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Daniel Brown is a senior technical editor and writer that has worked in the education and technology sectors for two decades. Their background experience includes curriculum development and course book creation.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the top features that make mLearning a valuable tool for employee training. Get ready to discover the power of mobile learning!
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Gamification features and their implementation strategy start with the LMS and this can be made easier if it has an in-built capability and robust tracking features.
The tourism industry is volatile as employment is altered by factors like high turnover rates and seasonal employment. Cue, microlearning!
Engaging employees with a micro-learning LMS is made easy through correct implementation. Here is how you can do it.
Join SC Training (formerly EdApp) in our journey through STEPtember. We're upping our daily step count to help raise money for The Cerebral Palsy Alliance.
Social media is employed by the majority of companies in the midst of our technological age. Here's how to use it most effectively.
The Marshmallow Challenge is commonly tasked to students and employees in various situations. So, what is it all about?
We are excited to share a new feature with you. Learners can now receive a course completion certificate once they have completed all or specified lessons within a course.
Here's how to create microlearning. It is an effective form of learning & company training that’s been ballooning in popularity.
Training employees in the healthcare industry is pivotal for the wellbeing of everyone in society. So, why should you welcome microlearning?
Motivate adult learners: Adult learning requires an increased motivation of self-directed study and the accomodation of needs and preferences. We give you 15 tips!
Investing in employee training is worthwhile for your organization, deternining its success and progress over time. Here's why you should.