EdApp by SafetyCulture

10 Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training


September 16, 2022


Darcy Dario


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Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training

Gamification is a tactic that helps boost employee learning engagement and information retention in learning and development. We’ve compiled a list of examples of gamification in corporate training that you can apply to your training programs, including a blended training solution that can help you implement them easily. 

1. Built-in Games

There’s no need to add gamification elements when training is already presented in well-known game formats. Word search, crossword, fill-in-the-blanks, jeopardy, and memory games are some of the common games included in gamified training. Since these games are already familiar, your learners would intuitively know how to complete these activities. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Built-in Games

If you want to simplify your creation process for gamified training, then consider using SC Training (formerly EdApp). This company training software is a blended, microlearning solution that lets you deliver gamified training instantly. With its Template Library, you’ll have access to over 80 slide templates, including eight different game slide templates. You don’t need to have any design or coding experience to create beautiful and interactive game slides. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Leading Under Pressure

Check out SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s latest partnership course, Leading Under Pressure by award-winning rescue cave diver John Volanthen, to see how you can apply gamification in corporate training. This free elearning resource features different gamified slide templates, such as true-or-false, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and more. 

Join SC Training (formerly EdApp) for free and apply gamification in corporate training today. 

2. Scoring System

Another example of gamification in corporate training is adding a scoring system to your assessments. With a scoring system in place, you can easily identify your team’s top performers and inspire better learning outcomes by tracking their scores. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Scoring System

Also, no one wants to be the lowest scorer or weakest performer. Take advantage of this extrinsic motivator and encourage your learners to really pay attention and do well in their training.

3. Achievements

Celebrate your team’s progress with achievements. Decide what events you’d like to celebrate, motivate learners your way, and watch course completions climb as your team hits milestone after milestone. Rewarding your learners this way will encourage and incentivize them to complete their learning.

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Achievements

With SC Training (formerly EdApp)’s Achievements feature, you can let your team members know how well they're doing on their training.

4. Leaderboards

Leaderboards can drive learners to higher scores when they can see that they’re competing with others. Break the ‘boring training’ stereotype with a little friendly competition in your teams. The #1 spot on leaderboards can be motivating enough for some to complete their lessons accurately.  

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Leaderboards

This example of gamification in corporate training can also be another form of social learning. By tracking both their own as well as their peers’ progress, learners can encourage each other to complete their courses and not let them slide down the leaderboard. Interactive training can be more enjoyable if learners find that they can compete with others. 

5. Rewards

Incentivize your teams to do their training accurately and quickly with real prizes. Receiving rewards can be a critical motivator for some learners. Definitely take advantage of this gamification element if it’s within your capacity to spend on prizes. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Rewards

6. Daily Streaks

There are some people who are motivated to stick to a routine because they find it comforting. On the other hand, others are motivated by their fear of breaking a routine, so they continue their habitual activities, further reinforcing the behavior. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Daily Streaks

You can take advantage of these mental attitudes and encourage your learners to come back to their training day-to-day by applying a daily streak or log-in system. Take this even further by rewarding them and increasing the incentives after reaching specific long-term milestones. 

7. Simulation Training

Nowadays, simulator games are gaining popularity for their ability to give players realistic, immersive experiences. So why not do the same with your training? Simulation training, such as virtual reality (VR) exercises, role-play training, and scenario-based training, can be a highly effective way of transferring key knowledge and skills to learners. In fact, new manager training courses are using simulation training more and more to give learners a realistic, immersive experience.

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Simulation Training

If you want to simulate real-life workplace scenarios using speech bubbles to mimic chatlogs, then SC Training (formerly EdApp) has the perfect solution for you. Also included in their Template Library is their Chat template. It’s a highly engaging multiple-choice template that can be used to contextualize training for retail, sales, and customer support.  

8. Timed Quizzes

Sometimes you need to apply pressure on your learners through the use of timers. Timed quizzes can make them think quicker on their feet and help them quickly go through their assessments. This method of gamification in corporate training is one way to improve learning retention rate and reinforce positive learning habits. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Timed Quizzes

You can be creative with this gamification element by allowing learners to earn more time if they successfully answer questions, allowing them to earn more points for rewards. On the other hand, you can remove seconds from their clock if they fail to get the correct answers. 

9. Progress Bar

Having a visual indicator of one’s progress can further motivate learners to complete any type of training, whether it be sales, healthcare, hospitality, construction programs, radiation safety training courses, or GMP training courses. When your learners can clearly see how much is left of their course, it can further motivate them to complete their training. Consider putting a progress bar for your lessons and courses and observe as your course completion rates increase. 

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Progress Bar

10. Certificates

The last example of gamification in corporate training is certificate. Do more than just reward your teams with prizes and scores, actually certify them as proof they completed their training.

Examples of Gamification in Corporate Training - Certificates

With SC Training (formerly EdApp), you can make certificates your own. Create custom certificates that match your brand and meet your compliance needs – no designer required. All you need to do is fill in the designated fields and you learners can access and download their certificates from the adaptive learning platform’s learner experience.


Darcy Dario

Darcy is a learning expert at SC Training (formerly EdApp), a mobile-based training platform that helps businesses bring their training solutions to the next level with democratized learning. She has a background in content writing and specializes in eLearning and global communications. When she’s not writing SEO-optimized content, she’s trying to finish her video game backlog.



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