EdApp by SafetyCulture

Conflict Resolution Skills Training


May 20, 2021


Jeanellie Avelino


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Conflict Resolution Skills Training

Conflict is inevitable, especially in an environment where people spend a lot of time working together. It’s human nature to have varying perspectives, personalities, beliefs, and priorities, plus we have different character traits that may or may not appeal to others. Yes, you can avoid it, but you can never escape it. Unresolved conversations and conflict avoidance will only store up frustrations, creating additional stress to cope with.  

That’s why it’s important to have courses to empower customer service agents with the skills they need to deal with conflict in a healthy way. These courses can help to improve customer satisfaction and prevent negative interactions from turning into full-blown conflicts.

Dealing with organizational conflicts isn’t an easy task. But if managed well, it will open up growth opportunities and even flourish stronger relationships between team members. Fortunately, the ability to address interpersonal conflict can be learned and mastered over time, as long as you have the right and reliable training on the side.

In this article, we’ll dive into the concept of conflict resolution skills, the importance of conflict resolution training in your organization, as well as some techniques and strategies that can help you bring back harmony in your team. We will also look into different methods that you can use when deploying your training program. 

Conflict Resolution Skills: Definition and Examples

Conflict resolution skills are the abilities you use to identify and address workplace disputes positively and responsibly. Today, many employers prioritize professionals who are completely capable of handling workplace conflicts, mainly since they are very much frequent in the business world. 

Conflict Resolution Skills Definition and Examples

Those who are equipped with solid conflict management skills are usually able to:

  • Control emotions under extreme stress
  • Actively listen and pay attention to others
  • Manage conflicts while staying calm and patient
  • Use empathy to reach a common ground
  • Focus on the problem and not on the person involved
  • Initiate open communication 
  • Remain professional and respectful at all time

Unfortunately, these communication and listening skills don’t come easily to others. But don’t lose hope just yet! The best thing about conflict resolution is that it can be learned over time. 

What are the advantages of conflict resolution skills training?

Indeed, conflict resolution skills training is increasingly becoming a necessity for team leaders and managers. But if you also consider spreading the skills to the rest of your team, it will bring a significant difference to your organization. 

Foremost, it fosters healthier team culture. Employees who are trained well at dealing with interpersonal conflicts and negotiating with their team are more likely to work well with others – they know exactly how to break down walls hindering cooperation and collaboration. Whenever they encounter a team or group of people with different opinions and ideas, they can turn it into an opportunity to learn new skills and knowledge, further boosting their performance efficiency and productivity through personalized training courses like hospitality training programs, safety training courses, leadership training courses, radiation safety training courses, and quality control training programs.

Conflict Resolution Skills Training Advantages

It also nurtures a more creative problem-solving mindset. There will always be peace and solution to every difficult situation. If your employees know that they can overcome whatever difficulties they may encounter, they will more likely stay in your organization, reducing employee turnover. Let the word go out, and it will also attract top talents to enter your team. 

Conflict resolution techniques to include in your employee training

There are so many different ways to effectively resolve a conflict. First thing first, gather all the parties involved as soon as you encounter any disputes or disagreements. As the saying goes, put out the fire before it spreads. A conflict will only escalate if not resolved early on, and it may affect the performance of the workforce and disrupt teamwork. 

Conflict Resolution Skills Training Techniques

Another effective technique is active listening. Make sure to stay silent while allowing the other parties to explain their sides. This way, you’ll learn more about the nature and complexity of the issue. Once you’ve drawn your conclusion, communicate your side clearly and use neutral terms for negotiation, all while respecting personal differences. (Read our article about Courses to Improve Your Communication Skills in the Workplace). It’s also a great idea to consider a mediation or even peer mediation to effectively resolve a conflict. 

It is also beneficial to remind them of the power of teamwork. Find common ground that both of the parties will agree to compromise. 

Conflict Resolution Skills Training Methods

There’s no one-size-fits-all training solution. But to save you some time researching, we’ve also compiled some of the best methods you can use when implementing your conflict management skills training. 

1. Online Training

Also known as eLearning, online training is regarded as the most effective alternative to traditional instructor-led training. Here, you can develop online training courses and deliver them anytime needed. It eliminates the cost and hassles of organizing face-to-face training or conferences while maintaining high-quality learning.

Several training LMS tools can support your online training. There is SC Training (formerly EdApp) LMS, which allows training managers to create lessons using their interactive templates for free. If you’re short on resources, you can also make the most of their ready-made courses, which you can edit, rebrand, and deploy without additional costs. Some lessons you can include in your conflict skills training include Effective Communication, Getting Your Voice Heard, and free English Classes. You can also find quality control training programs to help ensure your training content is effective and meet all industry standards.

Conflict Resolution Skills Training Method - Online Training SC Training (formerly EdApp)

Other top-performing LMS tools to consider include Tovuti, Code of Talent, and 360Learning. 

Sign up for free today to try SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s powerful features!

2. Scenario Training

It is also a good idea to include real-world scenarios in your training. Present some of the most common workplace conflicts that will most likely encounter through VR environments and role-play activities, and then let them see the impact of their actions. As they progress through the scenario training, you can walk them through some strategies to improve their assertiveness and conflict resolution skills. 

3. Gamified Training

Don’t underestimate the advantages of infusing games in your employee training. It makes learning fun and interactive, motivating a team to participate in your training initiative actively. In fact, according to a study referenced by the world’s foremost expert in the world of gamification, Gabe Zichermann, employees retain more knowledge with gamified learning. If you want to enhance the excitement and generate commitment from your employees, you can also add game elements like points, leaderboards, and real employee rewards, like a free coffee voucher or a big-time out-of-town paid trip. Training courses like retail training courses, hospitality training courses, and quality control training programs can also be made more exciting and interactive by adding games elements like points, leaderboards, and real employee rewards.

Conflict Resolution Skills Training Method - SC Training (formerly EdApp) Gamification

Power up your conflict resolution skills training with the help of SC Training (formerly EdApp)! Apart from its editable course library, you can also take advantage of its advanced tools and features like Spaced Repetition, PowerPoint Conversion, Rapid Refresh, and Quiz-Maker to yield better learning results. Book a demo with us today to learn more. 

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Jeanellie Avelino

Jen is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based training platform that helps corporates and businesses bring their training solutions to the next level. She carries an extensive writing experience in a variety of fields, including architecture, the gig economy, and computer software. Outside of work, she enjoys her free time watching her favorite series and documentaries, reading motivational books, and cross-stitching.



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