EdApp by SafetyCulture

10 Sensitivity Training Courses for Employees

We’ve created a list of interactive and engaging sensitivity training courses for employees from SC Training (formerly EdApp) that you can use in place of PDFs and PowerPoint presentations. These courses are meant to increase employees' well-being, self-awareness of their own prejudices, and overall sensitivity to others. The topics in this list also range from emotional intelligence to handling office politics.

Sensitivity Training Courses for Employees

Last published: 6th May 2024

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Handling Objections with Emotional Intelligence

1. Handling Objections with Emotional Intelligence

The first sensitivity training course in this list is SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Handling Objections with Emotional Intelligence. Receiving rejections or objections is not that uncommon in the workplace. It’s important to nurture everyone’s emotional intelligence so that they can take these objections professionally instead of personally. In just five microlessons, your employees will learn about active listening, body language, resolving conflicts without hurt feelings, and accepting feedback properly. The course also comes with a lesson review to make sure that everyone understood the lesson content. 

The lessons in this course adopt the microlearning strategy, which breaks down long-form content into smaller, more digestible chunks of information. By doing this, learners aren’t overloaded with plenty of information, allowing them to better absorb what is being taught to them. Microlearning also helps in reducing the amount of time it takes to complete courses, giving your learners more time in their day to manage themselves.  

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 5 lessons
  • Scope: Active listening, body language, resolving conflicts, taking feedback, lesson review

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - What is Gender and Why Gender Equality

2. What is Gender and Why Gender Equality

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s What is Gender and Why Gender Equality is another free sensitivity training course. Developed in collaboration with UNITAR, this sponsored course opens with ways how to tackle gender disparities, and then explores gender and the stereotypes surrounding the topic. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance and value of gender equality when it comes to equal employment, and how your employees can contribute to the cause. The course ends by reinforcing common terms and definitions, such as LGBT terms, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the key concept of gender equality to learners and anti discrimination laws. 

Since this is a sponsored course, the content of the lessons can’t be edited. However, the other non-sponsored courses on this list can be edited to suit your company’s guidelines and branding better. Editing is also made simple and easy with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s drag-and-drop authoring tool and interactive slide template library.  

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 4 lessons
  • Scope: Global gender disparity, gender & gender stereotypes, gender equality, key gender definitions

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Managing Difficult Conversations

3. Managing Difficult Conversations

When you’re around the same people day in and day out, having difficult conversations is bound to happen. With sensitivity training in the office, you can make handling these uncomfortable situations easier for your employees. Managing Difficult Conversations by SC Training (formerly EdApp) provides teams with advice and techniques to handle conflicting conversations and prevent having a hostile work environment. Everyone’s voices deserve to be heard during disagreements between colleagues, between a team leader and a member, or between an employee and a customer. This course covers topics like prioritizing difficult conversations, handling and approaching these difficult conversations, giving negative feedback, and delivering a sincere apology. This office sensitivity training also discusses how to identify the common mistakes that can occur during difficult conversations. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 6 lessons
  • Scope: Importance of difficult conversations, common mistakes, handling difficult conversations as a leader, approaching remotely, giving negative feedback, delivering authentic apologies

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - How to be a Team Player

4. How to be a Team Player

Typically, more sensitive employees are also good team players. You can teach your learners how to be more cooperative with SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s How to be a Team Player sensitivity training courses for employees. This team-building course is a good starting point to measure an individual’s effectiveness in teams, remove their personal barriers, learn how to hold themselves and their team members accountable, and understand different viewpoints. In just five microlessons, you can introduce topics in this employee training like the concept of teams, different team perspectives, communication, and conflict management. At the end of the course, you can give a final assessment to gauge the level of understanding of your learners. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 5 lessons
  • Scope: Understanding your team’s perspective, voicing your concerns, managings conflicts as a team

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Diversity and Inclusion

5. Diversity and Inclusion

Workforces aren’t as homogenous as before, especially with companies now offering work to deserving and competent candidates around the world. Your organization would need to learn how to collaborate and grow together, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. Offered by SC Training (formerly EdApp), the Diversity and Inclusion disability sensitivity training for employees tackles key concepts like diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias, and inclusive organizations. Employees will also learn how to communicate effectively and lessen the possibility of offending their colleague through the use of inclusive language. 

