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10 Crisis Management Training Courses

We've picked the most recommended crisis management training courses that can help your team gain the skills and knowledge needed to manage and survive a global crisis. Every second counts during a crisis, and knowing how to deal with these overwhelming events will minimize their impact not only on your business but also on your team’s mental health and emotional well-being.

Crisis Management Training Courses

Last published: 28th February 2025

SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crisis Management Training Course - How Business Leaders Can Support Employees During a Global Crisis

1. How Business Leaders Can Support Employees During a Global Crisis

A global crisis can harm employees' mental health. In such difficult times, business leaders must step up their game and make sure that everyone in the organization feels supported, less stressed, and more motivated in their daily tasks. 

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s How Business Leaders Can Support Employees During a Global Crisis will show your business leaders and managers the ropes on how to support their team members during a global crisis. They’ll learn the importance of training their team, adjusting policies and practices, and building a safe and secure workplace. 

Communication can make or break your organization during a global crisis. In this managerial training program, your team will be able to determine the basic components of the communication process, as well as gain some tips for smooth and effective communication. Once they’ve mastered the art of effective communication, it would be easier for them to manage their teams and come up with creative and innovative solutions in times of crisis. 

Mobile learning being at the heart of SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s training solutions, this course can be accessed through your team’s smartphones and tablets. It makes the learning process easier and more convenient as they can take and complete this course anytime and anywhere they prefer. 

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Ways to support team members during a global crisis, basic components of communication, tips for smooth and effective communication

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crisis Management Training Course - The Global Crisis and Its Impact

2. The Global Crisis and Its Impact

SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s The Global Crisis and Its Impact course digs deep into the concept of a global crisis and the events that can be considered as one. It examines the impact of a global crisis by highlighting the events that followed COVID-19, as well as the lessons that your organization can take away from them.

Your team will also get to explore other global crises that are currently taking place, alongside the steps they can follow to prepare for the next one. Having a fully equipped and prepared team will help position your company for recovery, and make sure that you have the best possible chance at recovering. 

If you have more crisis management topics to share with your team, feel free to edit and customize this course using EdApps' free course authoring software. You can change the color and fonts, or even add your logo, so that it matches your branding style. This course-builder tool is very easy to use and it's free to sign up. 

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Definition of global crisis, events considered as a global crisis, the impact of COVID-19 and the lessons learned from it, other global crises today, steps to prepare for the next global crisis

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Employers Confederation of the Philippines Crisis Management Training Course - Coaching During Uncertain Times: How to Support Employees During a Crisis

3. Coaching During Uncertain Times: How to Support Employees During a Crisis

The Employers Confederation of the Philippines created this crisis management training course to improve the coaching skills of leaders and managers and make sure they can still deliver effective coaching support despite the uncertainty caused by a crisis. Here, they’ll learn how to encourage their people during social isolation and extend their support to those who are going through grief, anxiety, and stress. 

Coaching tools and techniques will also be discussed in detail, as well as how to apply them in their work context to improve the well-being of their team members and boost business success. Unfortunately, this course is not free and a small fee of Php 3,000 must be paid to gain access.

Cost: Php 3,000

Scope: Key competencies of an effective coach, ways to encourage the team during remote work, coaching tools and techniques

Created by Employers Confederation of the Philippines

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edX Crisis Management Training Course - Crisis Resource Management

4. Crisis Resource Management

This Crisis Resource Management course by edX digs deep into the concept of crisis resource management (CRM). It discusses its history, principles in the healthcare environment, and the controversies and errors involved. Through real-life examples and simulations, your team will also discover ways to observe effective teamwork and communication and regain situational awareness in a crisis. 

The interactive training format of this course secures high participation and engagement from learners. It’s also free to take and share with your team, but for a limited time only. 

Cost: Free; upgrade to $50USD for unlimited access

Scope: History, principles, and controversies surrounding crisis resource management, effective teamwork and communication in a crisis, regaining situational awareness

Created by edX

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crisis Management Training Course - Mental Health Resiliency Amidst Global Conflicts

5. Mental Health Resiliency Amidst Global Conflicts

From the worsening state of our climate to the far-reaching effects of the coronavirus pandemic, these global crises have taken a huge toll on many people's mental health and emotional well-being. This SC Training (formerly EdApp) course was designed to equip teams with the skill set for self-regulation and emotional resiliency to cope and survive these overwhelming times. 

Sharing this course with your team will give them an in-depth knowledge of hypervigilance (the state of being constantly on guard to stay safe), as well as vicarious traumatization (a type of trauma commonly experienced by frontline workers). From there, they’ll learn the science behind Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and how it can be applied to overcome feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. This course will also discuss the rise of grassroots community care and mutual aid, highlighting the importance of collaborative survival in regaining hope after a crisis. 

This crisis management training course uses a series of interactive slides and gamified quizzes to secure learning outcomes from your team. Activate SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s scoring systems and banners and badges to foster healthy team competition and boost learner engagement.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Definition of hypervigilance and vicarious traumatization, how to manage the feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, regaining hope through collaborative survival

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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FutureLearn Crisis Management Training Course - Crisis Leadership

6. Crisis Leadership

FutureLearn’s Crisis Leadership focuses on topics that will help your team understand the importance of crisis leadership and the set of skills they’ll need to get through these adverse events. Through a series of case studies, videos, peer discussions, and activities, they’ll learn the major attributes of effective crisis leadership and how to apply them in practice. 

