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Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.
Utilising microlearning content development tools as a professional interest in learning and development
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Gartner's most recent data in 'Gartner 2019 Future of HR', illustrates why SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s product meets the needs of HR leaders globally.
Mobile learning boasts a plethora of benefits and advantages for enterprise companies who have the objective of corporate training success.
Spaced repetition for training staff is your secret weapon to company success and is essential to consolidate new knowledge.
This article compiles a list of the best courses out there for learning about mental health that you can use to spread mental health awareness in the company.
Using bad courseware means you'll struggle to achieve 20 per cent completion rates. Good LMS UK eLearning boosts that to 90 per cent
SC Training (formerly EdApp) is delighted to announce our support of Learning at Work Week, an annual event designed to promote learning cultures in the workplace.
How to use Microlearning is the key ingredient to the recipe for staff training success. Cheesy, we know, but truthful.
We have answers to all these LMS questions: Learning management systems are expensive & require specialist operators. They're also ineffective. 2019 has answers for these LMS questions
eLearning software hasn't changed much in years thanks to a lumpen industry that refuses to modernise. Here are the current LMS best practices
Microlearning transforms corporate training by influencing employee behaviour and fostering rapid self and workplace improvement.
The concepts of microlearning, mobile learning and gamification for staff training have evolved over time, allowing learners to thrive.