  • Valuing different perspectives and engaging in supportive confrontation

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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 Master Class Sales Training Video - Sales and Persuasion

3. Sales and Persuasion

Master Class’ Sales and Persuasion was hosted by NYT-bestselling author Daniel Pink. In this two-hour sales training video, Pink explains how to persuade, sell, and inspire others using a science-backed sales strategy. 

After taking this course, your sales teams will discover the importance of purposeful, personal encounters with customers. They will also learn some sales techniques from Pink himself on how to remain positive and afloat in a sea of objection, which is something that’s hard to avoid especially in the world of selling. 

Each lesson will only run for approximately 15 minutes to avoid cognitive overload. Every salesperson can watch this training on their desktop, TV, or even mobile devices. 

Cost: 15 USD per month (subscription basis)


  • A science-based approach to persuading and selling
  • Importance of purposeful, personal interaction
  • How to stay positive in a sea of rejection

Created by Master Class

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Skillshare Sales Training Video - Honest Selling Secrets: How to Be Good at Sales Without Compromising Your Ethics

4. Honest Selling Secrets: How to Be Good at Sales Without Compromising Your Ethics

You can also go to Skillshare to find a variety of great sales training videos you can share with your team. More particularly, their course on Honest Selling Secrets: How to Be Good at Sales Without Compromising Your Ethics is a great way to help your sales reps to be better at selling and close deals in a convincing and honest manner. 

In this course, your team will be led through the six rules of ethical selling, which will help them improve their selling strategies and make sure that every lead, prospect, and client is treated with utmost respect and honesty. They will learn how to connect with their potential clients and customers like a human, how to sell to the heart and not to the head, and how to listen to their concerns. This course will last only 19 minutes, which your team can easily complete at any time of the day.

Cost: Starts at 32 USD per month (subscription basis)


  • Six rules of ethical selling
  • How to talk to customers like human
  • Selling to the heart
  • Listening to customers

Created by Skillshare

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sales Training Video - Knowing Your Market

5. Knowing Your Market

Knowing Your Market, a course offered by SC Training (formerly EdApp), explains the importance of carrying out market research to fully understand your target market and how doing so can help your sales reps close deals with their potential clients and customers. To help them better comprehend the significance of understanding the market, this course has included a video clip from one of the worst advertising flops of all time. 

As you progress through this training, you’ll also get to explore the key factors you should consider when carrying out market research. It will also teach you how to analyze your findings, and from there, make the best decisions. At the end of this training, your sales team will discover some best practices they can use to make sure that their market research is up to date and relevant to the recent market trends.

The course's lessons and videos are all intended to be short and straight to the point. This makes learning more convenient and easy for learners, particularly for salespeople who are constantly busy and moving around. 

Cost: Free


  • Importance of knowing the target market
  • Fundamentals of market research
  • Keeping market research relevant

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Allego Sales Training Video - Give Buyers and Sellers What They Want: Customized, Convenient, and Comprehensive Experiences

6. Give Buyers and Sellers What They Want: Customized, Convenient, and Comprehensive Experiences

Sales enablement platform Allego has created this great sales training video to equip sales teams with some helpful tips on how to capture the attention of most buyers today. It's hosted by Allego’s marketing and sales directors, so you can rest assured that you’re learning from the pros. 

Today’s sales funnel is undoubtedly more complex than ever before, and the role of your sales reps is to make their journey more convenient and also more customized. In this course, they’ll learn how to centralize and customize the buying journey of their prospects and turn the entire process quicker and easier for them. This sales training video also discusses the importance of technologies in streamlining all information in one location. This way, clients and customers can easily access anything they need to know about the products and services anytime they need it. 

Cost: Available upon request


  • Centralizing and customizing buying journey
  • Using technology to streamline information in one place

Created by Allego

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Free Video Lectures Sales Training Video - Management of Field Sales

7. Management of Field Sales

Your sales and marketing team will also benefit from this great sales training video from Free Video Lectures. The focus of this sales training video is to discuss the basics of field sales, or the business practice of physically visiting a customer or client to sell a product or service. 

This salesman training course unpacks the different communication styles that are deemed effective in field sales. It goes through the entire sales process, from prospecting and preparing sales calls to approaching the customers. And what's great is that these processes are followed with strategies to increase the chances of winning more deals. Learners will also gain more knowledge about the most typical buyer concerns, as well as how to change their perspectives and persuade them to make a purchase.

For this course, expect a series of 30-minute video lessons that your team will be able to access for free.

Cost: Free


  • Communication styles in field sales
  • Sales process
  • Negotiating buyer concerns 

Created by Free Video Lectures

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Domestika Sales Training Video - Email Marketing: Create a Strategy with Mailchimp

8. Email Marketing: Create a Strategy with Mailchimp

Domestika’s Email Marketing: Create a Strategy with Mailchimp sales training video will teach your sales team how to build a winning email marketing campaign and reach more prospects through this medium. It includes a helpful guide on how to use Mailchimp’s free plan to create and distribute engaging newsletters that will appeal to your target market. It also discusses some powerful strategies to grow the mailing list and win over their potential clients without looking spammy. 

This training comes with additional learning materials to boost your team's learning. Although this course isn't free, purchasing it will give your team lifetime access to the content.

Cost: ₱2,170


  • Building a winning email campaign with Mailchimp
  • Creating engaging newsletter
  • How to grow a mailing list

Created by Domestika

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Business Training Media Sales Training Video - Phone Power

9. Phone Power

Salespeople are expected to have effective telephone communication skills. This sales training video by Business Training Media will arm your team with specific telephone sales skills and improve their ability to communicate with clarity over the phone. They will discover how to maintain a positive discourse, create customer loyalty, and persuade even the most difficult people. This course will run for more than an hour, which is perfect for the busy schedule of every sales team. 

Cost: $69.95 USD


  • Techniques to improve telephone sales skills
  • Maintaining the positive conversation with customers
  • How to establish customer loyalty
  •  Connecting with hard-to-reach people

Created by Business Training Media

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sales Training Video  - Leading Under Pressure

10. Leading Under Pressure

You can use SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Leading Under Pressure course to help your sales managers, leaders, and supervisors combat stress in their everyday work and perform well under pressure.

This sales training video was created in collaboration with award-winning rescue diver John Volanthen, who has spent most of his life carrying out some of the most challenging underwater rescue missions. Here, he describes his experience rescuing a soccer team and their coach who were trapped in a cave in Thailand. This story is meant to teach your sales managers and executives how to maintain resilience and mental strength in such high-pressure situations.

Salespeople frequently find themselves in difficult situations when the stakes are simply too high. Through this course, they will learn some coping strategies they can use when they start feeling too worn out and overwhelmed by the work pressure. These lessons are delivered through a series of short video clips from Volanthen himself. There are also games and quizzes added in between lessons to boost retention. 

Cost: Free


  • Rescue missions experience of John Volanthen
  • Resilience and mental strength under pressure
  • Coping with high-pressure situations

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Upskill your sales team with sales training videos

Your sales team is the lifeblood of your business. For this reason, you must invest in them and give them the necessary training and support that will allow them to consistently close deals and bring ongoing value to your company. Having a well-trained sales team will secure your ROI and positioning in the market, making sure that you stay on top of the competition even with the evolving shifts and trends in the field.

Our collection of sales training videos includes some of the best video resources that can help teach your team the most effective selling strategies, like upselling, inbound sales, and cold-calling, and update them on the most recent market trends. Following a video format, they will surely capture the attention of your team and help in lesson retention more effectively than written materials and lectures.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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