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10 Free workplace harassment training for employees

Workplace harassment, which takes on verbal, physical, and even visual forms, can happen to anyone at any time. Harassment can take on various forms and create a hostile and uncomfortable work environment that can negatively impact an employee's mental health, job performance, and career advancement.

It can be prevented by enforcing clear policies, accessible reporting methods, disciplinary actions, and effective training programs. So, we’ve put together 10 workplace harassment training to help you address the issue right at its baseline. 

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment is the most common form of harassment that involves inappropriate requests for sexual favors, verbal or non-verbal actions with a sexual nature, and unwanted sexual advances. Since it’s so common, it’s important to raise awareness and set in place an effective course that will help employees know its signs and effects right away. 

Luckily, this Sexual Harassment in the Workplace course by SC Training covers everything you’ll need to train your employees. The full course includes the definition of sexual harassment, the common signs, its effects, bystander interventions, as well as retaliation and responsibility. 

With proper workplace harassment training, you can create a safe environment for your employees without stress. SC Training makes it convenient for you to deploy training content to your team through the Creator Tool feature. You can select any editable course and enhance it with images, videos, assessments, and more. This lets you spend more time on other important tasks. 

Created by: SC Training

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

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Bullying and Harassment

Another common form of harassment is bullying which involves repeatedly using words or actions against someone that cause distress and affect their wellbeing. It’s commonly done by an individual with more physical or social power than the other. 

There are different types of bullying, such as relational, physical, verbal, and damage to property. Still, it can surely be prevented by keeping a safe environment and imposing effective workplace training like this Bullying and Harassment course by SC Training. 

This anti-harassment training focuses on how bullying can take on many forms and can help employees better identify the actions and prevent them from happening. It’s divided into four lessons, including Workplace Bullying and Harassment, Cyberbullying, Psychology of a Bully, and Becoming Bully-Proof. 

Created by: SC Training

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees - Cloud Assess

Harassment in the Workplace

This course by Cloud Assess can be completed in 45 minutes and can positively impact the dynamics in your workplace. It includes the definition of workplace harassment, examples, and steps you can take in case you’re experiencing it yourself. 

It offers practical advice on how to better respond to harassment in the workplace and can help create a more welcoming environment in your organization. 

Created by: Cloud Assess

Length: 45 minutes

Certificate: Available 

Cost: Free, Paid plan starts at 50 USD

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees - Workhub

Workplace violence and harassment

This 43-minute course by Workhub can foster open communication among your team, highlight clear policies, and encourage a more respectful and inclusive organization. It can also help you remain compliant, especially in certain jurisdictions that require workplace harassment training for employees. 

The course outline includes Workplace Violence Awareness, Workplace Violence Prevention and Response, Horseplay, Workplace Harassment and Bullying, and Robbery Prevention.

Created by: Workhub

Length: 43 minutes

Certificate: No information available 

Cost: Free, Paid plan started at 3 USD per user/month (minimum of 3 users)

SC Training

USA Harassment Prevention (Supervisors)

Help your supervisors know how to prevent harassment in the workplace by enforcing this course by SC Training. It’s divided into 10 lessons and discusses everything from the definition of harassment, sexual harassment, the different types, how to report, and the benefits of a harassment-free workplace. This course can help your team learn how to identify a hostile workplace and prevent all forms of workplace harassment. 

This course is also made more engaging through SC Training’s gamification elements,  which makes learning more fun and exciting. 

Created by: SC Training

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

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USA Harassment Prevention (Employees)

In this employee version of USA Harassment Prevention by SC Training, your team will get access to a 10-lesson course that covers everything they need to know about workplace harassment. 

The course is informative and tackles important learnings that can change your organization for the better. The lessons include a discussion of sexual harassment, retaliation, third-party harassment, how to report harassment, and important external organizations – to name a few. 

Once accomplished, your employees can receive a certificate that is easily customizable to fit your organization’s branding. It's a printable document that serves as proof of your employees' commitment to a harassment-free workplace.

Created by: SC Training

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees - Emtrain

Preventing Workplace Harassment Training Course

Sometimes, policies alone are not enough and employees need effective harassment prevention training. As they say, “prevention is better than cure” and preventing workplace harassment can begin with this course by Emtrain. 

It complies with the mandates of all US states on harassment and the content is also updated regularly. The course is on a skills-based approach and focused on giving employees resources or tools for managing misconduct and disrespectful behavior in the workplace. 

It covers important topics such as Quid pro quo, hostile work environment, unwelcome conduct, retaliation, upstander to bystander, and more. The course also has two versions – one for managers and another for employees. For managers, there’s an option for a 60-minute or 120-minute training, while employees can choose between 35-minute or 60-minute training. 

