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Tennis Australia
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10 Safety Topics for Work
Learn what safety topics you should include in your workplace training.
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Microlearning a language is one of the greatest things in life, however can also be one of the greatest challenges. Here's the secret to success
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Mobile learning provides endless benefits to the capabilities of employees, including their engagement and understanding of knowledge.
Becoming an L&D professional requires the mastery of various skills for optimal performance. Here's what they are.
Personalized learning is essential for the successful training of the modern employee in the midst of our technological age. Here's how.
Cognitive overload can be detrimental to the performance and engagement of learners in the absorption of new knowledge.
Gamification features and their implementation strategy start with the LMS and this can be made easier if it has an in-built capability and robust tracking features.
Feedback is central to creating effective training programs. To improve your current programs, here are ten types of feedback to boost learner engagement.
Memory retention can be difficult to improve, particularly when complex concepts must be learned. Here are 4 techniques you need to know.
SC Training (formerly EdApp) has been selected as a finalist for the External Learning Solution of the Year Award, hosted by the Learning Awards.
We share everything you need to know about aligning learning and development strategies with corporate goals.
Our memories are limited, sometimes making it difficult for us to absorb and retain mounds of new information. Here's how microlearning helps.
Adults learn in a variety of ways. Here are some common challenges adults face in their learning so you can adjust your learning program to meet them.