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10 Essential Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

We’ve compiled a list of sexual harassment prevention training that covers everything from defining harassment in the workplace to proper reporting and prevention. These courses will help foster a culture of safety, accountability, and care in all aspects of work including policy. 

Topics will include the types of harassment, preventing harassment, confronting harassers, and more.

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sexual harassment prevention training - USA Harassment Prevention (Employees)
Sexual harassment prevention training #1

USA Harassment Prevention (Employees)

If you’re looking for amazing free harassment prevention training for the US, this course by SC Training (formerly EdApp) is for you. In partnership with American law firm, Polsinelli, SC Training (formerly EdApp) built this comprehensive microlearning harassment prevention course that covers every essential aspect of the topic specifically for employees.

The course will cover identifying harassment, types of harassment, retaliation, reporting, and more.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope: Identifying harassment, types of sexual harassment, retaliation, third-party harassment, reporting harassment, external organizations, investigation

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Sexual harassment prevention training - USA Harassment Prevention (Supervisors)
Sexual harassment prevention training #2

USA Harassment Prevention (Supervisors)

This harassment prevention course is a complementary one to the one above as this is targeted toward supervisors and higher-ups in the company. Senior management has the responsibility to keep the workplace safe and this course covers important topics relevant to this responsibility.

The course will cover all the essentials like the types of harassment, reporting, retaliation, investigation, etc. but more focused on supervisor responsibilities.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Scope: Identifying harassment, types of sexual harassment, retaliation, third-party harassment, reporting harassment, external organizations, investigation, call to action, benefits of a harassment-free workplace

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Civil Rights Department (State of California) Sexual harassment prevention training - Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Sexual harassment prevention training #3

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

The Civil Rights Department of the State of California gives free online courses on relevant sexual harassment prevention training. This course, in particular, is available in a wide range of languages including Korean, Tagalog, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese. In California, employers are required to send harassment prevention training every two years, so you can be sure this is a compliant and effective course to use.

Cost: Free

Created by Civil Rights Department (State of California)

Scope: sexual harassment basics, policies and regulation, definition of sexual harassment

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NYC Human Rights Sexual harassment prevention training - Sexual Harassment Prevention Training
Sexual harassment prevention training #4

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

This course by the New York local government covers the tools and strategies to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. It’s a comprehensive, legal training that’s instructor-led with voice-overs and closed captions. It’s a simple training course that includes sexual harassment statistics and stories based on real cases. Your teams and managers can learn a lot from this course!

Cost: Free

Created by NYC Human Rights

Scope: Tools and strategies for harassment prevention, sexual harassment statistics, discrimination rights

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Traliant Sexual harassment prevention training - Sexual Harassment Training
Sexual harassment prevention training #5

Sexual Harassment Training

This sexual harassment training by Traliant is all about learning how to make the right decisions in the face of sexual harassment in the workplace. This training is specialized for HR practitioners and other important administrative staff. The topics covered in this training include understanding the forms of sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, bystander intervention, and more.

Cost: Request a quote

Created by Traliant

Scope: Understanding the forms of sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, bystander intervention

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Online OSHA Training Sexual harassment prevention training - Workplace Harassment Prevention Training
Sexual harassment prevention training #6

Workplace Harassment Prevention Training

Workplace harassment deeply affects people and does damage to your organization through penalties and tarnished reputations. Online OSHA Training provides a workplace harassment prevention training course that’ll help your departments develop an effective anti-harassment policy. It’ll also teach your employees all the basics of sexual harassment in all its forms.

Cost: Free

Created by Online OSHA Training

Scope: All types of unlawful harassment and reprisals, manager/supervisor duties, liability, types of harassment, retaliation, and discrimination, prevention, recognition, response, legal repercussions

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Sexualharassmenttraining.com Sexual harassment prevention training - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment prevention training #7

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexualharssmenttraining.com has an individual training course for sexual harassment in the workplace that covers all the essentials. This training aims to provide certification or compliance to individuals who want to further their knowledge. The training is valid for all 50 states, so it's a great course for professional purposes. 

Topics include Intro to sexual harassment, recognizing and Responding to harassment, sexual harassment and the law, supervisor/manager responsibilities, harassment case studies, and more.

Cost: Free

Created by Sexualharassmenttraining.com

Scope: Intro to sexual harassment, recognizing and responding to harassment, sexual harassment, and the law, supervisor/manager responsibilities, harassment case studies, and more.

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U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Sexual harassment prevention training - Harassment Prevention and Respectful Workplaces Training
Sexual harassment prevention training #8

Harassment Prevention and Respectful Workplaces Training

This course was created by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for supervisors and employees looking to create a safe space for everyone in the workplace. This course focuses on respect and acceptable behaviors in the workplace. The training is interactive and skill-based so it’s guaranteed to be practical.

Topics covered will include leading for respect, respect in the workplace, behaviors that contribute to a respectful workplace, and more.