Created by: Emtrain

Length: 35 to 60 minutes 

Certificate: No information available

Cost: Contact for pricing

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees - WiseDaily

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Employees

Effective employee training can help prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the workplace. This Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Employees is a 60-minute course that aims to help organizations build a company culture that values respect and inclusivity. 

This harassment prevention training covers the definitions, rules, and regulations on sexual harassment, as well as methods to prevent its occurrence in the workplace. The course discusses important laws, Quid pro quo, and more. 

Created by: WiseDaily

Length: 60 minutes

Certificate: Available

Cost: Individual plan starts at 57 USD per year, Company subscription starts at 299 USD per month

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees - Study.com

Workplace Harassment Training for Employees

Harassment can have a serious impact on employees who experience it. But by taking a proactive, zero-tolerance approach, organizations can help ensure all employees feel valued, respected, and able to do their best work. This Workplace Harassment Training for Employees can help you achieve that. 

Study.com has an informative course that includes one hour of educational videos, 19 self-paced lessons, and four practice tests to make sure employees are rightly informed about harassment in the workplace. 

The course is divided into three chapters, including Sexual Harassment in the Workplace for Employees, Types of Workplace Harassment, and Harassment Policies and Procedures for Employees. It then concludes with a course practice test to know if employees understood the key concepts of all chapters. 

Created by: Study.com

Length: No information available

Certificate: No information available

Cost: Free trial available, Paid plan starts at 59.99 USD per month

10 Free workplace harassment training for employees - Traliant

Sexual Harassment Training

This Sexual Harassment Training by Traliant focuses on helping employees and managers better prevent, recognize, and report harassment in the workplace. It covers topics such as Quid pro quo, bullying, bystander intervention, social media use, manager’s duties, and hostile work environment, to name a few. 

The 45-minute course is designed to enhance employee engagement and is especially useful for industries like construction, healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing, restaurants, and retail. 

Created by: Traliant

Length: 45 minutes

Certificate: No information available

Cost: Free trial available, Contact for pricing

Workplace harassment is any unwelcome and threatening behavior on an individual based on their age, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, or disability. Harassment can come in different forms through verbal or non-verbal methods and can happen to anyone in any industry. It boils down to any misconduct that results in a hostile, intimidating, and offensive work environment. 

What are the types of harassment at work? 

Workplace harassment can come in many forms that employers and employees must be aware of to address the issues better, if present at work. 

  • Bullying 

Bullying involves repeated verbal abuse, unreasonable actions, or intimidation of an individual. It creates a threatening and hostile work environment that undermines an employee's ability to do their job. 

  • Sexual harassment 

This type of harassment involves unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or behavior of a sexual nature. 

  • Discriminatory harassment 

It is a harmful form of misconduct that targets employees based on their race, gender, age, religion, disability, or other factors. 

  • Physical harassment 

This refers to any unwelcome physical actions, such as inappropriate touching, blocking someone's path, or even physical assault. 

  • Verbal harassment 

This type of harassment involves unwanted, demeaning, or offensive verbal comments, statements, or interactions directed at an individual or group. 

  • Power harassment 

This type of harassment is characterized by a supervisor or manager exploiting their power over their subordinates in ways that create an intimidating work environment. 

  • Cyber harassment 

Cyber harassment involves using social media, online platforms, or electronic devices to do abusive and defamatory behavior against a co-worker. 

  • Psychological harassment

It involves a persistent pattern of behavior aimed at sabotaging, intimidating, or manipulating a coworker in subtle, yet damaging ways. It can have a devastating impact on an employee's mental health.

  • Retaliation

Retaliation is when an employee experiences negative treatment for reporting discrimination, harassment, or other unethical behavior in the workplace. 

Why is it important to prevent harassment in the workplace? 

The impacts of workplace harassment can be traumatic, both for individual employees and the company as a whole. When people don't feel safe and respected at work, it takes a major toll on their mental health, job performance, and overall well-being.

And for the employer, harassment can lead to high turnover, loss of productivity, reputational damage, and potentially even legal consequences. This is why preventing and addressing harassment in the workplace is a priority for a more inclusive work culture. 

Preventing harassment in the workplace is important to foster an inclusive and respectful environment for all employees. It also promotes a culture of dignity, respect, and equality for everyone. 

Plus, it’s beneficial for employers to keep workplace harassment-free as it reduces reputational damage, lessens the chances of employment tribunal claims, and improves the overall health of the organization. 

Foster an inclusive culture with workplace harassment training 

You can make sure that all your employees are safe and satisfied by having an inclusive and respectful work environment. When employees are not worried about being harassed or discriminated against, they can focus more on performing their tasks and responsibilities better. 

This is easily attainable by providing the necessary training materials that will keep them informed about workplace harassment, how to identify it, and what to do about the situation. Take advantage of SC Training’s expansive course library and equip your employees with the right information. 

Deliver the right workplace harassment training to your team with SC Training’s bite-sized courses. Sign up today for free

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