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10 Soft Skills in the Workplace


March 28, 2023


Donna Dane


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Soft Skills in the Workplace

According to a Forbes survey, more than 61% of employers believe that soft skills are just as important as hard skills in the workplace. In this article, you’ll learn how to develop soft skills in the workplace for improving relationships, increasing productivity, and future-proofing your career.

1. Leadership

Leadership is one of the most essential soft skills in the workplace because it lets you take initiative, inspire and motivate others, and drive positive change. An effective leader helps to increase team productivity, foster innovation, and create a positive work culture.

soft skills in the workplace - leadership

Good leaders lead by example. If you want to be a good leader, model the behavior you want to see in others, may it be as simple as being punctual, or as challenging as taking responsibility for your actions. Communicate your vision clearly, and demonstrate empathy towards your team members by trying to understand their perspectives and feelings.

Most importantly, make sure that you’re always learning and growing. Seek out opportunities for professional development, such as attending conferences or taking lessons from any skill based training courses. Encourage your team members to do the same, and give them opportunities for training and development.

One way to deliver learning and development opportunities to your team is by adopting a learning management system (LMS) for your company. Thankfully, there are now many available LMS in the market. However, the difficult part is choosing the right one for you.

soft skills in the workplace - leadership LMS

The good thing is that SC Training (formerly EdApp) has already done the hard work for you. With its free, editable Course Library, you can easily customize any training course to suit your brand and business needs. SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Creator Tool also has Canva integration, which can help you create well-designed and visually informative lessons that aid with understanding and retention.

The best thing is that you don’t have to do all of this alone. With SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Course Creation Services, you can work with an expert team, every step of the way. Its customer success team and instructional designers will help you create interactive bite-sized courses which are sure to make an impact on your team.

Sign up for SC Training (formerly EdApp) to lead your team with the best learning management system.

2. Teamwork

Teamwork soft skills will empower your team to work collaboratively towards a common goal, to share ideas and resources, and to leverage each other's strengths to achieve better outcomes.

soft skills in the workplace - teamwork

To be a better team member, encourage open and honest communication with your teammates, and make sure that everyone has a chance to speak. Learn how to trust your teammates and be reliable, accountable, and transparent so that they will trust you, too. 

If you’re a leader, clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member, and confirm that everyone has a clear understanding of what is expected of them. This minimizes confusion and guarantees the completion of tasks. If any conflict arises, address it constructively and offer feedback on how your team members could better approach the situation.

3. Communication

Communication is one of the most important soft skills in the workplace because it’s essential for connecting with others, collaborating effectively, and conveying information. Effective communication can help you prevent misunderstandings and increase your efficiency when working with others.

soft skills in the workplace - communication

If you want to become a better communicator in the workplace, learn how to practice active listening. This will help you give your full attention to the speaker so that you won’t miss the point of what they’re trying to tell you. On the other hand, when you’re the one who’s speaking, it’s also helpful to be straightforward and to always strive for clarity and simplicity.

Non-verbal and written communication skills are also important, so make sure that you also practice them in the workplace. For non-verbal communication, pay attention to your non-verbal cues such as body language and tone of voice, and try to read those of others. With written communication, make sure to carefully proofread your writing for accuracy, appropriate language, and logical organization of ideas.

4. Problem-solving

Problem-solving is a process that involves various steps from identifying the problem to executing a solution. The first step is to identify the problem. It’sa valuable skill in any role and industry, as it can help you to make good decisions, overcome challenges, and drive positive change in the workplace.

soft skills in the workplace - problem-solving

The first step in solving a problem is clearly defining it. This involves gathering information, analyzing the situation, and identifying its root cause. So, being a good problem-solver also means sharpening your research and analysis skills.

Once you have identified the problem, you can then brainstorm potential solutions to evaluate and choose. Implementing the chosen solution follows, so it must be the most effective one. You can also conduct a feasibility study to decide on the most appropriate and practical solution for your specific problem.

After going through this whole process, don’t forget to take the time to reflect on what worked well and what could be improved. Then, use this feedback to improve your problem-solving skills in the future.

5. Time Management

Time management will help you to prioritize tasks, manage your workload, and meet deadlines. You’ll know that your time management skills are effective once you notice your stress levels lessen, and you start to achieve a better work-life balance. 

soft skills in the workplace - time management

This may be a controversial take in today’s hustle culture, but one of the best ways to practice good time management is to learn how to say no. This employee soft skill lets you set healthy boundaries and prevents you from taking on tasks that do not align with your goals or values.