This course uses gamification, incorporating games and quizzes to make learning fun and engaging. This transforms mundane training lessons into more approachable, engaging, and fun tasks. This approach to elearning helps increase course completion rates, assuring you a higher number of learners finishing their training. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 5 lessons
  • Scope: Introduction to diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias, cultivating an inclusive organization, inclusive language

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Dealing with Office Politics

6. Dealing with Office Politics

Most organizations have a ranked structure, with leaders and executives at the top, while the more rank and file workers are at the bottom. Office politics are bound to be present with this type of structure, so it’s important that your employees know how to navigate them before they can cause any negative consequences to your company. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Dealing with Office Politics sensitivity training course put together important concepts that will help your workers understand what office politics are, key principles of organizational dynamics, and different types of coworkers to be aware of. Additionally, they will learn how to be more diplomatic and gain tips on how to treat their colleagues fairly and avoid incidents like sex-discrimination, age-discrimination, and any type of discrimination in the workplace. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 4 lessons
  • Scope: Survival of the fittest office politician, map organizational power, being diplomatic, understanding motivation

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

7. Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Sexual Harassment in the Workplace is another sensitivity training for employees that you can check out. It’s the responsibility of human-resources to keep the workplace safe and harassment-free for all employees. With this course, you can give them a better understanding of what sexual harassment is and how it can impact the mental and physical health of its victims. Also, this course can guide your learners on the right approaches to take should they find themselves or others in a potential sexual harassment situation. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 4 lessons
  • Scope: What is sexual harassment, identifying the signs of sexual harassment, effects of sexual harassment, bystander responses to sexual assault

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Operating with Empathy

8. Operating with Empathy

Building a workplace culture is not a one-man job and everyone needs to be on board. Operating with Empathy will teach you and your workers how to make others feel valued and understood. In just three short yet informative lessons, everyone will learn about the importance of empathy in the workplace, how to lead with empathy, and how to foster interpersonal relationships in your team. This course is worth exploring since leading and operating with empathy can increase individual and team performance in the workplace. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 3 lessons
  • Scope: Empathy and company culture, leading with empathy, fostering empathy

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Bullying and Harassment

9. Integrated Quality Management

Increasing your employees’ awareness about bullying and harassment in the workplace is a sensitivity training topic worth considering. Bullying and Harassment by SC Training (formerly EdApp) gives teams a deeper understanding of what bullying and harassment are and how they can happen in the workplace. Here, learners will take lessons covering the different types of unlawful behavior, such as bullying and harassment, forms of cyberbullying, and the psychology of a bully. This course also discusses self-directed initiatives and employer work policies that your company can adopt to better promote a safer work environment. 

The great thing about this course is that it can be taken on any kind of device. From computers to mobile phones, your workers can take this course on their preferred devices. With mobile learning available, this can help improve the accessibility of your online training courses and is just one of the many benefits of online learning

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 4 lessons
  • Scope: Workplace bullying and harassment, cyberbullying, psychology of a bully, preventing bullying

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sensitivity Training Course for Employees - Discrimination in the Workplace

10. Compliance Training for Australian Business 

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Workplace Discrimination - Compliance Training for Australian Business is the last sensitivity training course for employees on this list. This course, with a particular focus on Australian businesses, introduces the definition of employment discrimination and provides examples. It gives learners a deeper understanding of the effects of discriminatory behavior and how it can be prevented and prohibited. Tips on how to take action against discrimination and how to create a more inclusive working environment are also given at the end of this course. 

SC Training (formerly EdApp) is one of the top LMS for peer learning with its forum-like discussion feature. Use your team’s shared expertise and knowledge with real-time discussions to train them and increase knowledge retention, collaboration, and awareness within your team. 

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson, 5 lessons
  • Scope: What is employment discrimination, effects of discriminatory behavior, how to prevent discrimination, taking action

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Create a warm and inviting work environment with these sensitivity training courses for employees

Sensitivity training is a type of employee training that helps employees to be more accepting of diversity in the workplace. It can also enhance the understanding between employees and enable good interpersonal relationships with their colleagues. By making workers more aware of their own prejudices and the well-being of others, you are teaching them acceptable behaviors and emotional actions that will benefit everybody in your company in the long run.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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