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10 Free first aid classes online

Train your teams to be calm and collected in the face of workplace injuries. Check out this list of free first aid classes to keep your teams safe and worry-free!

Free first aid classes
Free first aid classes - SC logo

OSHA First Aid Standards (US)

SC Training (formerly EdApp) leads this list with one of its many free first aid classes. This course talks about the OSHA standards on first aid, first aid for non-life-threatening injuries, and first aid for life-threatening injuries.

This course covers several injuries, such as cramps, broken bones, burns, strokes, choking, and more. At first glance, this may be a lot to take in for your teams. But thanks to SC Training’s (formerly EdApp) microlearning feature, workers can pick up new skills and information in no time.

Your crew can finish lessons in less than five minutes with bite-sized content that helps them retain the most information. Track their performance through the game-based assessment provided at the end of this course to see how microlearning speeds up training.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Free first aid classes - SC logo

First Aid Standards (AU)

Next is another SC Training (formerly EdApp) course, but this time it’s catered to teams in Australia. Like the previous course, this one also discusses first aid for life-threatening and non-life-threatening cases, with information from top Australian healthcare names like Health Direct Australia.

Keep your teams engaged in life-saving training with the help of SC Training’s (formerly EdApp) achievements feature. Celebrate your team’s progress with personalized banners and badges, and watch course completions soar as you inspire good learning behavior.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Free first aid classes - SC logo

The Basics of First Aid

This six-part course from SC Training (formerly EdApp) is a comprehensive training on first aid fundamentals. It’s a step-by-step guide for the essential skills needed when administering first aid in various situations.

From scene assessment to the different medical emergencies, this course equips your teams with an immersive training solution to the first aid basics.

Workers will also know how to address heart attacks, choking, bleeding, shocks, burns, broken bones, and eye injuries through detailed situational training. This puts the worker in the shoes of someone who needs to administer first aid.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Free first aid classes - SC logo

OSHA First Aid Training and Standards

This next course focuses on the standards, risks, and responses essential to first aid. It’s carefully designed to give your teams a snapshot of what proper and effective first aid training should look like.

This SC Training (formerly EdApp) course comes with a pre-training survey to assess your team’s confidence and pre-existing skills in performing first aid. It also offers a very situational approach to training teams about OSHA standards, the purpose of first aid, the different types of injuries, the contents of a first aid kit, and more.

Created by: SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Length: 5-10 minutes per lesson (self-paced)

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free (up to 10 users)

Free first aid classes - First aid for free logo

Basic Online First Aid Course

Up next is this free first aid training course that covers four modules with 22 lessons in total. It’s a self-paced course, so your teams can squeeze it in when it fits their schedule.

The course starts with an introduction to first aid before diving into the different injuries a person may encounter. These include burns and scalds, bleeding and shock, and an unconscious victim.

Created by: First Aid for Free

Length: Self-paced

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free

Free first aid classes - American Red Cross

Until Help Arrives Online

From the name itself, this online first aid course talks about the basic information on what can be done in life-threatening emergencies before professional medical help arrives.

Through this course, your team will get training from the largest humanitarian network in the world. They’ll be equipped with the cognitive knowledge on giving compression-only CPR, administering direct pressure and tourniquet, and administering naloxone for opioid overdose.

It’s important to note that this course isn’t OSHA-compliant for workplace certification. So Red Cross recommends enrolling in an instructor-led training or blended learning course to meet OSHA requirements.

Created by: American Red Cross

Length: Self-paced

Certificate: Available

Cost: 40 USD

Free first aid classes - Save a Life by NHCPS

CPR, AED & First Aid Certification Course

Next in this list of free first aid courses is the CPR, AED & First Aid Certification course from Save a Life by NHCPS. It has six modules which are all supplemented by a training video.

This course covers the basics of first aid, medical problems, traumatic injuries, environmental injury and illnesses, CPR, AED, and choking in adults, children, and infants.

Although this is a free course, it has paid add-ons and you also need to pay for your team’s certificates, so it may not be the best option if you’re looking to cut costs.

