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In this user guide we will walk you through how to upload a SCORM package and include additional slides with SC Training (formerly EdApp) App.
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When editing a lesson in the authoring tool, content admins and instructional designers have the option of setting a timer on interactive templates.
Key Takeaway: Images can be easily incorporated into your microlessons using SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Image template. The Image template has a variety of applications in SC Training (formerly EdApp).
Key Takeaway: Not just used for percentages, Ratio can be used to create comparisons between the weight and price of products. A step-by-step guide to
Key takeaway: The categorise template has three key applications, which can be used in your own microlessons. The Categorise template, a relatively new
Key Takeaway: The Chat template can be used to educate employees on your desired interaction in a number of different ways. The Chat template is one of
Key Takeaway: Missing Word is a versatile template which is easy to configure and has a variety of applications. In this article, we will be going over
When it comes to imparting knowledge to learners, trying to present long form text can represent quite the challenge without boring learners
The next time you’re out in public take a look around you. How many people are looking at their phones or tablets? It's high, isn't it?
Key takeaway: Use the Title Slide to introduce your users to the lesson’s content, and the Exit Slide to reinforce its key takeaway. Some people like to
Key Takeaway: Swipe it Right, Image Word Match and Memory are all games which can be set up in under 5 minutes. The inclusion of educational games in
Key Takeaway: You can either upload pre-recorded content to your lessons, or record yourself using your device’s microphone. Whether it’s clearly covering