We’ve compiled a list of the most recommended radiation safety training courses designed to help increase radiation risk awareness in your workplace and reduce unsafe practices when working around radioactive materials. Scroll down to learn more.
Last published: 17th March 2025
SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Radiation Safety delves into the basics of radiation, its components, and types and sources. These topics can be used as an introduction to radiation for workers new to the field, although it can also help refresh your existing team’s understanding of how they can be exposed to radiation and manage its potential risks. This course also serves as an instrument to increase their awareness of radiation dose and absorbed dose equivalencies, which are commonly overlooked in the industry according to studies. Apart from having sufficient knowledge of the alpha particle, radiation hazards, radiation protection, mastering the correct estimations of radiation dose could be critical in minimizing doses around radioactive sources. This will significantly reduce the health risks associated with radiation exposure, such as cancer, acute radiation syndrome, and radiation sickness. What’s great about this course is that it also includes a list of radiation safety tools and resources that you and your team can use to enhance your workplace's radiation safety policies.
This hazardous material training course is made available for free for anyone who wants to learn and refresh their knowledge about radiation safety. It also follows a microlearning design model, as the key hallmark of SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s elearning courses, making it easier to follow and comprehend.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Radiation types and sources, doses of radiation, quality factors and absorbed dose equivalencies, health risks of high dose radiation exposure, and radiation safety resources
Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore this free courseAnother radiation safety training course to raise your radiological awareness is none other than the Radiation Safety by eSafety. Not restricted to individuals highly exposed to radiation, this course is also useful for general employees who regularly use consumer products containing enough radioactive elements. Among the topics discussed here include the basics of radioactivity, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, radiation measurement, radiological controls, radiation risks, and the hazard identification process. It will also walk your team through their responsibilities to keep minimal exposure to radiation. This course will only run for approximately 25 minutes, which is perfect for those with a short attention span.
Cost: Available upon request
Scope: Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, measuring rays & radiation, radiological controls, radiation health risks, hazard identification, and employee responsibilities
Created by eSafety
Explore the courseAnyone who seeks to work around high-risk radioactive materials will greatly benefit from this basic radiation safety training course prepared by Radiation Solutions. This self-paced training will explore the rudimentary principles of radiation, and ways on how to be safe when in the proximity of radioactive devices. It will also help you better understand the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principles, which are designed to cut down on radiation doses and releases from various radioactive contaminated materials. While this online course isn’t exactly free, it does provide some additional training materials that will boost your confidence in nuclear physics.
Cost: $100.00 USD
Scope: Rudimentary principles of radiation, safety guidelines around radioactive devices, and ALARA safety principles
Created by Radiation Solutions
Explore the courseEnrolling in this Coursera course will help you better understand the structure of radiation, its types and sources, and the role it plays in our everyday lives. While most radiation safety training courses focus on the health impacts of radioactive materials, this training sheds new light on radiation by also balancing its risks and benefits to humanity. Here, you’ll find out the many applications of radiation, how they’re useful in x-ray, radiotherapy, tomography, medical imaging and certain treatments, and the link between ionizing radiation and cancer. It will also examine how human bodies can repair radiation damage. You will need approximately 13 hours to complete this course, although you can always set your own deadlines, so it fits your schedule. A certificate of completion will be provided upon completion.
Cost: Free for 7 days; Upgrade at $29-$99 USD for unlimited access
Scope: Risks and benefits of radiation, different applications of radiation, and the link between ionizing radiation and cancer
Created by Coursera
Explore the courseThis radiation safety training course by the Radiation Safety Institute of Canada will provide you with a better grasp of the key concepts of radiation, including its types and sources, penetrating strength, and radiation dose. By enrolling in this training course, you will learn more about how radiation can enter your body and how it affects you from the inside out. This course will also guide you through various ways of quantifying radiation and setting radiation dose limits to avoid the risks of developing radiation-induced illnesses, specifically cancer. The content will be delivered in an engaging video style, and the narration transcripts will be linked alongside the related course once it is launched. It's also completely free to use, which is ideal if your team is on a tight budget.
Cost: Free
Scope: Radiation types and sources, gamma rays, radiation penetration, radiation dose, radiation health effects, quantifying radiation, and cancer risks
Created by Radiation Safety Institute of Canada
Explore the courseThis 360training radiation safety training course focuses on the two major types of radiation: ionising and non-ionizing radiation. It discusses the concept of these radiation types and the kind of radiation that might be present in your workplace. This course also explores the different effects of radiation on human health, alongside the most recommended safety measures that you and your team can adopt to control and minimize your radiation exposure. There’s no need to worry about your schedule – this course is 100% online and self-paced. You may learn at your best convenience and save progress as you go. A certificate of completion will also be available upon successful completion.
