EdApp by SafetyCulture

HR Training and Development


October 19, 2021


Lisa Aharon Guest Author


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HR Training and Development

It seems that current events have pretty much turned HR training and development on its head. Organizations all over the world have had to rethink their definitions of “work” and “workplace”. This conversation continues.

To support the re-design of your human resources training and organizational development, let’s take a look at some of the topics to take note of.

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)

While diversity refers to the different characteristics of people in a workplace, inclusion refers to how much of a voice those people have. Just hiring a variety of people so your boxes are ticked (checked) is tokenism. It is for the show, not for real. You actually have to give those people true responsibility, decision-making power, and authority.

The benefits of D&I are many. For example, different perspectives lead to increased creativity and innovation; higher employee engagement enabling retention, greater productivity, and corporate financial growth; and a wider talent pool that minimizes skills and knowledge gaps and maximizes your chances of finding exceptional new employees.

HR Training and Development - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Diversity and Inclusion

Despite these benefits, authentic D&I is difficult. Working with people who are different from us is not always easy, and when we don’t truly appreciate the benefits, it can be downright bothersome. That is why HR Training and Development needs to include courses on diversity and inclusion.

A mobile-first, learning management system (LMS) such as SC Training (formerly EdApp) can help. In the SC Training (formerly EdApp) cloud-based course library, you will find free “brand & go” courses for the workplace in general and various sectors in specific for up to 10 users. Just apply your organization’s branding, tweak content if needed, and deploy. The course is available on your employees’ mobile phones at their convenience.

Sign up for free and Start Using the Best LMS to Refresh your HR Training and Development Program.

Employee Well-being

How can the learning and training development employers support their workers in creating more holistically beneficial lives? Lives that allow them to be more satisfied with and more productive in their workplaces? Here are three suggestions.

HR Training and Development - Employee Well-being

Working From Home (WFH)

Our recent experiences of working from home have clearly shown that high-quality, productive work without can be done outside the office. Working from home has many advantages. So, unless the job requires in-person, hands-on activity, it can be done on a hybrid schedule: some in/some out of the workplace.

Yet, there needs to be a balance. When work and life occupy the same space more-or-less, boundaries can be blurred. This free, “brand & go” SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS course can help.

In addition, your supervisors,  managers, trainers, or other supervisory roles may need a training certificate program about how to supervise remote employees. If so, check out this course.

No cookie cutters

Authentically honoring people means meeting them where they are and guiding them to where your organization needs them to be. This makes employees feel they are valued corporate members, encouraging engagement, productivity, and more long-term employees.

The SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS has quite a few free human resource training and leadership development courses to bring your HR staff up to speed. Here are some examples for your employee development.

Expectations Setting teaches how to connect with your employees in order to frame competency expectations more realistically. Edit, update, and/or brand as needed.

Difficult conversations: we’ve all been in them. No matter whether we are on the giving or receiving end, doing such conversations well is a skill. Improve your employees’ skill levels with this course.

An empathetic workplace culture empowers. Encourage more empathy in your organization with this free, editable course.

Life management

The better your employees’ lives in general, the more effective they will be in your workplace. Part of your HR Training and Development program(s) can be “learning for fun and enrichment”. 

One option is the SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS course Mental Medicine. In addition to excellent tips on physical wellbeing through yoga, energy management, performance management, healthy eating habits, and emotional health, there is a great microlesson about financial freedom—one of the people’s top concerns.

Another choice could be the SC Training (formerly EdApp) course Helping Others to Develop. Although it was probably created for workplace interactions, to me, it gives valuable guidance for effective parenting. As a result, this corporate learning experience could likely improve your employees’ home situation.


Recruitment, onboarding, and new employee orientation are often boring processes. Typically, candidates send in their resumes (c.v.). Then, there is a F2F interview (physical or remote). If hired, there are forms to be filled out, and after that, the knowledge/skills training needed. This is especially useful if you're only starting out on HR for small businesses.

Many companies are already using gamification learning solution as part of their onboarding and employee training opportunities. Some forward-thinking organizations are starting to include it earlier, as part of their recruitment process. For example, instead of first submitting a resume, prospective employees play a game. Depending on their “score”, you can level them up (to submitting their c.v. for example) or not. And if they choose not to play (waste of their time, silly, etc.), that already gives you important information about how well they will fit your corporate culture as new hires.

HR Training and Development - Gamification

The SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS has an entire section of game templates. Using this rapid authoring tool, you can create fun activities for your organization’s recruitment process in minutes.

Skilling, Re-Skilling, Upskilling

Although we’ve touched on skills earlier, they deserve their own section because they are firmly on the minds of HR leaders. In other words, making sure their employees have the necessary critical skills and competencies.

Brand & go

Typing “training” into the SC Training (formerly EdApp) course library resulted in 26 hits. They include courses on such topics as HIPAA compliance, New Hire Safety, SafetyCulture, and several instructor-led training courses in other languages. Most of the courses shown are free and editable. Use them “as is” with or without your branding as part of your online compliance training and talent development. You can also begin with them as a base and add additional elearning material as needed.

HR Training and Development - Skilling Re-Skilling Upskilling

Create your own

Yet, the real power (in my opinion) of an LMS such as SC Training (formerly EdApp) is rapid authoring. Through microlearning templates, you create microlessons in minutes. Collect a few of these microlessons, and you have a purpose-built course that is unique to your organization.

This means you can create a course about any topic or for any purpose in your human resource management training and professional-development program(s).

The great news is that you don’t need to be a designer to use the SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS authoring tool. The close-to-80 templates in their gallery are user-friendly and extremely intuitive. This article explains more and gives some practical tips about the “how to”.


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Lisa Aharon Guest Author



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