Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was once commonly used in construction materials. Though it has been banned in many countries, it is still present in many older buildings, and can be deadly if inhaled. Recently, there has been a rise in asbestos-related illnesses, as many people who worked with asbestos in the past are now beginning to experience the health effects.
The Check Your Knowledge With Asbestos Quiz is an important tool in asbestos awareness training to help people understand the risks of asbestos exposure. The quiz asks questions about asbestos-related illnesses as a construction safety topic and provides statistics on the number of people who have been affected by them. By taking the quiz, people can learn about the dangers of asbestos and how to protect themselves from exposure.
The quiz Check Your Knowledge With A Asbestos Statistics 2022 created and published by SC Training (formerly EdApp) asked the question Is the following statement true or false?. Out of the 39 participants, only 8% answered correctly.