Cost: $20 USD
Scope: Ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, health risks of radiation, radiation safety measures
Created by 360training
Explore the courseHIPAA Exams prepared this radiation safety training course specifically to broaden your knowledge of different hazards associated with nuclear facilities and radiation materials. This way, you can easily recognize whether or not you’re in danger of radiation exposure, and immediately control it before it leads to something more catastrophic. OSHA’s regulatory safety standards will be reviewed as well, alongside recommended personal protective measures to avoid radiation and radionuclide exposure. It will also help you understand the radiation warning symbols to look out for, and how to report radiation emergencies and incidents in order to prevent the same accident from reoccurring. This course comes with safety training videos and audio materials, as well as a stand-alone exam for high impact learning.
Cost: $24.95 USD
Scope: Hazards in nuclear facilities, regulatory safety standards, personal protective measures, radiation warning symbols, radiation emergency procedures, and notification of radiation incidents
Created by HIPAA Exams
Explore the courseORAU’s Introduction to Radiation Safety course comes with a series of modules about radiation safety principles and how they can be applied in your everyday life. It delves into common radiation sources, followed by a step-by-step guide on how you can use a radiation detector or dosimeter to measure your exposure. This guide will help you control and reduce the harmful effects of radiation on your body and ensure optimum safety when working with radioactive materials. It will also cover how radiation is used in the medical field, consumer products, and nuclear power, as well as what employers and employees can do to monitor and reduce its environmental impact. While this course may be a little pricey, registering for it will provide you with access to other ORAU’s course materials, which are made available via their learning management system.
Cost: $1,197 USD
Scope: Radiation safety principles and their application, common radiation sources, detecting and measuring radiation exposure, uses of radiation, and monitoring radiation in the environment
Created by ORAU
Explore the courseAlison’s Process Safety Management course contains several case studies about historical industrial disasters, such as the Flixborough disaster, Chernobyl nuclear power-plant disaster, and Bhopal gas tragedy. This course also discusses some nuclear radiation and safety measures with regard to responding to nuclear accidents and ensuring nuclear safety, and the importance of setting a safety management process in place. The use and types of personal protective equipment are also examined as per the safety laws and regulations governing the use of radiation materials. There are 3 modules in this course with 15 lessons that can be accomplished in 4-5 hours.
Cost: Free
Scope: Historical nuclear disasters, nuclear radiation & contamination, radioactive waste, process safety management, and personal protective equipment
Created by Alison
Explore the courseSunlight, despite being a good source of vitamin D, poses health risks to an individual. In particular, this natural light source produces harmful ultraviolet radiation. Too much sun emitted and exposure can cause different skin diseases, ranging from premature aging to solar elastosis and skin cancers. With this microlearning course by SC Training (formerly EdApp), you can learn more about the radiation-related health implications of excessive UV exposure and how you can stay safe under the sun. This course also contains a helpful guideline on how you can treat sunburns quickly before they cause significant radiation damage to your skin, as well as how to detect early signs of skin cancer and ultimately prevent it before it becomes incurable. If your work requires you to stay outdoors for hours, this course will also walk you through simple steps to minimize UV radiation exposure. It also contains some practical tips to stay safe under the sun, like wearing PPE and dark-colored fabrics, slopping on sunscreen, and sliding on sunglasses.
While it’s originally designed for the retail industry, this course can be used by anyone who is regularly exposed to the sun and has a higher average risk of developing skin cancer. Following a mobile learning strategy, you can take this training using your mobile phone and learn on the go.
Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
Scope: Risks of sun exposure, first aid for sunburns, skin cancer detection and prevention, and using protective clothing to stay safe from the sun
Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)
Explore the courseOver the years, everyone has witnessed the increased number of man-made radioactive materials. While there’s no denying its benefit to humankind, the growing reliance on them has led to a slew of safety and health concerns regarding radiation exposure. Mishandling of radioactive chemicals can result in minor to serious health implications such as skin burns, radiation sickness, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. With this in mind, it is the responsibility of each employer to ensure that workers who are regularly exposed to radiation receive adequate radiation safety training. Providing them with sufficient knowledge on the risks and hazards of these high-risk materials and increasing their awareness of radiation safety can help dramatically reduce unnecessary exposure and minimize the harmful effects of radiation. You can use our list above to find the most appropriate radiation safety training courses that you can take or roll out to your team.