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16 COVID 19 Training Courses

We've compiled a list of the best COVID Training For Employees courses to assist workers in preparing for and responding to COVID-19 exposure and illness. These courses will provide essential knowledge about the virus and safety measures to lower the risk of exposure and infection at work.

Covid-19 Training Courses

Last published: 24th March 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) covid training for employees course-let's kick covid-19!

1. Let's Kick COVID-19!

SC Training (formerly EdApp) partnered with ImSci to educate individuals on facts about the virus and the precautions you can take to protect yourself and others. It starts by discussing what COVID-19 is and how it came to be a pandemic. This course will then teach some personal control and prevention strategies, such as proper hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, and physical distancing. More importantly, it includes a lesson on workplace guidance so that employees are aware of the safety protocols at work and the steps to follow when someone shows symptoms of infection, and different safety measures to prevent the virus from spreading to immunocompromised persons who are at risk of severe symptoms.

This comprehensive course consists of ten bite-sized lessons that focus on the key concepts about COVID-19. Following a microlearning design model, the concepts in this course are easily understood as they’re delivered in a concise, targeted approach, which increases the likelihood of retention. It’s the perfect format for providing critical information to your employees, which makes the training more effective.

Cost: Free

Scope: COVID-19 awareness, prevention strategies, workplace safety protocols, hygiene and etiquette (handwashing, cough in public, etc)

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) covid training for employees course-COVID-19 Safety for Hotels

2. COVID-19 Safety for Hotels

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s course on COVID-19 Safety for Hotels is specifically designed for employees who work in the hotel industry. This course will inform employees all about COVID-19 and how to minimize the risk of exposure and the possibility of transmission through droplets or airborne viruses. It covers safety guidelines for food service and housekeeping as well as personal preventive measures. Among the topics included are PPE training, disinfection of surfaces, proper hand washing, and social distancing.

As hotels have different guidelines to adhere to, this course is perfect to use as a starting ground for training your new employees since it can be customized and edited to tailor to your establishment’s needs. You can also choose from over 80 fully interactive and immersive templates to populate your content. With SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s easy-to-use authoring tool, you can add text, images, videos, games, and many more to create visually appealing and engaging course content.

Cost: Free

Scope: COVID-19, care workers & housekeeping, food service, infection prevention & control, prevent infection & direct-contact

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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high speed training covid training for employees course-COVID-19 Essentials Infection Prevention & PPE

3. COVID-19 Essentials: Infection Prevention & PPE

This training course by High Speed Training serves as a helpful guideline for those who are either returning to work or reopening businesses as the restrictions ease. COVID-19 Essentials: Infection Prevention & PPE walks your employees through the importance of personal hygiene and proper use of PPE (if needed) to prevent being contaminated and avoid further Covid-19 outbreaks. This program consists of modules, assessments, and audio voiceovers that can be completed with no time limits. 

Cost: US $27.52 USD + VAT

Scope: Infection prevention, PPE essentials, key concepts about COVID-19, personal hygiene, infection-control of transmitted virus

Created by High Speed Training

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grey matter learning covid training for employees course-COVID Training Course (COVID-19) Coronavirus Essentials

4. COVID Training Course (COVID-19) Coronavirus Essentials

This training course by Grey Matter Learning helps ensure that employees and staff are well informed about every essential thing they need to know about the virus and its differences from other viruses. Apart from the basic information about COVID-19, they have also included some prevention tips and advice from the experts, plus links to the latest news and updates from the government, Care Quality Commission (CQC), and National Health Service(NHS). 

Cost: Free upon subscription

Scope: COVID-19 signs and symptoms, how it spreads, general advice in case of virus exposure, testing and self-isolating, and latest news and updates from the government, CQC, and NHS.

Created by Grey Matter Learning

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) covid training for employees course-Returning to Retail During the COVID-19 Pandemic

5. Returning to Retail During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This course is perfect for retail workers who will be returning to work during the pandemic. It aims to protect employees from exposure to the virus while also placing the customers’ safety in mind. It will tackle proper disinfection and sanitation practices in the workplace to mitigate infections and also provides preventive measures that employees can take. It also recognizes the change in work dynamics and the stress that may come with work and teaches coping strategies. It also takes into consideration any customer aggression that may occur due to the new safety rules being implemented.

This course is perfect for busy retail workers who are always on the move as it can be taken right through their mobile devices. SC Training (formerly EdApp) courses are fully interactive and immersive on any device. Without the restraint of being tied down to a desk to accomplish their training, it’s guaranteed to promote higher completion rates.