Cost: Free

Created by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Scope: leading for respect, respect in the workplace, behaviors that contribute to a respectful workplace

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TrainingNow.com Sexual harassment prevention training - California Workplace Harassment Prevention Training for Managers
Sexual harassment prevention training #9

California Workplace Harassment Prevention Training for Managers

For all leaders, this course by TrainingNow.com meets California regulatory requirements for harassment training and more. It’s a mobile-friendly and SCORM-compliant module that’ll make delivering sexual harassment training to teams simple and easy. It’s quite comprehensive and covers 8 units of essential anti-harassment topics.

Cost: Free

Created by TrainingNow.com

Scope: Definition of sexual harassment, forms of discrimination, employer liability, other kinds of harassment, abusive conduct, employers and harassment, harassment procedures and policies, harassment investigations

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iHASCO Sexual harassment prevention training - Sexual Harassment Awareness Training
Sexual harassment prevention training #10

Sexual Harassment Awareness Training

At any level at work, this sexual harassment awareness training by iHASCO will be crucial to fostering a safe space. After this course, your teams will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to prevent workplace harassment in all forms. This course will cover important topics like sexual harassment awareness, identifying sexual harassment, addressing sexual harassment, and more.

Cost: 20 GBP

Created by iHASCO

Scope: Sexual harassment awareness, identifying sexual harassment, addressing sexual harassment

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To foster a truly safe and accountable workplace, employees of every level need to take sexual harassment prevention training. These types of training will help everyone understand the causes and consequences of harassment which can lead to long-term effects on people. When employees are aware of the types, signs, and ways to prevent harassment, they’re guaranteed to have a positive and more productive workplace.

Aside from understanding what harassment looks like, more importantly, these training courses can show your employees how to prevent harassment or what to do in the face of these types of advances.

What can employers do to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace?

Employers, managers, and other higher-ups are responsible for keeping the workplace safe. The burden should not have to fall into the hands of possible victims. Harassment isn’t simply a personal issue, it’s a systemic issue that is part of the office culture and company policy. 

Here are some ways employers can prevent harassment in the workplace:

  • Provide sexual harassment prevention training: Awareness is always the first step. Employees, managers, and senior leadership need to know what harassment looks like in all its forms. This way everyone can find ways to prevent and report harassment in any way possible.
  • Cultivate a culture of accountability: Part of preventing harassment is fostering a culture of safety at work. This means you need to make your office space and team dynamics a safe space for everyone. Remind teams to believe victims while equipping them with the tools and vocabulary necessary to respond to harassment.
  • Prioritize complaints: Take every complaint seriously. This way every employee whether they’ve experienced harassment or not, feels confident and safe in confiding in every member of the company. This is part of developing a culture of safety and accountability.
  • Develop a clear and effective anti-harassment policy: Down to the fine print, keep your employees safe. Make every step of your anti-harassment policy clear, accessible, and action-oriented. Be adamant about a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment while making the reporting and investigation process victim-focused. Work with necessary experts and third-party organizations to help develop a comprehensive anti-harassment policy.
  • Discipline offenders appropriately: Zero tolerance for offenders. Your employees need to see that you deal with unacceptable behavior properly and firmly. This will make everyone feel safe.

How do you train employees for harassment?

It's difficult to train employees for anti-harassment when they’ve never experienced or seen it before. Of course, there are several simple ways to do this.

  1. Put it into practice: From onboarding to every aspect of relevant meetings, make sure you’re reminding employees to draw boundaries. Help them understand what healthy professional boundaries look like and behaviors that encourage safety. Provide real-life case studies and examples that employees can access as well.
  2. Deliver elearning courses right to their devices: Elearning courses have become a great way to provide interactive and effective training for employees of every kind. This is a quick and easy way to help learners understand the implications and importance of anti-harassment without the long, boring lectures. 
    It’s also a great way to cover a wider range of topics for harassment prevention. There’s also so much free online harassment training for employees available! No excuse not to train your employees in sexual harassment prevention
  3. Reinforce policies with memos and reminders: As mentioned, sexual harassment prevention training goes hand-in-hand with practice. Send out memos, reminders, infographics, and other data-driven materials to help employees understand the weight of harassment prevention. Company policy delivered through digestible infographics is also a great interactive way to understand anti-harassment at the workplace.

Cultivate a culture of safety and accountability with sexual harassment prevention training

Sexual harassment at work is serious. No one should ever experience it. Trainers and managers are responsible for keeping employees safe through reliable and data-driven sexual harassment prevention training. Help your teams understand the kinds of harassment, how it happens, and the ways everyone can help report and keep victims safe at work.

Through sexual harassment prevention training, you can keep your workplace safe and develop a positive work culture. This will make everyone more productive and in general, work better together. We’ve made this list to help you provide the best sexual harassment prevention training to your teams today.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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