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Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.
Training your employees is surely a hard and time-consuming task. In this article, you'll learn how to use SC Training for efficient course creation.
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Learn more about sexual harassment training from this free course that you can complete on your own smartphone.
Becoming an effective and successful leader is dependent on various factors in the eLearning world. We give you the 10 golden rules.
With the rise of millennials in the workforce, microlearning is becoming increasingly prevalent for its plethora of benefits.
Training staff with high turnover rates can be incredibly difficult, due to the need for continual training of employees. Luckily, we'll share our solution!
Why use call center training courses? Training call center staff is no easy task. Luckily, there are many online training courses to help guide new staff.
Microlearning helps learners grasp more information at a quicker pace. Here, you’ll find the most important benefits of microlearning for staff training.
A proactive culture is significantly more effective than a reactive culture due to the extent to which companies are successful. Discover its benefits today.
This free office politics training course can be completed on a smartphone using microlearning. It is interactive and effective among teams. Get started today.
Learn how to counter the rise in cybersecurity incidents through digital literacy training. Choose from our curated list of data protection free online courses.
SC Training (formerly EdApp) presents the Banner feature. Read on to learn why it enhances your learning initiatives and how to use it to its full capabilities.
For effective and worthwhile learning, employees must be continually inspired and engaged in their learning, for immersive learning.