Cost: Free

Scope: COVID-19 return to work guidelines, cleaning and disinfecting the workplace, coping with job stress, dealing with customer aggression

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Explore our library including COVID training for employees courses.

BIS Safety Software covid training for employees course-COVID-19: What Employees Need to Know

6. COVID-19: What Employees Need to Know

This course by BIS Safety Software is built to inform employees how to go through their day-to-day jobs in the middle of the pandemic. It explains how they can minimize exposure to the virus and provides preventive measures to follow. It will also discuss their rights and responsibilities as workers, such as having sick leave options, worker’s compensation, and special laws & additional regulations. This course takes around 20 minutes to complete and includes a certificate of completion.

Cost: CAD 49.99

Scope: Key OSHA standards for COVID-19, employee regulatory rights and responsibilities, prevention and control measures

Created by BIS Safety Software

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BIS Safety Software covid training for employees course-Lockdown Survival Guide

7. Lockdown Survival Guide

Unfortunately, some states are still struggling to battle the spread of the disease. If your employees are advised to stay at home, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Lockdown Survival Guide will point them to some valuable resources that can help them improve their state of well-being while working during the time of lockdown. It also discusses positive psychology and PERMA+ (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment PLUS Optimism, Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Sleep). This course is made available through smartphones and tablets, allowing learners to access it anytime and anyplace at their convenience. 

Cost: Free

Scope: Well-being in the time of lockdown, positive psychology and PERMA+, self-care plan, building resilience

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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J.J. Keller covid training for employees course-Cleaning and Disinfecting Classrooms for COVID-19

8. Cleaning and Disinfecting Classrooms for COVID-19

COVID-19 has drastically changed how cleaning and disinfection are made in the workplace. This course by J.J. Keller, designed for custodial and teaching staff, will educate them about the proper and safe use of disinfectants. They will also learn how to evaluate the different areas that need cleaning as well as how to create a schedule to determine high-frequency areas that need to be disinfected. By the end of this course, employees will gain a better understanding of the new cleaning considerations due to the pandemic.

Cost: US $25

Scope: Proper and safe use of disinfectants, methods of disinfecting and cleaning, creating a routine cleaning schedule

Created by J.J. Keller

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OpenWHO covid training for employees course-Guidance on mask use in the context of COVID-19

9. Guidance on mask use in the context of COVID-19

The use of masks is crucial to preventing the spread of COVID-19, so everyone must be aware of its proper usage. This course teaches the correct way of handling & wearing masks, the different kinds of masks, and their use cases. It will also identify the difference between universal masking versus targeted masking. Since this course is created by the World Health Organization (WHO), rest assured that the information presented is credible and based on scientific evidence that can be safely deployed to your employees.

Cost: Free

Scope: Safe handling and wearing of masks, types of masks, universal masking vs. targeted masking

Created by OpenWHO

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High Speed Training covid training for employees course-COVID-19 Essentials: Close Contact Working

10. COVID-19 Essentials: Close Contact Working

This course is designed for close contact workers, such as hairdressers, tailors, and tattoo artists. Its goal is to help them reduce the spread of the virus by explaining the importance of personal hygiene, the proper use of PPEs & visors, and the different basic infection prevention protocols. They will also learn about risk assessments and emergency procedures in case a customer shows symptoms like coughing, running nose, and fever. It takes approximately 3 hours to finish this course and employees will be given a certificate that they can present for compliance and auditing purposes.

Cost: £ 20 +VAT

Scope: Introduction to COVID-19 Essentials for close contact working, risk assessments and methods of infection prevention and control, correct use of PPE, workplace sanitation

Created by High Speed Training

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) covid training for employees course - Combating the Disinfodemic

11. Combating the Disinfodemic

The fast-spreading of falsehoods and misleading facts about the novel Coronavirus can be very destructive. It can jeopardize the global response to the pandemic, as well as incite public conflict and distrust. To address these preventable challenges, SC Training (formerly EdApp) has released a free training course “Combating the Disinfodemic: Working for truth in the time of COVID-19”, designed to help your team gain a better understanding of the disinfodemic and the critical importance of truth in the time of the pandemic through an epidemiologic approach. This interactive course is a brainchild of the UNESCO-UNITAR collaboration, aiming to #ShareKnowledge in just 5-10 minutes. It only consists of nine lessons with information delivered in small chunks for better and more effective training. 

