EdApp by SafetyCulture

4 Types of Mobile Training


May 29, 2019


Guest Author Daniel Brown


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Mobile Training

Training for corporate mobile learning can be delivered in a multitude of ways. One of the most proven methods for delivering impactful learning to staff is via short, easily completed microlearning lessons.

We have researched far and wide to find the four best forms of training for where corporate mlearning is effective.

1. Compliance

If you ask your employees, ‘who likes compliance training?’ You won’t get many ‘yes’s. Getting through thick and boring compliance content can become tedious and often results in poor engagement rate, thus under performing employees. Negativity is often fostered in some employees when ordered to complete compulsory training programs, causing resistance and a lack of dynamism amongst employees. The breakdown of microlearning lessons into small chunks of information in bursts, makes training engaging and delivered in approximate 10-minute intervals.

2. Sales

When sales staff are on the floor, they are on the move all day, with little to no time to set aside for training. Regardless of schedule and location, mobile learning facilitates simultaneous learning, irrespective of timing and location. Mobile learning is not only productive, but also allows sales staff to access information instantly on their mobile device in times of need. Whether it is to refresh their memory to better answer a question, or find out details of the product, such as price. This is one of the core reasons why corporate mobile learning is great for training.

3. Onboarding with mobile learning

Onboarding your employees is the most crucial point to instil the company’s corporate objectives, climate and strategy to new employees. This can be sometimes difficult, due to possible high turnover rates, or vast roles within the company. Training with corporate mobile learning fills this gap through its ability to provide training tailored to each employee’s needs and expectations, through effective onboarding programs which lay out the groundwork for what they can expect during their time at the company.

4. Product

Product is often the most important element of a company’s success, meaning that ample emphasis must be placed on employee understanding of product knowledge and features. It’s one of the clear areas where training with corporate mobile learning has a distinct advantage. Product training being accessible on mobile devices is a game changer as employees are able to access lessons whenever wherever. This should not be seen as invitation for corporate learning to flow into every aspect of an employees life. It is a method of training that reaches staff who are not able to attend physical workshops or who need to learn in the flow of work.


Want to learn more about how best to deliver corporate mobile learning?

If all of the above resonates and you’ve got to train a large, disparate group or workforce in the latest practices and policies of your organisation, get in touch at enquiries@edapp.com. You can also try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Mobile LMS and authoring tool for free by signing up here.



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Guest Author Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.

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