Created by: Save a Life by NHCPS

Length: Self-paced

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free; paid certificate

Free first aid classes - American AED CPR Association

Online CPR/AED/First-Aid Class

The American AED CPR Association offers many AED training courses including this extensive course on AED, CPR, and first aid. This means that apart from the basics of first aid and CPR, this will also train your teams on the use of automated external defibrillators.

This training covers everything from the responsibilities of a first aid rescuer to the Good Samaritan laws that protect first aid providers all over the US. Your teams can also skip ahead and take the test anytime they like, but this may be a problem if you want to make sure that your employees thoroughly accomplish every part of their training.

Created by: American AED CPR Association

Length: No information available

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free; paid plans start at 59.95 USD

Free first aid classes - NYC Construction Safety Training

First Aid & CPR for Construction

This next course differs from the previous ones in this list as it mainly targets teams in construction. Its seven modules will help workers become familiar with the important concepts related to first aid and CPR, recognize medical emergencies, and learn the standards for administering first aid and CPR.

This course is created for beginners, so you can use it to train employees who are new to first aid. It’s also one of the few courses that offer free CPR certification online, as a lot of them allow you to train for free but pay for the certificate.

Created by: NYC Construction Safety Training

Length: 2 hours

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free

Free first aid classes - American BLS Services Corp

CPR and First Aid Combination Course

Lastly, we have this two-in-one course on CPR and first aid from American BLS. It covers the necessary CPR and AED techniques for adults, children, and infants. It will also train your teams on administering first aid in situations of choking, bleeding, poisoning, burns, and more.

While this is a free course, your teams won’t get certified unless you purchase their paid plans which start at 29.95 USD. Plus, the free plan doesn’t come with an assessment, so there’s no way for you to track your team’s retention rates without shelling out money.

Created by: American BLS Services Corp

Length: 3 hours

Certificate: Available

Cost: Free; paid certificate

When employees get injured or ill in their line of work, professional medical help isn’t always immediately available. First aid becomes a life-saving skill in these situations as the provider is there to administer skills and techniques to preserve life or prevent the condition from worsening.

First aid training, then, is training designed to prepare teams to give immediate care to injured, distressed, or ill persons until professional help arrives. This training may involve topics like CPR, AED, wound treatment, choking relief, bleeding control, and basic life control, among others.

According to OSHA, workplace injuries claim the lives of 15 people each day. At its core, first aid training is important because it saves lives. But teams and businesses also benefit from effective first aid training by having improved employee morale and confidence, saving costs, reducing time for recovery, and complying with health and safety regulations.

Who should get first aid training?

First aid training should be common knowledge. So everyone, regardless of occupation or background, should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to administer first aid. But certain regulatory agencies have specific requirements when it comes to first aid training.

Under the OSHA standard on medical service and first aid, workplaces are required to make sure that medical personnel are available for plant health matters. They also need to have trained first aid providers, particularly if the workplace is far from medical facilities like clinics or hospitals. Some regulatory requirements may also vary from industry to industry.

How to learn first aid for free

We’re aware that not every business has the extra budget for first aid training. The good news is that there’s an abundance of free first aid training courses available online. Keeping first aid training accessible is one of the first steps toward creating a safe and healthy workplace.

But keep in mind that not all training is created equal, so it’s important to be careful when choosing free first aid classes that best suit your team’s needs. Make sure that your course comes from a reputable source that offers all the essentials when it comes to first aid. Your teams will also benefit from efficient training that’s kept short and digestible.

Save lives and ensure workplace safety with free first aid classes online

No matter how many preventive measures are in place to keep your workplace safe, injuries and illnesses can still happen. So your teams must be equipped with first aid skills and knowledge when the unavoidable happens.

With training platforms like SC Training (formerly EdApp), you’re guaranteed free first aid classes with quality content. It’s carefully made by a team of expert instructional designers whose main goal is to keep your teams safe and healthy.

Invest in life-saving training and sign up with SC Training (formerly EdApp) today!

Explore our library including free first aid courses.

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