Price: Free

Scope: Introduction to disinfodemic, identifying disinformation and its target audiences, disinfodemic themes and format types, and options for action.

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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360training covid training for employees course - Free COVID-19 Awareness

12. Free COVID-19 Awareness

360training developed this training course to help employees become more informed about the scope of this pandemic, and in doing so, increase workplace safety. It includes eight informative modules covering basic information about the novel Coronavirus, including its symptoms, transmission rate, and well-grounded methods to mitigate the spread of this dreaded illness. The lessons are delivered online, making them readily available to your employees.

Price: Free

Scope: Introduction to COVID-19, virus symptoms, US Government response, prevention methods, advice for employers, social distancing, and self-isolation.

Created by 360training

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Coursera covid training for employees course - Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19

13. Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19

Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19 course is prepared by experts and researchers at Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (J-IDEA) and Imperial College London. This course expounds on the scale of the outbreak and some theories behind this virus. It also touches on the vital role of community engagement in winning the pandemic. The lessons are delivered through videos and modules that your employees can complete for about eight weeks. 

Price: Free

Scope: Introduction to COVID-19, current state of the epidemic, epidemiology and infectious disease modeling, health systems and economic impacts, community engagement, and clinical presentations of the virus.

Created by Coursera

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) covid training for employees course - Protecting you from COVID-19

14. Protecting you from COVID-19

SC Training (formerly EdApp) provides a practical guide and some basic measures to protect your workspace from virus exposure. This course was first developed for South African communities in need of accessible knowledge to mitigate the spread of the virus but has now been made available to any L&D leaders needing to deploy quick training material about COVID-19. The microlessons are put together in lay-friendly terms so that they’re easy to follow, even for those with no technical background. And since SC Training (formerly EdApp) features a user-friendly authoring tool, it’s easy to edit and update the slides, or even re-brand this COVID-19 training course to your requirements. 

Price: Free

Scope: Basic overview about COVID-19 and how it spreads, protecting yourself by wearing a mask and washing hands, and a reminder of how to stop the spread.

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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John Hopkins University Experts covid training for employees course - Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic

15. Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic

Experts from Johns Hopkins University have analyzed and collected the best data to build this course. Learners can take a total of five modules to complete the program, through which they'll be able to fully understand the characteristics of the COVID-19 disease, global societal challenges brought by the pandemic, and some opportunities to overcome them. 

Price: Free

Scope: Coronaviruses and COVID-19, virus diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, medical therapies and vaccine development, vaccination & immunization plan, epidemiology, and public health responses. 

Created by Johns Hopkins University Experts

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) covid training for employees course - COVID-19 Preparedness and Response: Good Practices and Precautions when Using Breathalyzers

16. COVID-19 Preparedness and Response: Good Practices and Precautions when Using Breathalyzers

SC Training (formerly EdApp) and UNITAR published the training course “COVID-19 Preparedness and Response: Good Practices and Precautions when Using Breathalyzers” to provide general insights about the proper use and maintenance of breath alcohol testing instruments amid the threat of the virus spread. Some countries have recently started deploying such devices to instantly detect not only the COVID-19 but also other infectious diseases. If your company also plans to adopt the use of breathalyzers, you can use this course to guide your employees or assigned operators on how they can keep the devices clean and sanitized. It will also help you and your team further understand the risk of breath alcohol instruments and the measures that must be taken to avoid transmission.

Price: Free

Scope: Introduction to alcohol testing instruments, steps to reduce disease transmission, cleaning and disinfecting of the breathalyzers, risk of using such instruments, a few good practices, and breathalyzers for law enforcement and COVID-19. 

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Ensure everyone’s well-being and create a safe space at work with COVID training

COVID-19 has presented new challenges in the workplace as companies have to make sure that operations run smoothly while keeping the safety of both employees and customers, and are in accordance with CDC guidelines if you're operating from the United States. One of the biggest challenges is equipping your team with the information and safety measures they need to follow due to COVID-19’s highly contagious nature. Also, employees may tend to experience increased stress, fear, and pressure resulting in poor work performance and declining mental health. Employees play a vital role in keeping the business on its feet, so it’s critical that they receive COVID-19 training to prepare them, make them feel protected, and put their minds at ease. Taking these courses will help raise awareness about COVID-19 so they can do their jobs efficiently, make the workplace a safe place for everyone, and reduce the risks associated with the virus.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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