On the more practical side of things, you can also try using a calendar or planner to stay organized and focused. Minimize distractions by focusing on the task at hand and avoiding multitasking. It’s also immensely helpful to take regular breaks throughout the day so that you can recharge and maintain your energetic productivity levels.

6. Adaptability

In a 2020 survey, employers identified adaptability as the most important soft skill to have in the workplace. It lets you adjust to changing circumstances, learn new skills, and thrive in dynamic work environments. In today's fast-paced and rapidly changing business landscapes, adaptability only becomes increasingly important.

soft skills in the workplace - adaptability

More often than not, adaptability means embracing change. Whether it is good or bad, being adaptable lets you see change as an opportunity to learn and grow. It makes sense then that the key to being adaptable is being open to learning new skills and staying informed about trends and developments in your industry.

To master this skill, this SC Training (formerly EdApp) course on Adaptability will show you the way to succeed. This way, you can anticipate and prepare for changes and stay ahead of the game, whether it’s for new employee policies or updated tech tools for work.

7. Initiative

Having initiative is an indispensable soft skill because it demonstrates a proactive and self-motivated approach to work. If you show initiative, you’re more likely to take on new responsibilities, solve problems, and contribute to the success of your organization.

soft skills in the workplace - initiative

Your leaders notice whether or not you take initiative at work. So if you want to improve this skill, remember to always take ownership of your work and responsibilities, and take charge when identifying and solving problems. Always look for ways to add value and make a positive impact on your organization.

You can also volunteer for new tasks and projects, even if they are outside your comfort zone. This can help you to develop new skills and gain experience while demonstrating your initiative and willingness to take on new challenges.

In terms of developing new skills and taking on new challenges, SC Training (formerly EdApp) can surely help you with that. Take initiative by signing up and enrolling in SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s courses for free. With your account, you can also gain access to various gamification features, which are taking the corporate LMS world by storm.

With this gamified learning management system, you’ll be motivated to get your training done quickly. Native smartphone elements like swipes, drag-and-drop, and match make learning with SC Training (formerly EdApp) fun, so training feels more like a game – not work.

8. Creativity

Creativity equips you with a fresh perspective to approach challenges and imagine innovative solutions. In today's highly competitive business ecosystems, companies use creativity to drive unconventional and unprecedented growth in their organizations.

soft skills in the workplace - creativity

To improve workplace creativity, cultivate a curious mindset. Always be open-minded, and ask questions to explore new ideas and approaches. Seek out diverse perspectives from colleagues, mentors, and industry experts, and be willing to challenge your own assumptions. 

Experiment with new approaches, use brainstorming techniques, and collaborate with colleagues and external partners to generate novel insights. And when all else fails to work, embrace it. With a creative mind, failure is seen only as an opportunity to improve.

9. Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is where it gets tough. Disagreements are inevitable in dynamic and competitive work environments, but everything can be resolved if everyone practices good conflict resolution skills. This way, you and your coworkers can navigate disagreements and conflicts effectively, build positive relationships, and maintain a productive work environment.

soft skills in the workplace - conflict resolution

Just like with good communication, active listening is crucial in conflict resolution. So, give your full attention to the person speaking, ask clarifying questions, and summarize their points. This will help you to understand their perspective and identify specific areas of agreement and disagreement.

Most importantly, be empathetic. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and consider their needs and feelings. This way, you can build rapport and establish a positive connection with the other person, even while you’re both working through a disagreement.

10. Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is a good thing to have for any type of situation. If you apply it to work, you’ll benefit not only yourself but your colleagues too. It’ll help you build better relationships with them and maintain a productive and engaging work environment.

soft skills in the workplace - positive attitude

There are many ways to maintain a positive and friendly demeanor in the workplace. You can start with friendly greetings, smiles, and positive body language. These positive habits are often well-received and returned, so practicing them can help you create a  more welcoming work environment for yourself and your colleagues.

Practicing gratitude and self-care are also crucial in developing a positive attitude. Take time to appreciate the positive aspects of your work, such as supportive colleagues, interesting projects, or opportunities for growth and development. Also, make sure also that you are resting well, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in regular exercise to boost your mood and energy levels.


Donna Dane

Donna is an elearning content writer for SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based microlearning platform designed for today's digital training needs. When she's not writing web articles, she writes lines of code or songs or anything food-related.

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