Your team will also learn key strategies on how to develop an effective crisis management plan and make sure everyone knows their role when a crisis occurs. These topics will be discussed by the specialists from Deakin University, where your team will benefit from their expertise and years of experience in crisis leadership. 

Cost: Free for 3 weeks

Scope: Crisis leadership, major attributes for effective crisis leadership, strategies to develop an effective crisis management plan

Created by FutureLearn

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crisis Management Training Course - Hosting and Supporting Displaced Persons (Global Crisis Response)

7. Hosting and Supporting Displaced Persons (Global Crisis Response)

The current political climate and other social issues have separated many people from their homes, leaving them vulnerable to life threats and risks such as diseases and hunger. SC Training (formerly EdApp) has put together this crisis management training course to help organizations all over the world understand displaced people and the struggles they face, and how they can offer support in times of crisis. 

This course consists of three short lessons, discussing what human displacement is and why it occurs through a series of survival stories. It also explains what hosting is and how it's used to support displaced people. Learning these topics is especially relevant if your organization intends to lend a hand to those in the greatest need. Towards the end of this course, your team will also know how to give emotional and psychosocial support to displaced people, as well as how to deal with their mental health issues. 

This crisis management training course follows a microlearning design model, meaning, it’s been structured in a short and concise way. Your team will only need a few minutes to finish each lesson, which is more convenient than traditional crisis management training that usually runs for weeks.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Definition of human displacement and causes, hosting displaced people, giving emotional and psychosocial support to displaced people

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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BCI Crisis Management Training Course - Incident Response and Crisis Management Training Course

8. Incident Response and Crisis Management Training Course

Teams looking for resource material that covers all aspects of developing and implementing an incident response and crisis management plan will surely benefit from BCI’s Incident Response and Crisis Management Training Course. This course comes in modules, discussing the best practice framework to follow when building crisis management for an organization. It looks at the principles of incident response alongside powerful strategies to ensure its successful implementation. 

At the end of this course, learners will also get to explore tools and techniques on how to respond to and recover from a crisis. Apart from modules, this course is also designed with exercises to boost your team’s knowledge retention. A certificate of attendance will be given upon successful completion of this course and its activities. 

Cost: Available upon request

Scope: Crisis management framework, principles of incident response, implementation strategies, tools and techniques for how to respond to and recover from crisis

Created by BCI

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Coursera Crisis Management Training Course - Disaster, Crisis, and Emergency Preparedness Communication

9. Disaster, Crisis, and Emergency Preparedness Communication

You can use Coursera’s Disaster, Crisis, and Emergency Preparedness Communication course to educate your team about the events that constitute a crisis, disaster, and public emergency, including the disruptions they can cause to communities and their people. This course will help them better understand the basic concept of emergency preparedness, and why it’s crucial to have a robust crisis management and planning process in place. 

There’s also a lesson highlighting the components of risk communication, as well as the important considerations when crafting such messages. Coursera's crisis management training course takes about 10 hours to complete, although your team can learn at their own pace and reset deadlines as needed.

Cost: Free for a limited time only

Scope: Events that constitute a crisis, disaster, and public emergency, impact of extreme events on communities, importance of crisis management and planning, components of risk communication

Created by Coursera

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Crisis Management Training Course - How to Talk to Children about Global Crisis

10. How to Talk to Children about Global Crisis

Most parents and guardians struggle to communicate with their children and explain what is going on during a crisis. If some of your employees are going through the same thing, you might want to consider offering them this SC Training (formerly EdApp) course to teach them how to discuss it with their children with caution and care. 

The content of this crisis management training course will be delivered in the form of a short story, which will tell the journey of a kid to different planets experiencing global crises, like active shooting, famine, and recession. Each story is followed by a series of tips where learners will get to know how to properly explain conflict events to a child and provide comfort and support to ease their fears and worries. This course also includes dialogue-form activities to show them the most common questions that children ask during a crisis and how to respond to them.

This course is 100% free to use and share with your team. Similar to other SC Training (formerly EdApp) courses, it’s also accessible through smartphone devices. Accessibility and time pressure are not an issue, and your team can take it whenever it is convenient for them.

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Scope: Short story about different forms of global crisis, tips on how to communicate with children, how to comfort and support a child in times of crisis

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Handle, manage, and survive the global crisis with crisis management training courses

From natural disasters to crashing stock markets – all businesses can be vulnerable to crises. Such unfortunate and unexpected events have the power to disrupt your operations, negatively impact your team's emotional and mental health, and compromise their productivity. Still, there’s always a way to minimize these impacts and make sure that your organization will come out stronger and better than before. This is where the importance of crisis management training comes in. A good crisis management training course will educate your team about the global crisis and its impact on businesses, ways to manage and survive global crises, and the importance of lending help to those who are in need. You can also rely on these training programs to equip your team with the adequate skills and knowledge they need to respond effectively to a crisis. Browse the courses we’ve listed above to find the best crisis management training courses that you can share with your team.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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